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Iranian Air Defense Systems


Heres an interesting one,we can see that theres been a new section added to the bottom of the onboard generator mounted behind the cab,it could be for increased storage space I suppose.
However,the most obvious difference from the previous 15th of khordad sams is the shortened length of the missile canisters,as these should extend all the way to the generator.It doesnt make any sense to shorten the missile,so one possibility is that these are the [empty] cut down canisters that we saw during the testing of the system,that have been reused for the parade.
could it be that they built a missile smaller then Sayyad-2C but with same range and same speed ?

This would mean new sort of solid fuel. And this also would mean more range and/or greater warheads with ballistic missiles. I didnt find a news about.
This would mean new sort of solid fuel. And this also would mean more range and/or greater warheads with ballistic missiles. I didnt find a news about.
they could use better and lighter materials for the body like carbon fiber, i have heard some news of couple of new fuel factories actually Gen.Bagheri have unveiled soiled fuel production factory for air defense missiles in 2021 and said this will helps us to build better missiles with longer range and faster sooo who knows im going to say it is better then Sayyad-2C as they already have Mersad-16 for short range up to 40-50 Kms
credits to Patarames

So a Sosna-like AD system with probably 8 tubes

Photoshopped (8 tube concept)



Search radar vehicle and these thermal-tracker shorad vehicles would work against cruise missiles for point defense. But it would be difficult for the thermal-imager to track a gliding small diameter bomb or a dumb bomb with similar or larger size with no engine at night. For these types of threats radar tracking might be necessary on the shorad vehicles in addition to the separate search radar vehicle queing those systems. Something similar to Hq-7 but with laser guided missiles the vehicle would leave the guidance to the missile itself just tracking and laser-pointing at the target instead of vehicle based clos type of guidance. Even another vehicle can shoot the missile and the other vehicle that finished its missiles might be only tracking-laser pointing at the target.

Search radar vehicle and these thermal-tracker shorad vehicles would work against cruise missiles for point defense. But it would be difficult for the thermal-imager to track a gliding small diameter bomb or a dumb bomb with similar or larger size with no engine at night. For these types of threats radar tracking might be necessary on the shorad vehicles in addition to the separate search radar vehicle queing those systems. Something similar to Hq-7 but with laser guided missiles the vehicle would leave the guidance to the missile itself just tracking and laser-pointing at the target instead of vehicle based clos type of guidance. Even another vehicle can shoot the missile and the other vehicle that finished its missiles might be only tracking-laser pointing at the target.

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Iran already has unlicensed HQ-7 systems

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