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Iran tries to frighten USA with its outdated navy ships

I respect Iran because of Zoroastrian/Persian culture and not because of Islamic country.
then you are totally wrong
Iran having as well Islamic culture and most of Iranians are muslims who practice religion
Iran should be taken at its whole: the regime wanted to forget the non islamic past, it would be a mistake to forget the islamic past

Anyway the people who know the revolution know that people were looking for a morality
read shariati and you know what most muslim have in their head
Islam is not our own culture its was forced on us when arabs attacked persian empire. also your telling me if christian was forced on you, you will not object? there is no such thing by choice because there will always be people who disagree with a certain religion in a country.

I hate everything islamic in iran but i dont hate islam, i dont care that pakistan is islamic, do you see me complain about any other countries being islamic????

Its not about culture but the believe . once you were not muslim country before the arab came, you accept Islam as your believe and as your religion thats the case .but what culture you will follow it does not matter until it is not contradict with islamic believe . cannot the culture change over time ?

Islam is derived from the Arabic root "Salema": peace, purity, submission and obedience. In the religious sense, Islam means submission to the will of God and obedience to His law. so if you are muslim you cannot disobey Islamic republic .
then you are totally wrong
Iran having as well Islamic culture and most of Iranians are muslims who practice religion
Iran should be taken at its whole: the regime wanted to forget the non islamic past, it would be a mistake to forget the islamic past

Anyway the people who know the revolution know that people were looking for a morality
read shariati and you know what most muslim have in their head

Yes, I do know. I read about it.

But when I use Iran, I always think as Persian culture and never bother of religion. Religion can change but culture never changes. Iran had long history of various religions, from Zoroastrian to Islam and all are part of history and history never changes. But It's not necessary to treat any country with religious angel but sometime there are more important things like Culture, Tradition, Diplomatically, Influence and so on. I met few Iranian people abroad and they are very friendly and never indulge in religious things. They are very open minded which is rare if one compare with other Muslim world like Arabis, etc.
Hope Iranian navy ship sinks a US Coast guard at US coast......it would be a nice day
If these Iranian ships are within range of a Coastie, the Americans would be fishing the Iranians crews out of the waters as the Iranian ships are on the way to the bottom with a future as coral reefs and diving tourist attractions.
Its not about culture but the believe . once you were not muslim country before the arab came, you accept Islam as your believe and as your religion thats the case .but what culture you will follow it does not matter until it is not contradict with islamic believe . cannot the culture change over time ?

Islam is derived from the Arabic root "Salema": peace, purity, submission and obedience. In the religious sense, Islam means submission to the will of God and obedience to His law. so if you are muslim you cannot disobey Islamic republic .

I just want my country to go back to its own roots that all.
The reason they are doing this is that they want the usa to try and do anything to that ship, then iran will F*** the americans around it. please stop your BS about usa being most powerfull navy and crap, irans missiles will wipe their ships out in a few minutes.
Yes, we are afraid of Iran's very competent Photochop Special Ops branches.
Yes, I do know. I read about it.

But when I use Iran, I always think as Persian culture and never bother of religion. Religion can change but culture never changes. Iran had long history of various religions, from Zoroastrian to Islam and all are part of history and history never changes. But It's not necessary to treat any country with religious angel but sometime there are more important things like Culture, Tradition, Diplomatically, Influence and so on. I met few Iranian people abroad and they are very friendly and never indulge in religious things. They are very open minded which is rare if one compare with other Muslim world like Arabis, etc.
When i say Iran, i do not mean the common Iranian people but the leadership and the Islamic republic.
Hezbollah is a Lebanonian terrorist group as is Hamas a Palestinian terrorist group but they all get their finances and orders from the Islamic republic of Iran.

If you read those links i gave you, you can see for yourself that all these terror attacks are traced back to the Islamic Republic and their leaders.
Yes, we are afraid of Iran's very competent Photochop Special Ops branches.

Oh yes i forgot all irans missiles are photoshoped, they will throw pieces of paper with picture of missiles at your ships.

but why do you not attack them then?
When i say Iran, i do not mean the common Iranian people but the leadership and the Islamic republic.
Hezbollah is a Lebanonian terrorist group as is Hamas a Palestinian terrorist group but they all get their finances and orders from the Islamic republic of Iran.

If you read those links i gave you, you can see for yourself that all these terror attacks are traced back to the Islamic Republic and their leaders.
I didn't support these two terrorist entities but what you say is partially wrong.

1/ Hezbollah
Hezbollah was inspired by the IRI army, the hezbollah of Iran and you can see from the symbolic.
They had instructors from Iran and yes the first times Iran was giving instructions.
But nowadays Hezbollah is following their own agenda and didn't take order from Iran.
You could see for exemple (there are many other exemples) that they criticized Al Asad when Iran was supporting him
BUT they got financial help and possibly weapons.

2/ Hamas.
Hamas is not at all an Iranian backed group ! they are a few very minority shias inside Hamas
but most Hamas members didn't like the "shia"
they accept financial help from Iran but they'd never obey to Iran
Oh yes i forgot all irans missiles are photoshoped, they will throw pieces of paper with picture of missiles at your ships.

but why do you not attack them then?
That is a very bad argument because it will backfire in your face. The US Navy have been around that part of the world for decades, if Iranian missiles are as good as you claim, then why not attack US then?
I have read about those. Have you read about Israeli frigate that got hit too? Iran has come a long way since mid 1980's when US navy was filling in for Saddam's tiny navy and fighting Iranians.
Iran has come a long way since mid 1980's and USA did not? What are you smoking?

