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Iranian Air Defense Systems

If Iran deploys Bavar-373 in southern Syria---it will cover entire Israeli air space paralyzing Israeli air force.

In Israel 6 power plants with 26 production units supply 51% of electricity.
5 desalination plants supply 50% of drinking water.
If Iran deploys Fateh-313 in Northen Iraq and Eastern Syria---it can target Israeli hardened aircraft shelters and Israeli strategic infrastructure with high precision.

Bavar-373, Fateh-313, Ya Ali cruise missile deployed in Syria will put Israel in a complex strategic situation.
They are likely under Bavar-373 and S-300 envelope for double protection as well as stand alone system (Short and mid range systems).

But in a swarm radiation and cruises missile attack it will be hard to protect it. All it takes is one missile to get through and the damage will be enough to take it offline.

So if US launches 100 low flying cruise missiles at the OTH due to being high value target, hard to see any system being able to intercept/jam 100% of the objects.

Being on the coast means the reaction time is even less versus other long range radars that are deeper in Iran.

Without skyguard or future Oghab around it, it is vulnerable to cruise missiles especially the stealth profile ones.

Any air defense has a limited number of missiles it can engage at a time and if the enemy fire more than the limit even 100% performance will not safe you. Iran may not be able to save its assets against such saturation attacks. The same applies US and its allies. Since Iran has well advance BMs & CMs all that is left is numbers. Should the US bring all their destroyers near Iran, saturation attacks will sink them one by one no matter the performance of their interceptors. If a destroyer can engage 30 missiles at once fire 35 it cannot engage the the remaining 5 and only one is needed to sink it or put it out of service.
Any air defense has a limited number of missiles it can engage at a time and if the enemy fire more than the limit even 100% performance will not safe you. Iran may not be able to save its assets against such saturation attacks. The same applies US and its allies. Since Iran has well advance BMs & CMs all that is left is numbers. Should the US bring all their destroyers near Iran, saturation attacks will sink them one by one no matter the performance of their interceptors. If a destroyer can engage 30 missiles at once fire 35 it cannot engage the the remaining 5 and only one is needed to sink it or put it out of service.

That is why medium/shortrange AD has to be upgraded to LASER. LASER can fire as long as there is energy for them.
Jamming against Saeer? How does it look like? Also If only 25% CM would go through as you said ,it would be wonderful. But 25% is unrealistic. Me think about 50-65% of CM goes through. And thats a good qoute for that cheap layer of defence.

No matter what defenses Iran develop US can penetrate those defenses in war, no doubt. The only way for Iran to be safe is it offensive capabilities. Last attack on US air base in Iraq made me happy. Show the enemy there is a heavy cost of attack you and that he cannot have the comfort of attack. Iran should show to US helpers that that there is cost in doing so.
No matter what defenses Iran develop US can penetrate those defenses in war, no doubt. The only way for Iran to be safe is it offensive capabilities. Last attack on US air base in Iraq made me happy. Show the enemy there is a heavy cost of attack you and that he cannot have the comfort of attack. Iran should show to US helpers that that there is cost in doing so.

Offensive alone does not defend your country if your country isnt an island or on an continent and have mostly ocean around it. Defence is also needed. Not only to safe your citizens, but also to safe your offensive capabilities. And having good defence capabilities in great numbers cant be just taken out by US with snip.

Whereas still my question isnt answered: How to jam Saeer?
That is why medium/shortrange AD has to be upgraded to LASER. LASER can fire as long as there is energy for them.

Wow! So mounting 1megawatt generator with 1500litres reserve tank on a heavy truck with laser can ensure 24/7 continuous firing?

Offensive alone does not defend your country if your country isnt an island or on an continent and have mostly ocean around it. Defence is also needed. Not only to safe your citizens, but also to safe your offensive capabilities. And having good defence capabilities in great numbers cant be just taken out by US with snip.

Whereas still my question isnt answered: How to jam Saeer?

I didn't intend to downplay the importance of defenses at all but if the enemy have the comfort of attack he will find a way to penetrate your defenses. But if you take the battle to the enemy and put him on the defensive he will not have time and change to do trial -and-error with you defenses.
Wow! So mounting 1megawatt generator with 1500litres reserve tank on a heavy truck with laser can ensure 24/7 continuous firing?

