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Iran warns the US over " the Red Line "

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hmmm indeed in Iran it is not working like in USA Solomon
Khamenei is choosing the leaders of army, and in 2009 after events, he changed many
these guys want to show their fidelity to him and have a speech which is consistent to his ideology (anti US for exemple)
never heard of meaning of Hezbollah, this spirit that from keeping the revolution faith it became support the leader
now it is not fidelity to revolution but fidelity to Khamenei
I'm not doubting anything you say here. However, the Iranians know all about proper diplomatic forms. Someone made quite sure this person delivering the "warning" was neither a responsible official nor an official spokesman. After all, nothing stops the Iranians from issuing such a warning in the U.N., or from the Chief of Staff himself rather than a mere deputy - unless there is dissension within the Iranians' ranks.

Thus this message signals contemptible weakness, not strength.
you know what is funny (i am not speaking about Iranians of this forum of course):
Mossadegh parti is forbidden in Iran ...
so no Iran has nothing to do with 53 . clearly. references to Mossadegh are just a part of propaganda against USA.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...n-warns-us-over-red-line-5.html#ixzz2d6bV85EP

u know what dude?
no one, i say again no one will believe that u r iranian if u just choose an islamic name, select ur country flag iran
and posting a miniature as ur avatar ........

im not judging u, but hey u must be iranian by soul, by heart and by behavior ........
posting anti-iranian comments wont help u in that;)
u know what dude?
no one, i say again no one will believe that u r iranian if u just choose an islamic name, select ur country flag iran
and posting a miniature as ur avatar ........

im not judging u, but hey u must be iranian by soul, by heart and by behavior ........
posting anti-iranian comments wont help u in that;)

are you saying he is not Iranian?

man tahala feker mikardam in irani hastish!:ashamed:
are you saying he is not Iranian?

man tahala feker mikardam in irani hastish!:ashamed:

:P man nemigam chon nazar mokhalef mide irani nist
migam aslan nadidam ta hala az iran defa kone.....
hamash post haye tork ha va arab haye tond ro like mikone:blink:
Hussein is a self-proclaimed Iranian Arab. Ironically I have never seen him write in Iranian or write in the Iranian forum. Quite strange. He is certainly not an Arab.

Please keep him among yourselves whoever he is. We don't want him.

Also where is my Jewish cousin? Please answer my post below:

Cuz, no such thing as a 'palestinian'.

Yes, there are some Arab Jews. Very nice people as are Bedouins. Although there are some villages in Israel that Israelis stay away from because it's a bit unsafe to stay there. Your car will be picked to its bones in minutes.

No problems on my end with the Arabs cuz, apart from the terrorist ones.

I've seen that video before. I'm subscribed to that channel. Good videos.

So you are Controlled Pair? Welcome back. Try not to troll too much. As you see there are actual Arabs here like me and many others who don't have any problems with regular Jews or normal Jews.

Yemeni Jews:

Yemeni Jewish Dance - YouTube

Oh, of course there are Palestinian Arabs.

Don't believe videos such as this. Partially correct but not entirely.

Hamas Interior Minister: We are Egyptians and Saudis, Allahu Akbar - YouTube

Some have roots in other Arab countries but many are local Arabs who have lived in Palestine for hundreds of years. Some are mixed with indigenous fellow Semitic people such as Arameans, Canaanites, Phoenicians etc. Arabs and Jews are both Semitic as you know.

You see avoid such senseless claims.

Oh please don't insult the Great Shah.

How can you respect a son of a PEASANT non-Persian officer who took the throne and proclaimed himself as a "Shah" in the year 1925? Only 88 years ago, LOL. That is absolutely hillarious. What legitimacy did he have? He was just a dictator using a title. Could as well have called himself John Jones I. For the last 1400 years (Since the Arab invasion and conquest) all rulers of Iran were either Turkic, Mongols or Azeris. None of them had any dynastic legitimacy unlike certain ancient royal families in Europe, Japan, Arab world etc.
Hussein is a self-proclaimed Iranian Arab. Ironically I have never seen him write in Iranian or write in the Iranian forum. Quite strange. He is certainly not an Arab.

