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Iran warns the US over " the Red Line "

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US airforce will DOMINATE Iranian airspace in a matter of days, there is no shadow of a doubt about that. Not a question of if, but when.

Iran would be very silly to go head to head with US, they will receive shock and awe every day for 2 weeks with a further sustained campaign which will leave Iran defenseless like they did with Iraq in 91. Then watch the cracks get bigger in the regime till it all comes crumbling down.

If Iran are smart they will avoid war. If not then it will be another one bites the dust.

Im sorry if this sounds harsh, I have a lot of love for Iran, but you cannot ignore the reality of the situation.
What ever may be said and done. USA has been threatening Iran for a very long time, but so far did not have the guts to confront. For years it is hiding behind the veil of sanctions. In Afghanistan and Iraq it took them minutes to decide, because they were weak. Apparently, it is scared from Iran.

Lol we don't have the guts to confront them? Don't go full retard. The majority of americans are tired of war and don't want another one. You need public support to start the war and we don't have that yet. But after iran becomes involved in syria against america, I assure you iran is gonna get the *** kicking of the century.
This only time will tell. However, history of Vietnam and Afghanistan does not support the claim. Even today ISAF is trapped in few bases of Afghanistan.

Do you know what guerilla warfare is?. And we still kill more of them than they do us. You can't just kill an insurgency like that. But when it was conventional war we destroyed iraq in like a week. And please do tell me what bases isaf is stuck in.
The only user of body bags will be the Iranian military -- on its own soldiers.

We will have absolute control over Iranian airspace. Not 'can'. But WILL. The Iranian generals probably are done interviewing Iraqi Desert Storm survivors on how they made it through those days and nights of US carpet bombings and you can bet your next year's salary that they are scared. From the air, the US will send the Iranian military back to the 7th century, whether it like it or not.

Is there any plan on what will happen afterwards ? After the Iranian army(air force) is destroyed, I mean. Regime change is unlikely in those conditions, without boots on the ground..
Iran :omghaha:

All they can do is send out terrorists around the world who statistically, usually fail.

Iran needs to worry more about the rising cost of bread.

More sanctions!
Lol we don't have the guts to confront them? Don't go full retard. The majority of americans are tired of war and don't want another one. You need public support to start the war and we don't have that yet. But after iran becomes involved in syria against america, I assure you iran is gonna get the *** kicking of the century.
Who are 'we' exactly?Trying to be more American than Americans themselves? You are talking as if you are an American military official.
U.S military is indeed very powerful, but it's not stupid and it knows the costs of a direct military confrontation with Iran. It may 'win' the war at last, but with a huge cost and the American public and economy doesn't allow that now.

The only user of body bags will be the Iranian military -- on its own soldiers.

We will have absolute control over Iranian airspace. Not 'can'. But WILL. The Iranian generals probably are done interviewing Iraqi Desert Storm survivors on how they made it through those days and nights of US carpet bombings and you can bet your next year's salary that they are scared. From the air, the US will send the Iranian military back to the 7th century, whether it like it or not.

I think we sent enough U.S soldiers in body bags while they were fighting in Iraq, right? That's what your own military officials are saying, we were fighting a proxy war in Iraq and most of the casualties of the U.S forces was because of that proxy war.
Barking dog, seldom bites. I'm sick of hearing 'we will attack Iran today, tomorrow or in thousands of years' everyday. Stop it already, you have been doing it for years now, just be man enough, leave it or do it.
Is the terrorist state, drug- and crime infected country threatening the Arab world, NATO and USA with their paper "fighting jets"?:laughcry:

Those fake Wannabe Arab farsi Mullah's should better concentrate on their ancestral homeland in Central Asia before they meddle in Arab affairs where they have no place and are unwanted. Go meddle in your neighboring countries such as Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and other "stan's".

They can go back to their corner and cry. The Child-Murderer that is Al-Assad will be removed no matter how much they cry. This conflict has only made Iran an even more hated country in the Arab, Muslim and international community when you thought it could not get any worse since they are the most disliked country by all measures.

They should learn from al-Sistani. Maybe then they will learn how to behave.
They saying that America should not involve in Syrian conflict
Iran and israel and America are friends under the table
Iran :omghaha:

All they can do is send out terrorists around the world who statistically, usually fail.

Iran needs to worry more about the rising cost of bread.

More sanctions!
yeha sanctions which make pain , make suffer the innocent people
black market and selling to Asia or elsewhere: the guys you want to punish are doing very well: there was never so many luxury cars imported in Iran .

congratulations for your stupidity
I think we sent enough U.S soldiers in body bags while they were fighting in Iraq, right? That's what your own military officials are saying, we were fighting a proxy war in Iraq and most of the casualties of the U.S forces was because of that proxy war.
Good...Then now is the time to remove the proxies, shall we dance the dance of war? Or are we waiting for Iran to conscript up more pre-teen boys?
Iran :omghaha:

All they can do is send out terrorists around the world who statistically, usually fail.

Iran needs to worry more about the rising cost of bread.

More sanctions!
Terrorists like king david hotel bombing? killing Iranian scientists? Lavon affair? and many more attacks. We are not that terrorist as Israelis.

Good...Then now is the time to remove the proxies, shall we dance the dance of war? Or are we waiting for Iran to conscript up more pre-teen boys?

US will not dare to send soldiers to Syria because they know they will go back in body bags. This is a fact, not bragging.
Is the terrorist state, drug- and crime infected country threatening the Arab world, NATO and USA with their paper "fighting jets"?:laughcry:

Those fake Wannabe Arab farsi Mullah's should better concentrate on their ancestral homeland in Central Asia before they meddle in Arab affairs where they have no place and are unwanted. Go meddle in your neighboring countries such as Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and other "stan's".

They can go back to their corner and cry. The Child-Murderer that is Al-Assad will be removed no matter how much they cry. This conflict has only made Iran an even more hated country in the Arab, Muslim and international community when you thought it could not get any worse since they are the most disliked country by all measures.

They should learn from al-Sistani. Maybe then they will learn how to behave.
First of all don't hide yourself behind your bosses (Nato, USA). You would not dare to attack Syria without them, that's a fact. Secondly Iran does not care about arab world except cooperation with Syria, Iraq, Libanon. In these countries Saudi is hated more than Iran.
At last don't tell us stupid things here you can go back to your ancestral lands around congo. Damn al-hassani the clown is back to make us laugh:bounce:
Is there any plan on what will happen afterwards ? After the Iranian army(air force) is destroyed, I mean. Regime change is unlikely in those conditions, without boots on the ground..
It depends on the political goals. Of course we want a regime change, but if the political goal is to let the Iranians themselves make that change, then there will be no need for US boots in-country.

The mullahs are not blind to this possibility. The Iranian military have two equally important missions: Defeat of external enemies and suppression of internal opposition. The first is not possible against US. The second...Is up to the Iranian people on how compliant they are.
Terrorists like king david hotel bombing? killing Iranian scientists? Lavon affair? and many more attacks. We are not that terrorist as Israelis.

The arc of Iranian rafidi terror from Gaza to Damascus and from Beirut to Baghdad is about to come to an end.

The forces are gathering to neuter Iran, the terrorist state.

For too long this terror state was tolerated by the Arabs because of its hostility towards Israel. Now the Arabs have seen what Israelis have been telling them about the rafidis.

This is the region and global powers coming to serve Iran with the kick in the face it's been asking for and deserves.

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