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Iran-US escalation thread.

anyone could kill civilians now is the time to see how good general suliemani is :) .
you people just talk big . the day iranian mainland got hit it will trash your arrogance too .

i did
These are a sample of Iranian tweets in Persian of course. Don't believe anything you read in Wikipedia.


anyone could kill civilians now is the time to see how good general suliemani is :) .
you people just talk big . the day iranian mainland got hit it will trash your arrogance too .

i did
By the way you seem to need to wait a long time for that to happen:


Maybe you can ask him why he changed his mind? Could it be that Iran achieved lock on those jets as soon as they took off across the Persian Gulf?
The only problem is Iran is not China and US should know that by now. Iran has nothing to lose and nothing is more dangerous than a person or a country who has nothing to lose

The dumb block heads on Faux News are vomiting something about the need to punish Iran for this drone downing, because if Washington does nothing, it will embolden the 'rogue regime in Tehran'. To strike at Iranian civilians (like trump did in Syria) will cool down the conflict.

My response: :sarcastic:

And I believe these individuals were serious.

These are a sample of Iranian tweets in Persian of course. Don't believe anything you read in Wikipedia.


By the way you seem to need to wait a long time for that to happen:


Maybe you can ask him why he changed his mind? Could it be that Iran achieved lock on those jets as soon as they took off across the Persian Gulf?
still it is ban in iran .
as i said before be prepared for a reply if iranian mainland got attacked .
I've been preaching about smart, covert action to raise oil prices and frustrate the enemy by leaving no footprints. Just ratcheting up tension through indirect means, either by proxy, cyber or covert. I have said many times not to go head on with these Neocons because Bolton and Pompeo need provocation to sell their plan. Now, we have given them the ammo. I don't understand who makes these decisions inside Iran, if it was IRGC or was it the President....but whoever it was I hope he gets called in for a grilling. The U.S. is saying they also have verifiable proof that the drone was in Int'l waters. If we are correct then they better be broadcasting this proof worldwide. If we don't have solid proof then this a major f*ck up by someone our military and he better have answers. You shoot down a superpowers's drone only when you have irrefutable proof they've violated your air space. Now, this escalation will lead to more and bigger escalation if mistakes are repeated. Just like Trump doesn't have an Iran policy we don't have a US policy...it's all a crapshoot, the blind leading the blind. We need to figure out where we're going....are we going to wait out the election or not, are we going to war or what? What will the war look like, who can win, or who can gain.....all of these need to worked out to a "T"....no one should start a shooting war unless you know what will happen next. This is an unnecessary escalation. Next month the IAEA will report we have exceeded our enriched uranium level, then what? Anyone worked out that scenario yet? What kind of escalation will that cause with Europe? Dammit man, this is useless.:hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:

Once the terrorists started false flagging Iran, Iran had to respond or the false flags would have increased.

Washington was going down the road to sanction Iran like NK, but without the Security Council and the UN. Iran had better get nukes before more false flags.

Washington instituted a global government blockading Iran and anyone trading Iran in oil or metal or some other item in the future will get sanctioned and treated like the Huawei CFO.

In the face of that terrorism, Iran had to stockpile to get nukes and has to down hostile drone that are part of false flagging Iran.

Can Iran hold out to 2020 election and wait for a deal with Biden or Sanders. That is their only hope to prevent a war.

It is almost if Washington wants Iran to have nukes to create another PDRK.

When this comes online, Iran is toast as in ADS.


You need nukes before then, or a democrat in the white house.

Iran is between a rock and a hard place.
I believe the window for US counter strike has passed or narrowly shrunken. You dont wait that long specially when your assets are already deployed in the region and than give excuse like it must be a mistake by one general. US has clearly backed down and Iran has won this round of who blinks first.
I say a job well done. If any lessons to be learned here is you dont back out against a bully because it will only strengthen the bully. You break his jaw.
Another war in our region wouldnt do us good either so its best if tensions are resolved
Once the terrorists started false flagging Iran, Iran had to respond or the false flags would have increased.

Washington was going down the road to sanction Iran like NK, but without the Security Council and the UN. Iran had better get nukes before more false flags.

Washington instituted a global government blockading Iran and anyone trading Iran in oil or metal or some other item in the future will get sanctioned and treated like the Huawei CFO.

In the face of that terrorism, Iran had to stockpile to get nukes and has to down hostile drone that are part of false flagging Iran.

Can Iran hold out to 2020 election and wait for a deal with Biden or Sanders. That is their only hope to prevent a war.