Please keep him among yourselves whoever he is. We don't want him.

How can you respect a son of a PEASANT non-Persian officer who took the throne and proclaimed himself as a "Shah" in the year 1925? Only 88 years ago, LOL. That is absolutely hillarious. What legitimacy did he have? He was just a dictator using a title. Could as well have called himself John Jones I. For the last 1400 years all rulers of Iran were either Turkic, Mongols or Azeris. None of them had any dynastic legitimacy unlike certain ancient royal families in Europe, Japan, Arab world etc.

1- good to see u back dude!!! what happend ?? u werent around for some time.....

2-even if husseyn is an iranian arab, this has nothing to do with u......
he is still iranian

3- I AM 100% against shah.... he was just a US puppet nothing more.....

BUT, he was no way in hell worth that your leaders:hang2:
1- good to see u back dude!!! what happend ?? u werent around for some time.....

2-even if husseyn is an iranian arab, this has nothing to do with u......
he is still iranian

3- I AM 100% against shah.... he was just a US puppet nothing more.....

BUT, he was no way in hell worth that your leaders:hang2:

Banned, away, re-exam (chemical engineering), traveling. How is my Arab lover, LOL? In all seriousness good that everything is well.

Iranian is just a nationality. It's about ethnicity. That's what you identity as, the language, culture, heritage etc. You cannot erase that. Saudi Arabian is a nationality too. We have Turks, Afro-Arabs, Caucasians, other Arabs, Indonesians, Pakistanis etc. here. Many have passports. But are they NATIVE Arabs? Hijazi, Najdi, Khaleeji, Yemeni, Hadhrami etc. No. Still Saudi nationals though. Nationalities is a new phenomenon. 200 years ago you did not have passports LOL.

I don't really care about him since he was not an Muslim or Arab but how can you respect a ruler that has no legitimacy and whose peasant officer father just stole the throne? I would have understood if he belonged to a 1000 year old lineage that had ruled Iran.

You might not like the Arab rulers but all of them have several hundred years of legitimacy. For example my family (Hashemites) ruled Hijaz for over 1000 years. A branch rules Jordan today. They have over 2000 years of legitimacy in the Arab world. All the way back to Prophet Ibrahim (as). Not comparable. Another branch (Zaydis) ruled as Imams of Yemen for 800 years.

Another examples are the Bourbons (House of Bourbon) (France) and the Japanese Imperial Family etc.

Even the Al-Saud family have been rulers for 400 years. The Pahlavi's (who are close to extinction) only had a 45 year old history of ruling Iran.

The Al-Saud family established KSA by themselves. No colonial power draw its borders like many other Arab and non-Arab states.

Please don't compare ancient Arab families, some Sadah families (descendants of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) with the Pahlavi's. No offense.
Iran can send more of its people in Syria or ask Hezbollah to do more perhaps?

8 years of sending little boys for no gain shows how tough! Wow! Iran is no Iraq? Neither are we.....genius.

Yeah Afghanistan is tougher than all the opponents us and Russia have faced so far. Its a low scale conflict which revolves around acting as policemen.

Even Israel has not "defeated" insurgency yet it defeated all those arab armies..

Either the police role is being outsourced to drones things will change.

Any war with Iran will see its air sea land assets destroyed. Then they too might run around with like afghans. At that point the us would be wise to leave as its military is no longer a regional threat.

The only user of body bags will be the Iranian military -- on its own soldiers.

We will have absolute control over Iranian airspace. Not 'can'. But WILL. The Iranian generals probably are done interviewing Iraqi Desert Storm survivors on how they made it through those days and nights of US carpet bombings and you can bet your next year's salary that they are scared. From the air, the US will send the Iranian military back to the 7th century, whether it like it or not.

