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Iran warns the US over " the Red Line "

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Shalom aleichem COUSIN.

That was very funny. 1% of all 400 million Arabs are Bedouins. Besides they are great people. Just look at the Bedouins in Israel. Besides there are more Bedouins in Israel than 90% of all Arab countries, my Jewish, sorry Egyptian cousin.;)

Besides I am a Meccan (Makkawi) Hashemite.

Oldest lineage in the world.

Read about the Hashemites below:

Hashemite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look what the great King Faisal of Syria and Iraq said about you Jews. Hardly negative.

I know that you are that former member. I can't remember your name. You were a good member but try not to be that obsessed about us Arabs. There are 400 million of us and over 20 Arab countries. Most located far away from Israel and Palestine. The Palestinians just number 11 million.

25% of all Israelis are Palestinian Arabs. 33% of all Israeli Jews are from the Arab world. Hence you often cannot make a distinction.

So take a chill pile, my cousin.

Here are more of my cousins. Arab faces everywhere, man!

Cuz, no such thing as a 'palestinian'.

Yes, there are some Arab Jews. Very nice people as are Bedouins. Although there are some villages in Israel that Israelis stay away from because it's a bit unsafe to stay there. Your car will be picked to its bones in minutes.

No problems on my end with the Arabs cuz, apart from the terrorist ones.

I've seen that video before. I'm subscribed to that channel. Good videos.
A 'functional' army is just a label for an organized army. It does not mean there were no fighters. Think about those US casualties. Now think how many Iraqis and may be even Iranians paid with their lives for those 4500 US troops dead.

This is not 1953. You have no more ties to that era than I do.

Yes, besides militants, many Iraqi civilians paid the price with their blood, are you proud of that now or what?
What I was saying is it's nearly impossible for U.S soldiers to set foot on Iran's soil. How many militants were you fighting with in Iraq? Multiply by 100, and this time not regular militants, but an organized military organization that is born to fight a guerrilla war with very good trainings.
I have a 10 year old experience with trolls. Since I first started to use the internet when I was 10 years old 10 years ago. When I say it is the same individual it is. Trust me my Persian friend.

Den er 100% sikker, LOL. Uden tvivl.




Shalom Aleichem Controlled Pair, my cousin.

Ah thats the one. Well, at least I got the three first letters right :)
Cuz, no such thing as a 'palestinian'.

Yes, there are some Arab Jews. Very nice people as are Bedouins. Although there are some villages in Israel that Israelis stay away from because it's a bit unsafe to stay there. Your car will be picked to its bones in minutes.

No problems on my end with the Arabs cuz, apart from the terrorist ones.

I've seen that video before. I'm subscribed to that channel. Good videos.

So you are Controlled Pair? Welcome back. Try not to troll too much. As you see there are actual Arabs here like me and many others who don't have any problems with regular Jews or normal Jews.

Yemeni Jews:

Yemeni Jewish Dance - YouTube

Oh, of course there are Palestinian Arabs.

Don't believe videos such as this:

Hamas Interior Minister: We are Egyptians and Saudis, Allahu Akbar - YouTube

Some have roots in other Arab countries but many are local Arabs who have lived in Palestine for hundreds of years. Some are mixed with indigenous fellow Semitic people such as Arameans, Canaanites, Phoenicians etc. Arabs and Jews are both Semitic as you know.

You see avoid such senseless claims.
A 'functional' army is just a label for an organized army. It does not mean there were no fighters. Think about those US casualties. Now think how many Iraqis and may be even Iranians paid with their lives for those 4500 US troops dead.

This is not 1953. You have no more ties to that era than I do.

His society is shaped by that event, how can you compare yourself to him?
It's a warning when the message comes from a diplomat or ruler. It's a boast when it comes from a general, as happened here. Why the difference? Because the general has no responsibility for failure to act whereas the ruler through his mouthpiece does.
His society is shaped by that event, how can you compare yourself to him?
you know what is funny (i am not speaking about Iranians of this forum of course):
Mossadegh parti is forbidden in Iran ...
so no Iran has nothing to do with 53 . clearly. references to Mossadegh are just a part of propaganda against USA.
you know what is funny (i am not speaking about Iranians of this forum of course):
Mossadegh parti is forbidden in Iran ...
so no Iran has nothing to do with 53 . clearly. references to Mossadegh are just a part of propaganda against USA.

