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Iranian Arabs

Yesterday protest by Bakhtiaris:

The Arab tribes in the southern province of Khuzestan, in cities of Shadgan, Sosangerd, Howeyzeh, Abdolkhan and Dasht-abbas; as well as the Zargani tribes joined the protests by their Bakhtiari countrymen in Khuzistan and other provinces expressing their solidarity.


Don't mess with the Bakhtiaris.

Is Esfandiari a Lurish surname?

@KingMamba but I have written with/to @Ahriman

He was known by another username/user before. Same person.

The Lurs of Iran and Iranian Arabs seem to be at good terms. Just like in the Arabian Peninsula among Arabs and Arabs of mixed Lurs/Persian ancestry or Arab Iranians. This is why I want more information about the Lurs. Other than just Wikipedia which is often not accurate.
Tajiks are also Persians
Tajik people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They are descended from the Baktrians, @Surenas any relation between Baktrian and Bakhtiari? Pretty similar name cannot just be a coincidence. :pop:

There is a slight contradiction in your post though. Tajiks can't be Persian while being descended from the Bactrians at the same time. Persians are a Southwestern Iranian people, while Bactrians were a Northeastern Iranian people.

The similarity may lie in the close relationship between the Iranian languages.
Iran's state TV/newspaper always **** up when it comes their minorities. First with the Azeri protests and now this.

Ask a Lori would be the best thing IMO.

But where? I do not know any Lur in person nor is there any Iranian Lur members here?! Is there a Lur forum? Are there many Lurs in Netherlands among the Iranian community?

Bakhtiari Army (I think marched toward Tehran?) @Surenas please correct my mistakes


A Lur woman?


Baghmalek protests! Wow these names r cool lol :D
There is a slight contradiction in your post though. Tajiks can't be Persian while being descended from the Bactrians at the same time. Persians are a Southwestern Iranian people, while Bactrians were a Northeastern Iranian people.

The similarity may lie in the close relationship between the Iranian languages.

I read about it here thats why, I think they are Persian speaking but of Baktrian descent?
Bactria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am not trolling, Yzd claims that all other non peninsula Arabs aren’t Arabs, since you disaree why don’t you quote him, argue with him instead of with me as always.
That won’t lead to state-state fights, Ill read it.
Will he is right many Yemenis claim that only sons of qahtan are arabs and anyone who is not of Yemeni qahtani roots is not an arab
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