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Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

Dhul Qarnayn (Cyrus the Great)'s Archemeid empire extended from middle east to central Asia (His eastern and western invasion, as described in the Quran).The resistance he met from Gog and Magog(northern invasion) was in the Russian Caucasus mountains.

An expedition was sent during Ummayyads time to find the barrier of Gog and Magog to Caucasus mountains. Umayaads identified this barrier to be located in Russian Caucasus mountains. The expedition came with the news that the "barrier built by Dhul Qarnayn is in ruins".

Gog and magog were the Russian Khazars who lived in Russian Caucasus mountains and defeated the Muslims when the Muslims just conquered Sassanid and Byzantine empires (who were superpowers). Otherwise, muslims were on their way to conquer Europe and noone could have stopped them.

Even the nature of who is Dhuk Qarnayn is disputed, so I much rather follow the text which is very clear, I doubt Russians are short knee height ugly beings as described by Quran and Hadith. Making assumptions is not a good thing. Quran and Hadith also state that the Dajjal is locked and chained in an island somewhere in this world. Making mathematical conclusions that Dajjal is Illuminati and Masons and such I also find to be wrong. It is best we take it to the letter and not confuse ourselves with such things as "Inner meanings" because the words came clear I believe.
It seems Jordan want to do that attack ,after all they 3 time attacked Israel just because Egypt told them to do so and this time the victory is certain .

Jordan, Egypt and GCC are one nation, one people, and one army.
- Total 9,000,000 km2
- 2010 estimate: 350,000,000


Yes I do respect your point of view. But what do you have to say about the expedition sent by Umayyads around 705 AD to Caucasus mountains in order to locate the barrier built by Dhul Qarnayn, and they came with the news "barrier is in ruins"?

I actually never heard or read about that, its news to me (yeah i'm a few hundred years late :lol:).

Any links would be appreciated.
if it come to war those jets need vacuum cleaned airfield to operate and I wonder how long their Airfield remain operational against Iranian Missile ,don't forget our ballistic missiles are precise enough to hit a ship and a runway is far easier target. also our shahab-1 and shahab-2 missile have warhead that is consisted of more than 1000 bomblet

Here read this professional analysis please:


Iran actually needs more than 1000 missiles to shut down 5 Airfields for 24 hours actually.
Yes I do respect your point of view. But what do you have to say about the expedition sent by Umayyads around 705 AD to Caucasus mountains in order to locate the barrier built by Dhul Qarnayn, and they came with the news "barrier is in ruins"?

They could be wrong as well. Some even argued it maybe the great wall of china and those are Chinese. But I say again do not make assumptions of the clear words you will only end up confusing yourself.
Yes I do respect your point of view. But what do you have to say about the expedition sent by Umayyads around 705 AD to Caucasus mountains in order to locate the barrier built by Dhul Qarnayn, and they came with the news "barrier is in ruins"?

BTW, how were they able to locate the barrier? Isn't the location disclosed?
It seems some guys here are under the ilusion that Iran going to start a war with UAE and threatened UAE with a war
Its Iranian Statement
“If they think Iran has become weak, [they] are mistaken. Today, Iran is very strong and will crush any [act of] aggression.”

for the people who cant understand what it says . It Say if you attack us we crush you . well I ask you where in that statement we threatened any body to war. its just what we always said to any country . you start the war but it's us who decide when the war will end .
So do you think this UAE moves have been they must be I think instigated by Americans??

well I think at the beginning these claims started by Nasser and Saddam and their Pan Arabic Ideas not UAE . right now I don't know from where these claims raised again

Jordan, Egypt and GCC are one nation, one people, and one army.
- Total 9,000,000 km2
- 2010 estimate: 350,000,000

yeah , whatever you say .
BTW, how were they able to locate the barrier? Isn't the location disclosed?

This was the account of the Sahabas of Prophet, who were sent to locate that barrier built by Dhul Qarnayn:

Original source: C.E. Wilson "The Wall of Alexander Against Gog and Magog; and the Expedition Sent out To Find it by the Khaliph Wathiq, in 842 A.D." Hirth Anniversary Volume, Asia Major, London: Probsthain and Co, 1922, pp. 593-595.

