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Iranian Air Defense Systems


so yeah, I read that this radar is much more capable than the belarusian counterpart and that the era of "stealth" is pretty over with it.....
I'd suggest you take the words of that Twitter user with an asteroid sized grain of salt. Most of his claims are pure fabrications.
I do, dont worry, but maybe he has some informations...

To give you an example, he once said Ain Al-Asad was protected by Aegis ashore. Once pressed to prove his ludicrous claim with evidence he consistently failed to do so.

I think he also claimed that the F-14A was called "A" because it was a downgraded version for Iran. Despite the F-14A being by far the most numerous version of the F-14 in USN service.

And so on, and so on.
But is still low against MRBM/IRBM/ICBM. Just a reminder.
At this stage, whatever the means, nothing can stop an ICBM wherever it is, whatever it is. Even North Korea ICBM can reach any target in the USA.
At this stage, whatever the means, nothing can stop an ICBM wherever it is, whatever it is. Even North Korea ICBM can reach any target in the USA.

...except you have a Laser what can bring more than 1 MW energy on a point smaller than 1 cm² at a distance of 500+ km. But also with the best AD missile systems you have a chance to destroy the warhead of the incoming RV of an ICBM.

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