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Iranian Arabs

You are mixing religion with ethnic groups. I wonder why you don't use Tehran, Isfahan or Shiraz as examples. There are religious and traditional families all over Iran, but Qom and Mashhad are supposed to be religious cities. I don't know if you have ever been to Mashhad, but except the very religious families that live there, majority of Mashadis are absolutely like other people. You would be surprised to see how boys and girls dress in Mashahd streets, how people socialize, to an extent that you forget this is Mashahd for a moment.
Anyway, I would say choosing Mashhad and Qom as example is called selective choosing. Still they are not much different from other cities, especially Mashhad.

First of all, Tehran is far from being called a persian city, since about 1/2 of its population are ethnic Azerbaijani, and more than 10% of it are ethnic South Caspians. But, What about Isfahan or Yazd? Are they really different from Mashhad? what about Bandar Abbas when they force their women to use Niqab? You can see that I have not been selective here. what about kurds, and arabs who circumcise their women? are they really the same as South Caspians?!!!
First of all, Tehran is far from being called a persian city, since about 1/2 of its population are ethnic Azerbaijani, and more than 10% of it are ethnic South Caspians. But, What about Isfahan or Yazd? Are they really different from Mashhad? what about Bandar Abbas when they force their women to use Niqab? You can see that I have not been selective here. what about kurds, and arabs who circumcise their women? are they really the same as South Caspians?!!!

There is no such thing as 'South Caspians'. These people are either Mazandarani, Gilaki or Talysh and all are Iranian people.
There is no such thing as 'South Caspians'. These people are either Mazandarani, Gilaki or Talysh and all are Iranian people.
In Iran, they are called Shomali. Basically they are very close to each other, and it is the best way to refer them as a whole in English language.

What questions? This thread is huge! :woot:
please explain about Bakhtiaris...

Are Iranian Arabs circumcising their women? Really? Never heard about this. It's mostly only predominant in Horn of Africa and Egypt in the ME.

Is that right @Hussein . Please contribute to this thread if you can.


I basically wanted to ask you a bunch of questions regarding the Lurs. Tell me when you are ready to answer them.

Before this thread turns into trolling can you then tell more about Iranian Arabs of Khuzestan? I assume that you don't know much about the Iranian Arabs in Khorasan or those in the Southern coastal provinces?

That would be appreciated? It seems from your latest post that you have Iranian Arab relatives?

Not in relatives, but one of my best friends in Ahwaz was an Arab. They were a great family and his father worked in Oil company. We used to play video games in our house and theirs very much. I'm still in contact with him. We also had an Arab neighbor that was a police officer. I would say Arabs are literally no different than other Iranians except their language. I mean if you don't know one of them speaks Arabic, you couldn't say he is an Arab. And generally people who live in Southern Iran are famous for their great hospitality and kindness. We call them warm blooded in Persian.

Are Iranian Arabs circumcising their women? Really? Never heard about this. It's mostly only predominant in Horn of Africa and Egypt in the ME.

Is that right @Hussein . Please contribute to this thread if you can.


I basically wanted to ask you a bunch of questions regarding the Lurs. Tell me when you are ready to answer them.
Sadly, yes. After Islamic Revolution, they are even more free to do so. It is one the main issues that Iranian feminists fight against it.
Not in relatives, but one of my best friends in Ahwaz was an Arab. They were a great family and his father worked in Oil company. We used to play video games in our house and theirs very much. I'm still in contact with him. We also had an Arab neighbor that was a police officer. I would say Arabs are literally no different than other Iranians except their language. I mean if you don't know one of them speaks Arabic, you couldn't say he is an Arab. And generally people who live in Southern Iran are famous for their great hospitality and kindness. We call them warm blooded in Persian.

Thats because sea, when you get close to sea your blood boils :P
Sadly, yes. After Islamic Revolution, they are even more free to do so. It is one the main issues that Iranian feminists fight against it.

That is very surprising and bad news because that is nearly non-existent in nearby Iraq, Kuwait and KSA. In fact I have only heard about it among Egyptians and people from Somalia and a few other incidents. But it is by no means predominant among Arabs. Maybe like 1-2%. It is generally looked down upon a lot.

I do not know about the Kurds although I have heard about the practice among them but I thought that it was a minority?


Thanks for the answer.
I do not know about the Kurds although I have heard about the practice among them but I thought that it was a minority?

I've never heard about such practice in Kermanshah or the surroundings, but apparantly it happens. In reality though, any circumcision, whether done by males or females, are backward in my eyes. The children who experience such thing are too young to even make such decision. Its like forcing your principles upon your children.

Anyway. Kurdish women are quite free to a degree. That is why you'll find many Kurdish women as fighters, and also many Kurdish women seeing dancing with men in a group, etc. You have conservatives among them as well, but they are a minority. Kurds have always been a moderate people, even during the revolution. And now as well. The regime has probably the least support among Kurds.
First of all, Tehran is far from being called a persian city, since about 1/2 of its population are ethnic Azerbaijani, and more than 10% of it are ethnic South Caspians. But, What about Isfahan or Yazd? Are they really different from Mashhad? what about Bandar Abbas when they force their women to use Niqab? You can see that I have not been selective here. what about kurds, and arabs who circumcise their women? are they really the same as South Caspians?!!!

There has been no polling to confirm that, but many Azeris do live in Tehran obviously and this wasn't my point. South Caspians, as you call them, are also a part of Iran. I don't know why you try to portray Iran as a Persian-only country, because it isn't. Iran is NOT equal to Persians, never has been. Iran is equal to Iranians, regardless of ethnicity. I have the impression that you want to say Tehran is Tehran because half of it are Azeris, and the other half are backward primitives who abuse women's rights on a daily basis, or maybe you don't, that's just my impression. :D

Please tell me honestly, how many times have you traveled to Mashhad, Isfahan, Shiraz or even Tabriz itself? How is Isfahan or Shiraz any different from Tehran or Tabriz or Ahwaz? Because your assumptions here at least show that you haven't visited them even once. How are women's rights in Yazd being abused? Yazd is a beautiful traditional city and a large portion of its people are religious and I fully respect their beliefs. They maybe different in some traditional beliefs, but not necessarily in a bad way.

About Bandar Abbas, well it isn't exactly a Persian city either, there are many Arabs living there and Niqab or Burqa is mostly an Arab tradition and you can't say for sure if they are 'forced' to wear them, because they are free not do so. It's like saying rights of a woman in Tabriz who wears a Chador are being abused because she is forced to do it. This doesn't even make sense.

And don't take me wrong dear, I'm not obsessed with this Turk/Persian/ Kurd/Lur/blah blah nonsense that Turks are X, Persians are Y or Kurds are Z. People who have realized that we are now in 21st century and can think a little bit, won't talk about these ethnic/race issues anymore, in a way to show that X race is better than Y. Just look at Europe now, borders of countries are not any limits or separating factors anymore. No German says I'm a chosen Aryan and and no French brags about Franks. We should learn from them and cut all these genetic/racist bs, that's why ME goes forward so slowly.

I agree with your points. Although I for obvious reasons don't know about the issues you talk about that deal with the issues inside Iran.

What I can tell you though is that a Burqa is not worn in the Arab world. It is a Central Asian phenomenon. Mostly found in Afghanistan.

Niqab on the other hand is popular in KSA, Yemen and other parts of the Arab world. Mostly a hijab is just worn. There are many colorful modern one or the traditional one depending on the Arab country and region.

I think that you are referring to a Niqab. But it seem to me that Southern Iran seems conservative compared to the rest of the country? Is that right?
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