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Iranian Air Defense Systems

I think this is the answer to the question of those potentially troubling regional us military movements in recent days
So I doubt that these movements are preparations for a sneak attack on iran.
Naturally tho the chumpenfuhrer feels compelled to talk tough lest anybody think that he is weak:rolleyes:
This is going to be a bit a of ramble, my apologies ahead of time.

I grew up in a family where I lost loved ones to war and my own mother lived through the Iran-Iraq war. It sincerely pains me to see the U.S.A constantly, and I mean absolutely non-stop be engaged in conflict after conflict after conflict, ad hominem... The stories both my father and mother told me of the bombs raining down, the family members being blown to bits, obliterated in some useless war just tore me up inside as I grew up. So today I see America as the primary demon of destruction going about from one nation to another, one people to another, one culture to another, spreading the disease of war and conflict for its own benefit; whether it be oil, gas, economic influence, protecting some Zealot religious state (Saudi Arabia, Israel) or just plain old empire building, I view it all as reprehensible, we humans should be pouring all our collective resources into equalizing humanity as a whole and advancing civilian science with the ultimate goal of eradicating all known disease from cancer to heart, subsequently extending life expectancy greatly whilst focusing on human expansion.....Look I know what I say is nothing short of a fever dream but hey, you gotta have some sort of optimism somewhere. And for the record, I don't just blame America, many other nations contribute to world-wide turmoil, Iran included.

Anyways, the last war in which Americans actually gave a shit about morals and what their forces were doing over seas was Vietnam. At least back then regular Americans had the gumption to spit in the faces of the returning GI's who killed millions of Laos, Cambodians and Vietnams over some stupid communism bullshit. Quite literally the United States bombed entire nations to the stone-age just to prove that they can, the reason holds no weight as the loss of human life outweighs any misguided gains. This is the sort of reckless abandon we are dealing with. Today's Americans are heartless, brainless morons who won't do jack-shit against the U.S. government's gallivanting. Americans are in the "thank you for your service" era, people just don't care or have drunken the MIC U.S armed forces propaganda of the 'City on the Hill' and 'Our troops are heroes' as well as the obvious American exceptionalism. More over, the Zombie hordes of American idiots are some the most repulsive low-IQ dullards one could come across, and it's not as if this is a small population no...it's the majority of Americans who are stupid like actually dumb. Respectively I put little stock in their ability to stop this nation from getting into more conflicts in the future. As long as they have their sex time, **** time, TV, entertainment, food, drugs, shitty low-paying job; they're right as rain...

I can only hope regular Iranians in Iran know the true extent of danger that they're in. America doesn't seek just to win, they want to destroy so it doesn't come back stronger, especially when it comes to Iran.

agreed 1000% and i always said a country will not get scared until its main land get hit too that why when some one is in shock and dose not have control over it actions we slap him or her in the face so that he or she snap out of it nations are like that to we had 8 year of war we know a missile does not think it dose not care it just killes maybe fire and nightmare of a bombs or missile falling on your head every second maybe that is what Americans should feel and maybe then they came to their senses to not to invade other countries
I think this is the answer to the question of those potentially troubling regional us military movements in recent days
So I doubt that these movements are preparations for a sneak attack on iran.
Naturally tho the chumpenfuhrer feels compelled to talk tough lest anybody think that he is weak:rolleyes:
Iran should be very careful at this moment....oil market is oversupplied and price of oil is very low due to global recession that is happening right now....

Due to oversupply of oil markets, US might not be deterred by the closure of the Strait of Hormuz at this moment.

US might view that a crisis in the Persian Gulf at this moment will lead to little spike in oil prices that will help troubled US shale oil industry that sufferes a lot due to current low oil prices.

Trump might believe that attack on Iran will help his reelection prospects while saving US shale oil industry from bankrupcy.

Currently US falls into recession and oil demand falls and oil becomes useless...there is oversupply....so major Iranian deterrence to close the Strait of Hormuz might not work now.

But next year, when US will start recovery period and cheap oil helps recovery and importance of the Strait of Hormuz will be there again

“The market is oversupplied in April to the tune of 25 million barrels per day. There’s nowhere to hide from this tsunami of oversupply.”

oversupply is 25mln barrels per day---for comparison Persian Gulf supplies 21mln barrels per day.
Iran should be very careful at this moment....oil market is oversupplied and price of oil is very low due to global recession that is happening right now....

Due to oversupply of oil markets, US might not be deterred by the closure of the Strait of Hormuz at this moment.

US might view that a crisis in the Persian Gulf at this moment will lead to little spike in oil prices that will help troubled US shale oil industry that sufferes a lot due to current low oil prices.

Trump might believe that attack on Iran will help his reelection prospects while saving US shale oil industry from bankrupcy.

Currently US falls into recession and oil demand falls and oil becomes useless...there is oversupply....so major Iranian deterrence to close the Strait of Hormuz might not work now.

