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Iran-US escalation thread.

Just the opinion of an amateur in military stuff but more experience in trying to figure out political reasons, but here goes. There is a possibility the goons may have been spying on the ADS of Iran, to ascertain any weakness. Using the drone in stealth mode as both bait and spying - send the data to the P8.

Also if the Iranians hit the P8 plane, this means Iranian ADS are not so good, and 'war pretext given' against Iran. P8s are easier to hit. If the Iranians hit the spy drone in stealth mode, then Iran is too prepared for war so back off message to Washington.

The data received on the bait spy drone to the spy plane P8 will be analyzed for any weakness on the Khordad. That information was probably relayed to the Satellites in real time. The pentagon may be shifting through the data, as we type.

Khordad could be more compromised than the ADS was a few days ago. The zombies in Washington will (be eating brains to) try to figure out how to defeat the Khordad. Washington will be back to bomb Iran and in greater number of false flags.

(I typed this out Saturday morning, but not wanting to be the debbie downer, waited to post this.)
Yep, but let's look at the bigger picture, he stopped the Iran warmonger's machine in it's track...this is a big deal, he should be applauded, it was easy to look strong and just listen to all the B team and hit back. Also, look at the rhetoric, it'a all about nukes now, no more 12 steps of total capitulation, no more ballistic missiles....just nukes. I think this is progress. We should also make a small step, we need to be grow our economy, the last 40 yrs have been very good for our gulf enemies....we need to catch up.
Just the opinion of an amateur in military stuff but more experience in trying to figure out political reasons, but here goes. There is a possibility the goons may have been spying on the ADS of Iran, to ascertain any weakness. Using the drone in stealth mode as both bait and spying - send the data to the P8.

Also if the Iranians hit the P8 plane, this means Iranian ADS are not so good, and 'war pretext given' against Iran. P8s are easier to hit. If the Iranians hit the spy drone in stealth mode, then Iran is too prepared for war so back off message to Washington.

The data received on the bait spy drone to the spy plane P8 will be analyzed for any weakness on the Khordad. That information was probably relayed to the Satellites in real time. The pentagon may be shifting through the data, as we type.

Khordad could be more compromised than the ADS was a few days ago. The zombies in Washington will (be eating brains to) try to figure out how to defeat the Khordad. Washington will be back to bomb Iran and in greater number of false flags.

(I typed this out Saturday morning, but not wanting to be the debbie downer, waited to post this.)
Good analysis, sorry for the dumb question but I thought they'd need more than one lock or radar light to make an assessment. Also can't we make tweaks to the system to keep them guessing?
Good analysis, sorry for the dumb question but I thought they'd need more than one lock or radar light to make an assessment. Also can't we make tweaks to the system to keep them guessing?

It was just a guess. You make valid points.

Isn't the P8, a type of spy plane, with the ESM role. The media has listed the P8 as a spy plane before.

I had the first hand experience of being near EP-3s for an entire summer. They were creepy planes.
Falling from 50,000+ feet in a tail spin means it likely impacted the water at significant speed and was pulverized.

The wreckage shin is nothing but scraps. Unless Iranian military is purposely withholding the more sensitive parts to not tip their hand to the US.

But it’s hard to see how sensitive electronic instruments survive falling 50,000 feet then impacting salt water. Even if anything did survive, could Iran reverse engineer it given its state? Doubtful
Nothing will remain 8n working orders but when you look at derbies you still can learn a lot ,you will learn about materials you sea part of boards and electeronic on them . you look at those electronics and the right person can learn from derbies while a normal person will just throw away as junks.
دوستان فقط یه نکته رو متذکر بشم که مغرور نشید، ما تو تاریخ هر وقت مغرور شدیم شکست خوردیم. فعلا باید منتظر باشیم و ببینیم چی میشه.
Iran Armed Forces spokesman IRGC Gen. Shekarchi: a single U.S. shoot us will be meet with 10 shoots

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