What I meant was, if 1953 hadn't happened, who knows what the ME would look like today?
you know what is funny (i am not speaking about Iranians of this forum of course):
Mossadegh parti is forbidden in Iran ...
so no Iran has nothing to do with 53 . clearly. references to Mossadegh are just a part of propaganda against USA.

The revolution of 79 wouldn't have happened most probably if the coup in 1953 had not happened. So yes, it has everything to do with 1953.
It's a warning when the message comes from a diplomat or ruler. It's a boast when it comes from a general, as happened here. Why the difference? Because the general has no responsibility for failure to act whereas the ruler through his mouthpiece does.
hmmm indeed in Iran it is not working like in USA Solomon
Khamenei is choosing the leaders of army, and in 2009 after events, he changed many
these guys want to show their fidelity to him and have a speech which is consistent to his ideology (anti US for exemple)
never heard of meaning of Hezbollah, this spirit that from keeping the revolution faith it became support the leader
now it is not fidelity to revolution but fidelity to Khamenei
Yes, besides militants, many Iraqi civilians paid the price with their blood, are you proud of that now or what?
Har...Get out from behind the civilians, if these militants are proud of what they are. But then again, if what was true that Iran deceived young boys to become minesweepers in the Iran-Iraq War by promising them a paradise in the afterlife, we have nothing to be ashamed of our military's conduct in Iraq.

What I was saying is it's nearly impossible for U.S soldiers to set foot on Iran's soil.
No, it is not impossible. We can do it and do it easily. Am not talking about just amphibious landings on the beaches but actually set troops into Tehran.

How many militants were you fighting with in Iraq? Multiply by 100, and this time not regular militants, but an organized military organization that is born to fight a guerrilla war with very good trainings.
The same were what many military 'analysts' and 'experts' from the world over said about Iraq. They said the same about the Iraqi Repugnican Guards. But if you want to consider experience, multiply what we learned about Iraq, our data analyses, and our willingness to be self critical regarding military operations, the same 100 times since then, and see if you are willing to be equally honest about Iran's chances.
The revolution of 79 wouldn't have happened most probably if the coup in 1953 had not happened. So yes, it has everything to do with 1953.
53 is just a part of it but now ? who cares ?
i can remember that great opposition leaders have been killed , shah suppressed freedom of a lot of intellectuals
and revolution was from communists, to conservatives (which many in foreign countries forget)
remember chariati...

well to summarize the big responsible for all this was 99% shah himself
even pro shah and ex minister Nahavandi wrote a nice book about revolution and explaining how blind the shah was and unable for any democratic idea
His society is shaped by that event, how can you compare yourself to him?
Sure I can. Despite the probability that I am old enough to be his father, we are both within the same modern era.

For today, there is no communist threat that motivated what the US did to Iran in 1953. Threats changed, politics changed, and societies inevitably changes with them. As much as I am an avid history reader, my politics (not ideology) are not bound by history. As an American, I do not regard the Brits as hostiles despite the fact that the early Americans went to war against the Britons. Yes, 1953 is much more recent than 1776, but this can mean that the chains of history, the ones that often compels people and governments to act and response the same no matter the situations, are just a newer and shinier set of chains.
53 is just a part of it but now ? who cares ?
i can remember that great opposition leaders have been killed , shah suppressed freedom of a lot of intellectuals
and revolution was from communists, to conservatives (which many in foreign countries forget)
remember chariati...

well to summarize the big responsible for all this was 99% shah himself
even pro shah and ex minister Nahavandi wrote a nice book about revolution and explaining how blind the shah was and unable for any democratic idea

Oh please don't insult the Great Shah.

People back then were not ready for democracy, Iran was nothing like it is today, you had a small number of well educated folks in Tehran. Majority lived in small villages, in big families, couldn't even read or write. They didn't even know what voting is......

How on earth are you blaming the Shah?

He introduced a lot of reforms , maybe a bit too late. BUT you have to remember that Soviet union was our strong neighbor back then ... if Shah allowed more freedom , Those communists would take over in a day.

Communists always had a strong presence in Iran, Even to this day we have those crazy blood thirsty communists.

Today as Iranians , we should embrace both the Shah and Mossadegh, Both are heroes of our ancient nation.

No need to argue with each other. I hate this Shah Vs. Mossadegh thing people argue over. It only divides us and hurts us from achieving our ultimate goal.

And we Should definitely care about what happened 1953 and 1979 because we can learn from our mistakes.
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