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Iran tries to frighten USA with its outdated navy ships

You are dreaming on all counts. If there is such a war, heavy bombardment will render most of the ports that harbors those boats useless. If any actually made it out to sea, AWACS can find them and fighters will sink them. Bombs can make the waters so rough that they will capsize.
but for majority Indian muslims religion comes first...

One day when population of Muslims increase and equal to hindus...There will be a partition of India.....i hope that day comes soon..and we should make sure not a single muslims is in the new india and should be sent to their newly formed country!

Stop talking rubbish when u dont know bout our own country(if u r a indian)....
Indian muslims are patriotic enough, some doubt their patriotism just because of creation of pakistan...
I have 3 muslim friends(my best mates) and they havent spoken a single word of hatred against india..
they feel here is lotta better than in pakistan.....
Only in north indian states some problem remains due to the wounds left by past muslim kings...
However past should be left to history..
On topic we indians support iran as long as it dont possess N weaapons ...
Iran will send Navy vessels to the US to build up an open sea presence along the East Coast.

Why? What good will it do to the budget of Iranian Navy?

The appearance of Iranian Navy vessels near the USA will become Iran's response to the actions of US Armed Forces in the Persian Gulf, near the borders of Iran.

And do what? Count the number of warships US has? Seriously, what is wrong with Ahmedinejad! :blink:. "We do what you do" really?

Even PLAN and we haven't thought of such action and he actually cleared a proposal? US won't mind Iranian ships as long as they don't violate US maritime boundary... which is again depending on what they feel is theirs in that region since no one is there to challenge that.
We dealt with Sovet Ships near our borders just fine thank you very much. Look to that to see our probable response to Iran heading near the US. Crossing the maritime boundary is a whole different potato.
Just the threat of the IRGC Navy conducting offensive operations against super tankers will take the oil price to triple and quadruple the price, bankrupting the world economy. Conducting counter operations is very difficult, as the current operations against Somali pirates is showing.


[video]http://media.stratfor.com/files/mmf/7/2/7236202c7bc915de93f5c5a157e4154029fbb97d_two_colum n.jpg[/video]

Stopping these kinds of vessels will be next to impossible, with hundreds of such craft, the USN will be like the proverbial elephant trying to swat fly's.
I dont think iran even has any ships that can travel the distance, unless they are planning to unveil a destroyer..
You are dreaming on all counts. If there is such a war, heavy bombardment will render most of the ports that harbors those boats useless. If any actually made it out to sea, AWACS can find them and fighters will sink them. Bombs can make the waters so rough that they will capsize.

Hahaha, you are so ignorant. Read about the human history's most expensive and the largest military exercise which was conducted by US military to see what the hell is going to happen if it ever went to war with Iran, the result was that US would lose. One of the most talented Generals of US military resigned in protest over US military ignorance: Millennium Challenge 2002 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hahaha, you are so ignorant. Read about the human history's most expensive and the largest military exercise which was conducted by US military to see what the hell is going to happen if it ever went to war with Iran, the result was that US would lose. One of the most talented Generals of US military resigned in protest over US military ignorance: Millennium Challenge 2002 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They are all fools when it comes to iran, they just BS.
we will make the water so rough lol hahah that bit made me LMAO
Stopping these kinds of vessels will be next to impossible, with hundreds of such craft, the USN will be like the proverbial elephant trying to swat fly's.

But flies are far too small and will out manoeuvre elephants thus avoiding being crushed, speaking proverbial.

I guess God can’t stop them even though he has created Black holes, suns the entire Universe.
But then again a God fearing army has defeated British, the Soviet Empres and now fighting the US and their High tech weapons FOR 10 YEARS ! They are also known as the graveyard for Empires
Please do come to reality it will do you GOOD.

If these Iranian ships are within range of a Coastie, the Americans would be fishing the Iranians crews out of the waters as the Iranian ships are on the way to the bottom with a future as coral reefs and diving tourist attractions.


You are dreaming on all counts. If there is such a war, heavy bombardment will render most of the ports that harbors those boats useless. If any actually made it out to sea, AWACS can find them and fighters will sink them. Bombs can make the waters so rough that they will capsize.

Lets not get to excited gambit you still got the Taliban to defeat and Iraq.

But if what I said is TOOOOOOOOOOO much for you, you can always sit down and daydream about your ships, floating around with this WICKED SONG :

What Iran did to any country in the last 20 years?
1. Hezbollah
2. Hamas
3. Syria
4. Terror attacks that killed hundreds of Jews outside of Israel
5. Terror attacks that killed thousands of Jews inside of Israel
6. Wars against Israel which were all paid for by Iran
7. Terrorist attacks against Americans and other western countries paid for by Iran




Persian Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

IRAN: Life of Jews Living in Iran

Point of no return: How happy are Jews in Iran?

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran's proud but discreet Jews

Jews of Iran

Jewish Arab:

Arab Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Year and I like points 6 and 7 whilst ignoring the fact of the atrocities that the US , West and Israel has done to the Muslim for the LAST 70 YAERS
Here a few:
1982 massacre
2006 siege
The constant mass murdering of Palestinains
The Support of dictatorships in Arab world Like Saddam, the Shair of Iran, King Saudi Arabia
And so on.
It is amazing isn't. Hundreds of tons of documents all fakes, millions of eye witnesses - all liars, testimonies made of the atrocities of Israeli occupation confirmed by eyewitness evidence all invented and six million people missing and displaced - who never existed in the first place, since the existence of Israel And the only proof this racists have for this is their racism.You see, hatred is stronger than fact.
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Hahaha, you are so ignorant. Read about the human history's most expensive and the largest military exercise which was conducted by US military to see what the hell is going to happen if it ever went to war with Iran, the result was that US would lose. One of the most talented Generals of US military resigned in protest over US military ignorance: Millennium Challenge 2002 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A simulation that happened back in 2002? Seriously?

Anyways, it is very unlikely that the US would open a new war front right now. Considering the economic problems of today, and the issues to be solved in Iraq and Afghanistan. These will go on for many years, and will not be solved overnight.

Iran's main strength is not in navy, air force or army. It's strength is partly in the various covert groups that work for them. Groups like Hizbollah and others can create problems. Or in other words, the 'Shia Crescent' according to the King of Jordan.

And Iran's missiles are well in range of the US bases in the Middle East.

Not saying that Iran is going to defeat the US military or something, it is just that going to war with Iran would be no an easy task. I am talking about total Armageddon throughout the entire Middle East!
Well atleast Iran has navy ships. What advance weapon does Afghan Taliban has that the "superpower" can not defeat these guys is the question we all want to know :what:
Sorry to burst the bubble

Against US conventional approach , Iran has a 3D approach

a) Agility
b) Stealth
c) Power in number

Due to the three virtues , Iran can wipe out any enemy due to shear number of missiles and approaches they can break a traditional naval formation
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