It is almost if Washington wants Iran to have nukes to create another PDRK.
As a old saying goes "If I was king" I would progress towards nukes, we've seen what the future holds, European neutered, SA, Bahrain,UAE and Egypt are vassal states, Israel will run U.S.'s foreign policy, Russia will look out for itself...etc..etc. We have to have an insurance policy in this ever crazy world. Also, here is a completely insane idea from an Iranian, if a new president is elected in 2020 I would talk to him....Yes, I would make some overtures, and maybe open the door to some friendly meetings......I would do it because America in the past 40 yrs has propelled it self forward while our policy of resistance has caused us great economic ruin. I'm not stupid, I know they are not our friends but making enemies of them in the open is just plain foolish. We need to make nice during the day and make nukes at night. Can you believe what has happened to UAE in the past 40 years....these guys used to be a fly on our a*ss and now they're openly threatening us....in 1978 Iran could have taken their entire mickey mouse kingdom in a week. I know they're a lot of people in our govt that have a lot of hate for the USA, I say fine...hate them, but at the same time know the reality we live in. We need to normalize relations so we can sell the hell out of oil in order to make up the lost ground in the last 40 yrs. Be smart, don't just be spiteful for nothing. I've said before we need mature, professional leaders, we cannot continue with some old guy spouting general ideas written on scraps of paper like a sermon. We need road map for the future, we cannot let these guys in power squander another 40 years.
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As a old saying goes "If I was king" I would progress towards nukes, we've seen what the future holds, European neutered, SA, Bahrain,UAE and Egypt are vassal states, Israel will run U.S.'s foreign policy, Russia will look out for itself...etc..etc. We have to have an insurance policy in this ever crazy world. Also, here is a completely insane idea from an Iranian, if a new president is elected in 2020 I would talk to him....Yes, I would make some overtures, and maybe open the door to some friendly meetings......I would do it because America in the past 40 yrs has propelled it self forward while our policy of resistance has caused us great economic ruin. I'm not stupid, I know they are not our friends but making enemies of them in the open is just plain foolish. We need to make nice during the day and make nukes are night. Can you believe what has happened to UAE in the past 40 years....these guys used to be a fly on our a*ss and now they're openly threatening us....in 1978 Iran could have taken their entire mickey mouse kingdom in a week. I know they're a lot of people in our govt that have a lot of hate for the USA, I say fine...hate them, but at the same time know the reality we live in. We need to normalize relations so we can sell the hell out of oil in order to make up the lost ground in the last 40 yrs. Be smart, don't just be spiteful for nothing. I've said before we need mature, professional leaders, we cannot continue with some old guy spouting general ideas written on scraps of paper like a sermon. We need road map for the future, we cannot let these guys in power squander another 40 years.

As 2016 proved, the hostility is Western, not Iranian. The new deal would be give up your missile programs in exchange for selling oil for food. Washington wants to treat Tehran like Baghdad and Tripoli. And worse than Kim.

7 countries in 5 years is what the Pentagon wanted. The last war being Iran. Washington is a terrorist organization that Iran does not deal with terrorists.
As 2016 proved, the hostility is Western, not Iranian. The new deal would be give up your missile programs in exchange for selling oil for food. Washington wants to treat Tehran like Baghdad and Tripoli. And worse than Kim.

7 countries in 5 years is what the Pentagon wanted. The last war being Iran. Washington is a terrorist organization that Iran does not deal with terrorists.
They can ask and we can so, our missiles are non-negotiable.....by talking you can calm nerves and make gains without any big concessions.

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They can ask and we can so, our missiles are non-negotiable.....by talking you can calm nerves and make gains without any big concessions.

trump is different,

Kim was expecting a lightening of sanctions load, and was rejected

China was looking for a good deal for China, and was rejected

Iran got a terrible deal in the JCPOA, but agreed to the JCPOA, any good deal for Iran would be rejected, why waste time, expect to buy time. Which is the only reason, to delay the war until a new POS in the white house.
trump is different,

Kim was expecting a lightening of sanctions load, and was rejected

China was looking for a good deal for China, and was rejected

Iran got a terrible deal in the JCPOA, but agreed to the JCPOA, any good deal for Iran would be rejected, why waste time, expect to buy time. Which is the only reason, to delay the war until a new POS in the white house.

You guys assume that the next US government will revert things to JCPOA standard. In reality, the new government will utilize the current status as a leverage and try to push for more demands. At this moment, Iran needs to gain leverage as US is attempting to maintain its current leverage and push Iran into submission and so she accept terms of new agreement; at that point, there are no negotiations but absolute submissions.

Negotiations happen when there is an impass (a temporary undesirable equilibrium state for all sides) and sides negotiate to achieve a better, a more acceptable equilibrium state. In previous round, Iran reached 20K centrifuges and had expanded throughout the region and developed sophisticated missiles. It was an impass as sanctions failed to prevent Iran. Both sides were not going desirable beyond this point.

US attempted to break out of the JCPOA equilibrium and readjust it to somewhere where It gains the most however, Iran needs to push back and through gaining leverage create conditions for another round of negotiation (impass conditions or equilibrium conditions).

Iran has following options:
1. Increasing insurance cost by increasing risk of shipping operations.
2. Steady attack through Yemen on Saudi/UAE infrastructure
3. Steady reinforcement of internal economy and cracking down on corruption
4. Aggressive military posture to increase cost of military confrontation.
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