But next year, when US will start recovery period and cheap oil helps recovery and importance of the Strait of Hormuz will be there again

“The market is oversupplied in April to the tune of 25 million barrels per day. There’s nowhere to hide from this tsunami of oversupply.”

oversupply is 25mln barrels per day---for comparison Persian Gulf supplies 21mln barrels per day.

The US have not gone to war with Iran not because they fear the closure of the strait of Hormuz, NO, they fear their own defeat. Iran have all kinds of missiles to launch a heavy onslaught on US targets. US air defenses have not been tested by a potent enemy before, they are therefore not sure they can take safety in their air defenses. This is what is keeping them at bay.

US superpower is a myth, to maintain this myth they have to avoid attacking a potent enemy like Iran, if not the myth will be busted and like the proverbial porcupine everybody will know their weak underbelly. From the little I know it will be suicide for the US to confront Iran with the usual strike group. Their mighty war ships seems to be too big for Iranians missiles to miss. Their air bases will be saturated and turned into burning embers within hours and their stealth Jets will have no tarmac to take off. Their stealth Jets they so trust will be useless if they cannot defend their air bases.

Iranians are very wise, no reliance on air bases, no mighty war ships, well disperse power without crippling targets. US war planners does not know how to deal with this force.
The US have not gone to war with Iran not because they fear the closure of the strait of Hormuz, NO, they fear their own defeat. Iran have all kinds of missiles to launch a heavy onslaught on US targets. US air defenses have not been tested by a potent enemy before, they are therefore not sure they can take safety in their air defenses. This is what is keeping them at bay.

US superpower is a myth, to maintain this myth they have to avoid attacking a potent enemy like Iran, if not the myth will be busted and like the proverbial porcupine everybody will know their weak underbelly. From the little I know it will be suicide for the US to confront Iran with the usual strike group. Their mighty war ships seems to be too big for Iranians missiles to miss. Their air bases will be saturated and turned into burning embers within hours and their stealth Jets will have no tarmac to take off. Their stealth Jets they so trust will be useless if they cannot defend their air bases.

Iranians are very wise, no reliance on air bases, no mighty war ships, well disperse power without crippling targets. US war planners does not know how to deal with this force.

Very well said. I don't think they are a myth, but their superpower status could be busted and broken if they attack Iran.
no Iran sent a warning letter to Swiss embassy to give it to US even before Patriots

if they feel they are losing power and that its serious then yes i believe they do but we have to remember Iran already fully equipped Iraq proxies with ballistic missile and maybe air defenses too.

And US wiped their *** with that “warning letter”.

Iran is playing political theater at this point. No one takes it seriously. Lost all credibility on global stage.

They were going to “kick out” US out of Middle East. Now US deploying patriots in Iraq. They ain’t going anywhere.
And US wiped their *** with that “warning letter”.

Iran is playing political theater at this point. No one takes it seriously. Lost all credibility on global stage.

They were going to “kick out” US out of Middle East. Now US deploying patriots in Iraq. They ain’t going anywhere.

well agreed as i said before no human like to lose but US is pulling an air craft carrier out of arabian sea
And US wiped their *** with that “warning letter”.

Iran is playing political theater at this point. No one takes it seriously. Lost all credibility on global stage.

They were going to “kick out” US out of Middle East. Now US deploying patriots in Iraq. They ain’t going anywhere.

I hope you don't come back to the site when you find that you're wrong.
And US wiped their *** with that “warning letter”.

Iran is playing political theater at this point. No one takes it seriously. Lost all credibility on global stage.

They were going to “kick out” US out of Middle East. Now US deploying patriots in Iraq. They ain’t going anywhere.
I hope you don't come back to the site when you find that you're wrong.

“There are reports now that one of the two carriers present in the Middle East, the USS Harry S. Truman and the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower will be diverted to the Pacific. This has raised concerns that there could be a fight brewing for carriers between different regional commands”

“There are reports now that one of the two carriers present in the Middle East, the USS Harry S. Truman and the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower will be diverted to the Pacific. This has raised concerns that there could be a fight brewing for carriers between different regional commands”

Because USS Roosevelt is losing half of her crew due to Corona virus. As I mentioned US is not in a situation to look for trouble at all.
Iran's major deterrence against US attack throughout decades ---was its ability to close the Strait of Hormuz and do substantial damage to global economy---BUT RIGHT NOW AS GLOBAL ECONOMY IS IN RECESSION AND OIL MARKET IS OVERSUPPLIED-- THIS MEAN OF DETERRENCE WON'T WORK

3 month from now, pandemic will probably stop and all oil storage facilities in the world will be filled with oil


Current situation is different, and US can calculate that they can attack Iran in order to: 1) destroy its infrastructure and weaken its economy 2)destroy its nuclear program

How will Iran respond?

1) Iran will close the Strait of Hormuz and attack Saudi oil infrastructure-----but currently, oil market is oversupplied by 25mln barrels of oil per day----loss of 21mln barrels of oil per day from the Persian Gulf will bring balance to the oil market and will increase oil price to 60$ per barrel which is a comfortable price for US shale oil industry.