No more wars for israel or Arabs.

If you feel so obligated to defend your Semetic brethren then pick up a rifle and go and take a bullet to the chest for them.

Any Patriotic and Nationalistic American would know that interfering in foreign wars will drag us into more crap then what we already find ourselves in. We haven't even gotten out of Afghanistan and fools are talking as if we've got anything left within us. We are a empty shell and indebted to China.

We should be spending trillions on securing our border with Mexico from where thugs and criminals cross into our country and spread their hate filled gang ideologies as well as sell drugs to our younger generations.

Our cities are rotting and idiots want to fight wars. Go, take a gun and fight for so and so Rabbi or Sheikh if you have such a strong urge to fight.

Any AIPAC @$$ licker needs to be deported to israel to defend their Zionist masters.
No more wars for israel or Arabs.

If you feel so obligated to defend your Semetic brethren then pick up a rifle and go and take a bullet to the chest for them.

Any Patriotic and Nationalistic American would know that interfering in foreign wars will drag us into more crap then what we already find ourselves in. We haven't even gotten out of Afghanistan and fools are talking as if we've got anything left within us. We are a empty shell and China owns us.

We should be spending trillions on securing our border with Mexico from where thugs and criminals cross into our country and spread their hate filled gang ideologies as well as sell drugs to our younger generations.

Our cities are rotting and idiots want to fight wars. Go, take a gun and fight for so and so Rabbi or Sheikh if you have such a strong urge to fight.

Any AIPAC @$$ licker needs to be deported to israel to defend their Zionist masters.

Trying to be more American than the Americans? Where you not a Pashtun? The same people who claim to be Semites? At least many of them do. What's with the anti-Semitism? We know you are anti-Islam and anti-Muslim but why include the ancient and 500 million strong Semites - many of whom belong to different religions and some (millions) are even atheists?

A few million Jews (Semites) are dominating USA anyway. Better remove them first and do your "patriotic duty".

Ironically many millions Latin Americans have Arab ancestry or partial Arab ancestry too to make matters even more hilarious.




The richest man in the world is a Mexican-Arab. Salma Hayek and Shakira too. Both Arabic names.

Steve Jobs was another Arab from his paternal side. His father is a Syrian Sunni Arab.

@al-Hasani :
allah knows that i hate no one, since u sarcasticaly called me arab lover, i gotta tell u that not only
thats not true but also i love arab PEOPLE like yourself, any way back to topic:

bro, as i said i have no respect for shah; he was a us puppet, brutal derranged a$$hole which killed his own people
my point was that he is better than arab leaders , nothing more

but since u mentioned that arab leaders have been ruling arabs since the christ!!!
i gotta tell u that makes them worst!!!! u have to implement a severe brutality to be able to supress people that long
if your ancestors have ruled whole world , that dosent make u an important or even good person
what makes u good is your behavior
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Trying to be more American than the Americans? Where you not a Pashtun? The same people who claim to be Semites? At least many of them do. What's with the anti-Semitism? We know you are anti-Islam and anti-Muslim but why include the ancient and 500 million strong Semites - many of whom belong to different religions and some (millions) are even atheists?

A few million Jews (Semites) are dominating USA anyway. Better remove them first and do your "patriotic duty".

Ironically many millions Latin Americans have Arab ancestry or partial Arab ancestry too to make matters even more hilarious.

Did you know? Latin America has had 8 presidents of Arab origin | ngc blog

Articles: The Arabs of South America

Arabs Making Their Mark in Latin America: Generations of Immigrants in Colombia, Venezuela and Mexico | Al Jadid Magazine

The richest man in the world is a Mexican-Arab. Salma Hayek and Shakira too. Both Arabic names.

Steve Jobs was another Arab from his paternal side. His father is a Syrian Sunni Arab.