Do you see any comparison between the capabilities of USAN and IIN?

Don't get me wrong; IIN is good by Asian standards but it is no match against the USAN.

But even then, US could not give the victory to Saddam it had hoped for.
US was not fighting with Iran for Saddam. Saddam was fighting Iran.

US navy directly fought Iranians for over 3 years and could not finish off Iran's navy. So your fantasy talk of US invincibility is crap.
Another load of bollocks from you.

Operation Praying Mantis was conducted on April 18, 1988. In one day, Iranian navy suffered heavy losses. However, US leadership decided to call off the attack. Otherwise, Iranian navy would have been wiped out in a day or two.

Now USAN is far more powerful and advanced. It is nearly invincible for navies of majority of the nations.

Where did you get the idea of 3 years of direct military engagement between USAN and IIN? Stop lying. It does not helps.

US can not fight with a dozen troglodytes in Afghan caves let alone fighting Iranians.
Completely irrelevant. And you know that Afghanistan is a lost cause. No nation can win war in Afghanistan. I am not talking about ground based offensive.

The only wars US has fought post WWII has been with its own client states or little tiny countries with no real armies.

The major conflict that USA was engaged in after WWII was COLD WAR. And everybody should know who won in it. The nations that became fronts during COLD WAR were Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

And Iraq was a powerful nation during 1990s with a proper standing army. It had the fourth largest military force in the world. Read about Gulf War 1991.

Read the history. If US was that powerful, it would have stopped Iran from taking over Iraq.
Iran never managed to take over Iraq.

How about this? If Iran was that powerful, it would have stopped USA from invading and occupying Iraq.

Also, during the Iraqi occupation; Muqtada Al-Sadr; the Iranian backed stooge lost battles against US forces and fled to Iran. He came back empty handed.

I hear in December Americans will hand over the keys of Baghdad officially to Iranians and will leave forever after spending a few trillion dollars and tens of thousands of causalities. Is that the power you talking about here?
US will maintain some presence in Iraq. And current Iraqi government has been installed by US.

I am sure the same thing is going to happen in Afghanistan in 2014 when US will leave handing over the keys of Kabul to Pakistan. Wow, US is so powerful.

Tell US to first learn how to fight afew troglodyte kids with 40 year old grenades in their hands. Then come and talk to Iran.
Tough talk. Unlike many Islamic nations; US has several victories under its belt.

First we need to check our own history and then talk about those who have accomplished something.

Come out from your fantasy world.
That is a very bad argument because it will backfire in your face. The US Navy have been around that part of the world for decades, if Iranian missiles are as good as you claim, then why not attack US then?
yes we know that you are there for decades . personnaly i would prefer an UNO force which would be neutral.
for exemple emirates are stealing our sand for their stupid non ecological constructions and you protect them.
for exemple Qatar is taking 70% of the gas when the agreement was 50-50 but we cannot say anything because you are protecting them.
I didn't support these two terrorist entities but what you say is partially wrong.

1/ Hezbollah
Hezbollah was inspired by the IRI army, the hezbollah of Iran and you can see from the symbolic.
They had instructors from Iran and yes the first times Iran was giving instructions.
But nowadays Hezbollah is following their own agenda and didn't take order from Iran.
You could see for exemple (there are many other exemples) that they criticized Al Asad when Iran was supporting him
BUT they got financial help and possibly weapons.

2/ Hamas.
Hamas is not at all an Iranian backed group ! they are a few very minority shias inside Hamas
but most Hamas members didn't like the "shia"
they accept financial help from Iran but they'd never obey to Iran
It`s not about which part of Islam you are from, those two terrorist groups are financed by Iran and other rich Islamic nations.
It is known that during protests Hezbollah and Iran helped suppress the Syrian people, it`s been all over the news a few months ago.
As long as an entity`s goal is to destroy Israel, Iran supports them.
That is a very bad argument because it will backfire in your face. The US Navy have been around that part of the world for decades, if Iranian missiles are as good as you claim, then why not attack US then?

WTF!! why would iran attack you? you country is the one threatening us..
The reason they are doing this is that they want the usa to try and do anything to that ship, then iran will F*** the americans around it. please stop your BS about usa being most powerfull navy and crap, irans missiles will wipe their ships out in a few minutes.
these americans are even worst than our mullas.
Looks like you guys have not learned any lesson from your neighbour. You guys talk a lot and do little.

Go and force USAN out of the Persian Gulf and then come back and talk. Oh wait! Your navy will be completely destroyed in the process and USAN will remain in the Persian Gulf.

Keep in mind this; your military failed to capture Iraq in 8 years of war. US military accomplished this in 21 days. Go figure. Ground realities are very different from what our media wants to show to us.

People need to stop watching hollywood and see that truth, the usa gets its *** kicked in all its war...stupid yankees
You are clueless. Want me to do a comparison between USAN and IIN?

Why dont they then?
Give them an excuse again and they might wipe out your entire Navy this time. They showed restriant during Operation Praying Mantis. You guys owe to Mr. Crowe.
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