Also Strait of Hormuz will be reopened after 1-2 month since the start of hostilities---and by that time Iranian military and infrastructure will be destroyed and Iran will not be a threat anymore

2) Iran will launch 2500 ballistic missiles doing some damage that Americans can tolerate--but US bombing campaign against Iranian infrastructure will do unbearable damage to Iran

By bombing Iran and destroying its infrastructure they can weaken Iran to the point when Iran will be unable to maintain its sphere of influence in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen.---AND THIS IS THE MAJOR GOAL

Iran will be so weakened by massive bombing campaign, destruction of critical infrastructure and massive sanctions, that its sphere of influence throughout Middle East and its ability to threaten Arabian peninsula will collapse ...In addition they can destroy nuclear infrastructure.

Iranian response in the Strait of hormuz (that will be reopened after 1-2 month) will be insignificant to global economy in current circumstances.

The game has changed and this recession and lack of global demand for oil is a very dangerous time for Iran.
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Iran's major deterrence against US attack throughout decades ---was its ability to close the Strait of Hormuz and do substantial damage to global economy---BUT RIGHT NOW AS GLOBAL ECONOMY IS IN RECESSION AND OIL MARKET IS OVERSUPPLIED-- THIS MEAN OF DETERRENCE WON'T WORK

3 month from now, pandemic will probably stop and all oil storage facilities in the world will be filled with oil


Current situation is different, and US can calculate that they can attack Iran in order to: 1) destroy its infrastructure and weaken its economy 2)destroy its nuclear program

How will Iran respond?

1) Iran will close the Strait of Hormuz and attack Saudi oil infrastructure-----but currently, oil market is oversupplied by 25mln barrels of oil per day----loss of 21mln barrels of oil per day from the Persian Gulf will bring balance to the oil market and will increase oil price to 60$ per barrel which is a comfortable price for US shale oil industry.

Also Strait of Hormuz will be reopened after 1-2 month since the start of hostilities---and by that time Iranian military and infrastructure will be destroyed and Iran will not be a threat anymore

2) Iran will launch 2500 ballistic missiles doing some damage that Americans can tolerate--but US bombing campaign against Iranian infrastructure will do unbearable damage to Iran

By bombing Iran and destroying its infrastructure they can weaken Iran to the point when Iran will be unable to maintain its sphere of influence in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen.---AND THIS IS THE MAJOR GOAL

Iran will be so weakened by massive bombing campaign, destruction of critical infrastructure and massive sanctions, that its sphere of influence throughout Middle East and its ability to threaten Arabian peninsula will collapse ...In addition they can destroy nuclear infrastructure.

Iranian response in the Strait of hormuz (that will be reopened after 1-2 month) will be insignificant to global economy in current circumstances.

The game has changed and this recession and lack of global demand for oil is a very dangerous time for Iran.

Wishful thinking of a dying emperor. Continue wishing, there is no harm in wishing. You create your own hypothetical battlefield, let it go the way you want and win the way you want, but one thing is sure, in real battle no body will follow your script.
Iran's major deterrence against US attack throughout decades ---was its ability to close the Strait of Hormuz and do substantial damage to global economy---BUT RIGHT NOW AS GLOBAL ECONOMY IS IN RECESSION AND OIL MARKET IS OVERSUPPLIED-- THIS MEAN OF DETERRENCE WON'T WORK

3 month from now, pandemic will probably stop and all oil storage facilities in the world will be filled with oil


Current situation is different, and US can calculate that they can attack Iran in order to: 1) destroy its infrastructure and weaken its economy 2)destroy its nuclear program

How will Iran respond?

1) Iran will close the Strait of Hormuz and attack Saudi oil infrastructure-----but currently, oil market is oversupplied by 25mln barrels of oil per day----loss of 21mln barrels of oil per day from the Persian Gulf will bring balance to the oil market and will increase oil price to 60$ per barrel which is a comfortable price for US shale oil industry.

Also Strait of Hormuz will be reopened after 1-2 month since the start of hostilities---and by that time Iranian military and infrastructure will be destroyed and Iran will not be a threat anymore

2) Iran will launch 2500 ballistic missiles doing some damage that Americans can tolerate--but US bombing campaign against Iranian infrastructure will do unbearable damage to Iran

By bombing Iran and destroying its infrastructure they can weaken Iran to the point when Iran will be unable to maintain its sphere of influence in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen.---AND THIS IS THE MAJOR GOAL

Iran will be so weakened by massive bombing campaign, destruction of critical infrastructure and massive sanctions, that its sphere of influence throughout Middle East and its ability to threaten Arabian peninsula will collapse ...In addition they can destroy nuclear infrastructure.

Iranian response in the Strait of hormuz (that will be reopened after 1-2 month) will be insignificant to global economy in current circumstances.

The game has changed and this recession and lack of global demand for oil is a very dangerous time for Iran.
why we do that when we can hit Washington it self
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