1. The power of the LASER isnt equal the power one have to provide to let the LASER function.
2. The LASER only needs seconds on target to fulfill its job, so only the power for this seconds is needed.
3. LASER are already provided in container size.

I didn't intend to downplay the importance of defenses at all but if the enemy have the comfort of attack he will find a way to penetrate your defenses. But if you take the battle to the enemy and put him on the defensive he will not have time and change to do trial -and-error with you defenses.

Putting the enemy into defensive with own offensive so that enemy wouldnt have possibility to also act offensive ... is a dream. It is always everything at same time if both countries have offensive and defensiv capabilities. If a country do not have defensiv capabilities, then its offensive capabilities wont last long.
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Classic air defences are quickly becoming less effective in my opinion. With the arrival of hypersonic systems which will also be fired in mass (saturation attack) things are getting much more difficult.
Classic air defences are quickly becoming less effective in my opinion. With the arrival of hypersonic systems which will also be fired in mass (saturation attack) things are getting much more difficult.

Who told you hypersonic missiles can be fired in mass? At its current cost they are expensive both hypersonic CM and BM that Russia has deployed.
Who told you hypersonic missiles can be fired in mass? At its current cost they are expensive both hypersonic CM and BM that Russia has deployed.

It is open information that the US plans to employ hypersonic cruise missiles in situation attacks. Current cost means nothing but the US has not yet fully started mass production of any such systems yet. Once it does, then the game has changed considerably. The only question then is, how much range would such systems have, if they can make them in longer ranges then you can imagine a threat of tomohawk like saturation attacks but at hypersonic speeds.
It is open information that the US plans to employ hypersonic cruise missiles in situation attacks. Current cost means nothing but the US has not yet fully started mass production of any such systems yet. Once it does, then the game has changed considerably. The only question then is, how much range would such systems have, if they can make them in longer ranges then you can imagine a threat of tomohawk like saturation attacks but at hypersonic speeds.

I don’t think you understand how Hypersonic missiles work.

At sea level for a missile to reach hypersonic levels it will never match the speed of hypersonic BMs due to friction and a host of other problems. Furthermore, like supersonic CMs they will burn through any fuel rather quickly thus the range will be very limited.

Hypersonic BMs are similar to regular BMs except that instead of exiting the atmosphere they release an arrow shaped warhead in upper atmosphere where friction is at its lowest point (or else the warhead risks burning up as it gains higher and higher speeds). It then “skips” on the upper atmosphere Much like a rock thrown across a lake surface.

This purgatory between space and earths atmosphere is where ADs struggle for interception. Add the high speeds and no fixed trajectory and you pose a nightmare for modern ADs.

So that is why hYpersonic BMs will not be so cheaply mass produced. And hypersonic CMs would have a small range due to fuel and special engine needed to boost speeds beyond supersonic level. But since CM will be much lower in atmosphere the friction will
Be much higher and speeds attained will not be close to hypersonic BMs that Skip in the thin upper atmosphere.
I don’t think you understand how Hypersonic missiles work.

I don't need you to explain to me how they work.

And hypersonic CMs would have a small range due to fuel and special engine needed to boost speeds beyond supersonic level. But since CM will be much lower in atmosphere the friction will
Be much higher and speeds attained will not be close to hypersonic BMs that Skip in the thin upper atmosphere.

None-sense. The Russians are already working on a version of the Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles with 1000km range. These are still beginning stages, ranges will go even longer.

Furthermore, you're obviously not paying attention. Once the US starts mass production, the prices will go even lower. If country like the US is planning to produce 2500+ F-35, you think they could not afford to mass produce hypersonic cruise missiles, which they are seeing as an extremely important strategic asset in the future?
Lasers are not perfect they certainly have their disadvantages. When based as a ground air defense asset they can become useless if you have a stormy weather i.e. sand storm or rain storm, foggy days and nights where it becomes hopeless to use them and enemy can take advantage on that. For the airborne lasers mounted on fighter jets defending against the incoming missiles are limited to short range (lack of proper power units that can energize the beam at much longer distances in comparison to ground ones). Again prone to become almost useless when weather conditions are poor. I would never relinquish old traditional methods such as missiles, kinetic rounds but take lasers only as back up unit that can complement other air defense assets.
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