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Iran-US escalation thread.

These yankees need to realise these mad man tactics won't work on Iran because Iran will always humiliate them and call their bluff. Their best options is to behave like a good dog and not try and get confrontational with Iran. That way, they won't continue to be humiliated like this.
Iran friday prayer sermon: U.S. should know we respond to any attack, Saudi Arabia air defense systems Yemen UAVs

The X-band AESA, at least some intact TRMs or the ESM/ELINT suite are certainly worth it. Engine less so.
Sadly the ESM/Flint is placed at the tail of the airplane and probably completely destroyed also the radar of the plane is in the frontal part or better said in middle section so maybe there are some part for study . the engine seems to be a total toast .
These yankees need to realise these mad man tactics won't work on Iran because Iran will always humiliate them and call their bluff. Their best options is to behave like a good dog and not try and get confrontational with Iran. That way, they won't continue to be humiliated like this.
“The President was really wrestling with it," House Armed Services Chairman Adam Smith, a Democrat, said.

Trump's own dilemma was met by a near unanimous national security team who felt the US should retaliate for a downed drone by striking Iranian targets. For the President, though, the answer was far from obvious -- ultimately he pulled the plug on military strikes, minutes before the point of no return.

But a senior US official said throughout the process, Trump was very invested and very serious. He very much understood that the military could not predict for him what the Iranian response to a US strike might be and it remains a significant administration concern not to start a wider war.

Military officials are pleased Trump didn't order the strike because of this uncertainty. At the end of the day, many said they believe these Iranian attacks on tankers and the drone are basically a message that Iran wants to talk and they have been telling the President this.”
Iran should follow the path of North Korea and develop nuclear weapons + means of delivering them.

Only in this case Iran will feel secure and US will not be able to threaten Iran.

Also, nuclear armed Iran dominating the hyper important Straight of Hormuz will force USA to start polite talks with Iran and remove all sanctions, because otherwise nuclear armed Iran can blow more oil tankers in the Persian Gulf while US has no military option....
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Iran should follow the path of North Korea and develop nuclear weapons + means of delivering them.

Only in this case Iran will feel secure and US will not be able to threaten Iran.

Also, nuclear armed Iran dominating the hyper important Straight of Hormuz will force USA to start polite talks with Iran and remove all sanctions, because otherwise nuclear armed Iran can blow more oil tankers in the Persian Gulf while US has no military option....

Iran followed the path of Israel in this case
There is a saying in English when you're wrong, it's called "Eating Crow" I now have to eat crow because I did not see this (for the lack of a better word) de-escalation coming, I was sure Trump would have made a move. I'm glad I was wrong, this is silly, but perhaps necessary (Wow did I just say that).. yes, necessary because it has shown Trump Pompeo and Bolton are wrong.....so this incident will go a long way to neuter them both. Trump is now saying "I just don't want Iran to have nuclear weapons" Well here is my suggestion let's tell him Okay, neither do we. Now let's talk and we can discuss how you can make certain on this issue. ******Okay wait for a second before you all jump all over me and call me a traitor and stuff, wasn't the JCPOA was put in place to make sure Iran does not produce a bomb? So it's not like we are going to give up anything further. They have dropped the 12 step surrender demand, they have now dropped the demand on our missiles which for us is a deal breaker. I say let's start talking and see what happens, what's the worst that could happen, no deal? It's the same as now anyway.....
Iran must let the world know through the UN, if any more false flags are blamed on Iran, Iran will leave the JCPOA and begin a nuclear weapons program. The next false flag means Iran will start up the nuclear weapons program.

The Amerikans are trying to get a list of false flags blamed on Iran to get the entire world community against Iran. Expect more false flags in the coming weeks and months.
Iran must let the world know through the UN, if any more false flags are blamed on Iran, Iran will leave the JCPOA and begin a nuclear weapons program. The next false flag means Iran will start up the nuclear weapons program.

The Amerikans are trying to get a list of false flags blamed on Iran to get the entire world community against Iran. Expect more false flags in the coming weeks and months.
Iran should have a policy which answers any threat (verbal and practical) or any false flag accusation with planned counter measures.
Sadly the ESM/Flint is placed at the tail of the airplane and probably completely destroyed also the radar of the plane is in the frontal part or better said in middle section so maybe there are some part for study . the engine seems to be a total toast .

Falling from 50,000+ feet in a tail spin means it likely impacted the water at significant speed and was pulverized.

The wreckage shin is nothing but scraps. Unless Iranian military is purposely withholding the more sensitive parts to not tip their hand to the US.

But it’s hard to see how sensitive electronic instruments survive falling 50,000 feet then impacting salt water. Even if anything did survive, could Iran reverse engineer it given its state? Doubtful
There is a saying in English when you're wrong, it's called "Eating Crow" I now have to eat crow because I did not see this (for the lack of a better word) de-escalation coming, I was sure Trump would have made a move. I'm glad I was wrong, this is silly, but perhaps necessary (Wow did I just say that).. yes, necessary because it has shown Trump Pompeo and Bolton are wrong.....so this incident will go a long way to neuter them both. Trump is now saying "I just don't want Iran to have nuclear weapons" Well here is my suggestion let's tell him Okay, neither do we. Now let's talk and we can discuss how you can make certain on this issue. ******Okay wait for a second before you all jump all over me and call me a traitor and stuff, wasn't the JCPOA was put in place to make sure Iran does not produce a bomb? So it's not like we are going to give up anything further. They have dropped the 12 step surrender demand, they have now dropped the demand on our missiles which for us is a deal breaker. I say let's start talking and see what happens, what's the worst that could happen, no deal? It's the same as now anyway.....
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My friend Iran and US negotiation won't happen in this administration.
USA still do not know what is Iran goal and it hasn't read Iran hand while it already has burnt all of his cards.
Iran prepaid itself for one surprising year and it hasn't yet start to play its main cards which is its nuclear program.

Iran can get better deal than JCPOA and Iran is not intended to keep deal alive.
Come back to JCPOA, Obama administration main fear was that Iran cheat and leave deal. For that reason they put many barrier in front of Iran to prevent her from leaving deal and make that action too costly for Iran.

But now Trump gave Iran opportunely to do that with lesser costs.


Why USA do not publish the route of its drone.

Iran already published the route with the time and place of the warning which is light yellow

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