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Iranian Air Defense Systems

With the two variants of missiles, paired with the newer radars at battery and battalion level, 3rd Khordad/9th Dey system coupled with AAA can begin to address some SHORAD short coming.
Can this system be adapted for vertical launch for the Navy?
How does this compare to TOR M-1 in terms of range and performance?
Though it is not an iron dome clone, the fact that it can intercept free falling bombs tells me that it can overlap to that system in terms of performance and act very much in the same way, making it useful for certain allies in the region.
On a side not, do you suppose this new missile was also tested on the Talash first, before being deployed to 3rd Khordad?
What is the size and performance difference between this missile and that of the Kamin 2 system? Radar wise, this system does seem more compact than Kamin 2 as the 3rd Khordad TELAR seems to control everything and the VHF radar being an optional addition.
Another nice surprise from Iran, which continues to improve and strengthen. When we calculate all the defense systems of Iran and each system is built in several numbers, we can see the power of Iran. And are you talking about saturation?

Iran is in the club of the 4 greatest power in air defense system |

1- Russia
2- USA
3- China
4- Iran

Iran is still hiding from us other defense systems that have not yet been revealed. The gigantic air defense power of Iran.
Another nice surprise from Iran, which continues to improve and strengthen. When we calculate all the defense systems of Iran and each system is built in several numbers, we can see the power of Iran. And are you talking about saturation?

Iran is in the club of the 4 greatest power in air defense system |

1- Russia
2- USA
3- China
4- Iran

Iran is still hiding from us other defense systems that have not yet been revealed. The gigantic air defense power of Iran.

But is still low against MRBM/IRBM/ICBM. Just a reminder.
So now 3rd Khordad is Syria ready, protected by 9th Day against Delilah ;)
Do you suppose that the Sayyad 2 will still be used in smaller numbers in a 3rd Khordad battery or will they concentrate on the Taers and 9th Dey missiles? I can imagine a few of the sayyad 2s could provide some better coverage in dealing with certain targets.
What higher tier radars are the Syrian units attached to?
I just re read the post and realized that you said Syria ready, as opposed to already in Syria. I think it might be some more time because there have to be export versions of this system available.
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The system now needs a highly reliable CIWS to go with it.
I think Hael would be a good choice as it operates on the same chassis and seems to be a credible mobile AAA. Could Hael be the culmination of the various prototype AAA systems shown over the years such as Mesbah 1, etc?
Do you suppose that the Sayyad 2 will still be used in smaller numbers in a 3rd Khordad battery or will they concentrate on the Taers and 9th Dey missiles?

Sayyad-2 option is for special cases, Taer series is the main weapon.

The system now needs a highly reliable CIWS to go with it.

9th Day is basically a missile CIWS

Still have to get them there and make sure they aren’t destroyed overnight.

Drive or fly them in and put them immediately active. But I'm just talking, no need to do that atm.

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