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Iran Vs. Arab Physics Knowledge Infrastructure

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There's probably even more taqiyya from the Sunni world than anywhere else. Taqiyya on severely high level that is, a level which decides the outcome for millions of life's.

Here you've got taqiyya

I didn't mean to get into Shia/Sunni thing here, though you deserve a Persian salute for the quick defensive jump. How loyal of you. Taqiyya is something most Persians do even when they are agnostics, atheists, or very unreligious nominal Muslims. I don't even know if Hakeem @Serpentine sees himself as Muslim. From being around many Persians outside of Iran (in the U.S and Canada), I learned that assuming every Persian to be Muslim is not right (even if he/she has an Islamic name). There is already a severe agnostic, atheistic revolution going on among them. Take some of the Persian members here as an example and you will get my point.
I didn't mean to get into Shia/Sunni thing here, though you deserve a Persian salute for the quick defensive jump. Taqiyya is something most Persians do even when they are agnostics, atheists, or very unreligious nominal Muslims. I don't even know if Hakeem @Serpentine sees himself as Muslim. From being around many Persians outside of Iran (in the U.S and Canada), I learned that assuming every Persian to be Muslim is not right (even if he/she has an Islamic name). There is already a severe agnostic, atheistic revolution going on among them. Take some of the Persian members here as an example and you will get my point.

Hey Takfiri, who are you to decide who is a Muslim and who is not? Who has given you this "right"? By what authority you have arrogated to yourself such a power? Do you have a Divine decree for this?

Only God can judge people. Not low lives like you. Remember this.

I hope, every member/reader here can see your true you and understand the low-lives you Takfiris are.

The only thing you are good at is the Takfir and slaughter.

The world is getting tired of you people.
I didn't mean to get into Shia/Sunni thing here, though you deserve a Persian salute for the quick defensive jump. Taqiyya is something most Persians do even when they are agnostics, atheists, or very unreligious nominal Muslims. I don't even know if Hakeem @Serpentine sees him self as Muslim. From being around many Persians outside of Iran (in the U.S and Canada), I learned that assuming every Persian to be Muslim is not right (even if he/she has an Islamic name). There is already a severe agnostic, atheistic revolution going on among them. Take some of the Persian members here as an example and you will get my point.

No need for a Persian salute, you see i'm not defending them i'm teaching you something here, the accusation of taqiyyah is valid on Sunni Arabs as well.

We offer no taqyyiah here Hakeem

Clearly you do offer taqiyyah like the video has shown, note that high ranking Kuwaiti officials instructed the girl to do taqiyya, Saddam experienced that taqiyyah in 1990 himself. I bet you're not even religious yourself.
Hey Takfiri, who are you to decide who is a Muslim and who is not? Who has given you this "right"? By what authority you have arrogated to yourself such a power? Do you have a Divine decree for this?

Only God can judge people. Not low lives like you. Remember this.

I hope, every member here can see your true you and understand the low-lives you Takfiris are.

The only thing you are good at is the Takfir and slaughter.

I didn't decide who is Muslim or not. I was talking about what people state their religious affiliation in their own tongs (if any at all). Far too many Persian Americans and Persian Canadians have no religion at all. That's how they represented themselves to be, not me making it up.
No need for a Persian salute, you see i'm not defending them i'm teaching you something here, the accusation of taqiyyah is valid on Sunni Arabs as well.

Clearly you do offer taqiyyah like the video has shown, note that high ranking Kuwaiti officials instructed the girl to do taqiyya, Saddam experienced that taqiyyah in 1990 himself. I bet you're not even religious yourself.

What a perfect example you selected man.
I didn't decide who is Muslim or not. I was talking about what people state their religious affiliation in their own tongs (if any at all). Far too many Persian Americans and Persian Canadians have no religion at all. That's how they represented themselves to be - not me making it up.

So where is taqiyya in that? If some one says he is not affiliated with a religion, there is no taqiyya in that.

For you on the other hand to pretend to be pro-Arab and pro-this and that and then come here and show your true face, that is taqiyaa. Pure and simple.
What a perfect example you selected man.

As for people that are just Muslim by name, it's called cultural Muslim. Many Moroccans here in western Europe are the same and they're Arabs/Berbers. You don't notice it as much with Arabs as Arab culture is connected with Islam, that's not the case with non-Arabs which explains their visible negative stance towards Islam if they're not practicing it.

There's a lot of taqiyya among the true Muslim ( Sunni ) communities in the region, many more examples exist.
As for people that are just Muslim by name, it's called cultural Muslim. Many Moroccans here in western Europe are the same and they're Arabs/Berbers. You don't notice it as much with Arabs as Arab culture is connected with Islam, that's not the case with non-Arabs which explains their visible negative stance towards Islam if they're not practicing it.

There's a lot of taqiyya among the true Muslim ( Sunni ) communities in the region, many more examples exist.

Not sure why you are taking that defensive position on their behalf while there are many Persians here that can respond. I am not targeting Shia in my previous posts. I was targeting the political pretense and game of the current Persian regime (the political taqiyya if you know what I mean).
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Not sure why you are taking that defensive potion on their behalf while there are many Persians here that can respond. I am not targeting Shia in my previous posts. I was targeting the political pretense and game of the current Persian regime (the political taqiyya if you know what I mean).

Because we are allies. Haven't you noticed this already?

It was you who brought taqiyy and Shia into this thread.

Saudi Arabia is the biggest practitioner of political taqiyya. Every one here knows this.
Not sure why you are taking that defensive potion on their behalf while there are many Persians here that can respond. I am not targeting Shia in my previous posts. I was targeting the political pretense and game of the current Persian regime (the political taqiyya if you know what I mean).

Why do you have a problem if i'm the one that responds. You came to the Iran helping Iraq thread and have been mentioning me several times, you wanted me to reply so here I am.

Political taqiyya to expand influence, that's right. Though isn't that what you excel in as well, you've been using religious politics to spread vermin in the region, especially through the media and Islamic figures, many examples ( vids ) exist.
So where is taqiyya in that? If some one says he is not affiliated with a religion, there is no taqiyya in that.

For you on the other hand to pretend to be pro-Arab and pro-this and that and then come here and show your true face, that is taqiyaa. Pure and simple.

As @Abii once said, why do you keep missing the fucking point? Oh, he is going to come here and curse us all. Watch out.
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Why do you have a problem if i'm the one that responds. You came to the Iran helping Iraq thread and have been mentioning me several times, you wanted me to reply so here I am.

Political taqiyya to expand influence, that's right. Though isn't that what you excel in as well, you've been using religious politics to spread vermin in the region, especially through the media and Islamic figures, many examples ( vids ) exist.

You included the explanation already when you said "I mentioned you in Iran helping Iraq thread. That was the relevant point. No, it must be a super loyalty feelings you had today. How classy of you.
You included the explanation already when you said "I mentioned you in Iran helping Iraq thread. That was the relevant point. No, it must be a super loyalty feelings you had today. How classy of you.

Who cares anyway, I can respond anywhere I want..
Now I guess we both agree, both sides excel in taqiyya, whether on political level or elsewhere.
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