What a pathetic and immature response full of baseless allegations, the bolded ones highlighted.

1). Provide proof to me stating anything against Islam/Muslim (in the form of my posts, etc).

Rest of your post is low quality 1st class garbage that only your mind could produce.

Thanks for insulting your own people :laughcry:.

You're whole country is built on the West.

I don't want to embarrass you and your people. The language you are typing in ins European, the computer you are using is made by Europeans. The university that you are studying in was founded by Europeans.

Don't make me embarrass you more.

If it wasn't for Europeans you'd still wouldn't have known that the black stuff coming out of the ground was oil. :lol:
What a pathetic and immature response full of baseless allegations, the bolded ones highlighted.

1). Provide proof to me stating anything against Islam/Muslim (in the form of my posts, etc).

Rest of your post is low quality 1st class garbage that only your mind could produce.

Thanks for insulting your own people :laughcry:.

Where you not the same individual who proudly displayed Nazi generals as your avatar? Sounds very Islamic indeed. Same user who constantly badmouths Muslims and Islam?

How is stating FACTS "insulting" my people? All I wrote is correct. Provided you links too.

None of what I wrote is something to be ashamed of. Rather the opposite. 8 Latin American presidents of Arab ancestry, richest man in the world an Mexican-Arab, world famous singer Arab-Columbian, world famous Mexican-Arab actress etc. Very successful Arab diaspora in Latin America etc. Apple founder Syrian Arab etc.

You seem to have a problem with Semitic people. Your problem if correct. But then remove the Jewish lobby in the US. Would that not be a good step?

Oh, I have met many Pashtuns here who claim to belong to the Bani Israel. So that is correct too.

There is even a whole lengthy Wikipedia article about it, LOL.

Where you not the same individual who proudly displayed Nazi generals as your avatar? Sounds very Islamic indeed. Same user who constantly badmouths Muslims and Islam?

How is writing FACTS "insulting" my people? All I wrote is correct. Provided you links too.

You seem to have a problem with Semitic people. Your problem if correct. But then remove the Jewish lobby in the US. Would that not be a good step?

Lol, more garbage?

What is that, a brain or a lean mean garbage producing machine or what???

It seems you still couldn't provide evidence of my "anti-Islam/Muslim" remarks.

Did you know:

That before the british showed you people that the black stuff coming out of the ground was oil, you lot were living in tents and herding camels???

Though, i'm sure that fact isn't new to you.

Another fun fact:

The West saved you rear end from getting overrun by Saddam in 1991.

Ironically many millions Latin Americans have Arab ancestry or partial Arab ancestry too to make matters even more hilarious.

Lol, no wonder most of these Latin American countries are failed states and need the White man to prop their regimes up. Wow, i can see the similarity now!!! :lol:
Yes, I thought so. We all about your past on this page.

No, we were not. The Arab world has more World UNESCO Heritage sites than any other region outside of Europe. Come again. Our Semitic civilizations are the most ancient ones. Yemenis built the first skyscrapers in the world while your people were living in caves.

You will cry if I compare Arab accomplishments with those of you Pashtuns whom I have no problem with btw. Just the Arab diaspora I mentioned exceed anything you have come up with.

Overrun? The same guy who captured a tiny Saudi city next to Kuwait's border before he was repelled a few hours later? Nobody can fully conquer KSA and certainly not a bankrupt Saddam Hussein who was living on Saudi welfare in the first place.

Besides Saddam Hussein was an Arab and it was internal Arab matter. Iraq was raided by the Ikhwan and the British who controlled and established the Iraqi borders had to stop the Al-Saud family from getting more land. Iraq was even ruled by a Hijazi family (fellow Hashemites) from its first existence until 1958.

Also let us not talk about USA and your brothers in Afghanistan.
This Arab @al-Hasani is so desperate for the White man to defend his people that he got offended by the most in reply to Gambit, Oldman, Wright, and Juice. :lol:
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