Ibn Khurdabih (846 A.D.) gives the following account of Sallaam's expedition, who was sent to report on the Iron Gate by Khalif Wathiq.

"Sallaam's interpreter related to me that when Al-Wathiq bi-'llah dreamt that the wall built by Dhu'l-Qarnain between us and Gog & Magog was opened, and he sought a man to send out to the place, in order to gain news of it, Ashnas said "There is no-one here except Sallaam's interpreter who is fitted for the business, and Salaam spoke 30 languages. So, says Sallaam, Wathiq summoned me and said "I wish you to go out to the rampart that you may actually see it and bring me news of it."

After some time journeying, Sallaam came to a "lofty mountain on which was a fortress. And the rampart which Dhu'l-Qarnain built is in a broad opening between two mountains, the breadth of which is two hundred cubits [300ft or 100m]. That was the road through which they (Gog & Magog) issued and spread over the earth. And he dug the foundation of it to the depth of 30 cubits, and built it of iron and copper until it reached to the surface of the ground. Then he raised two side pillars near to the mountains on both sides of the opening 25 cubits broad, and 50 cubits high, which projected at the base to ten cubits beyond the gate. The while was built with iron bricks, covered with copper, each a cubit and a half by a cubit and a half, and four finger breadth high. There was an iron lintel 120 cubits long and 5 cubits broad, which rested on each end on the pillars, projecting 10 cubits beyond them. Above the lentel was a structure of iron covered with copper to the top of the mountains. The height of the structure extending as far as the eye could reach, about 60 cubits above the lentels. Above it were iron pinnacles, each having as the side, two horns bent towards each other. The length of each pinnacle was five cubits and the breadth four. There were 37 pinnacles upon the structure. Then the gate had two doors which lowered, each 50 cubits broad by 75 cubits high, and 5 cubits thick. The upright of the doors turned on pivots upon a level with the lintels, and no air could penetrate either by the gate, or from the mountains. The whole being built as in one piece. On the gate was a bolt 7 cubits long and a fathom round which two men could not draw. The height of the bolt from the ground was 25 cubits. Five cubits above the bolt was a lock longer than the bolt, the two staples of which were each 2 cubits long. To the lock a key was hung a cubit and a half long with 12 wards, each ward like the pestle of a mortar. The key was 4 spans round and was suspended from a chain 8 cubits long and 4 spans round which was riveted to the gate. The ring to which the chain was attached was like the ring of a ballista. The threshold of the gate was 10 cubits broad, with a length of 100 cubits, excluding the space under the two pillars, the visible part of which was 5 cubits. ... In one of the two fortresses, were the builders implements, with which the rampart had been built, consisting of iron cauldrons, and iron ladles. On each trivet, 4 cauldrons like those in which soap is boiled (could be placed).

There was also the remainder of the iron bricks which were sticking together with rust.

Sallaam says: "I said to those of the fortress which were present, 'Has anything at all of this rampart been damaged?' They answered 'Nothing except this crack.' Now the crack was in breadth as thin as a thread. I said 'Do you put anything in it?' They replied 'No! For the thickness of the rampart is 5 cubits which are equal each to one and a half Iraqian cubits'. Sallaam said: "So I approached, and taking my knife out of my boot, I scraped in the fissure and got out as much as half a drachm, and tied it up in a cloth to show it to Al-Wathiq bi-'llah. At the top of the right door of the rampart was written in iron characters in the ancient language "But when the promise of my Lord shall come to pass, He shall turn it to dust and the promise of my Lord is true".[6]
Jordan, Egypt and GCC are one nation, one people, and one army.
- Total 9,000,000 km2
- 2010 estimate: 350,000,000

If I was Arab i would be embarrassed to quote these figures knowing how conflicted the ME is. You cant even sort out Libya nor Syria without the whole world getting involved
UAE air-force can impose no fly zone over Bander Abas and Alahwaz province. UAE prepared itself well for missile saturation scenario by it's immune anti-missile defense using Thaad and pantzir air-defense systems.
well there is and never was an alahwaz Province . maybe you wanted to say Ahwaz City (Ahwas is a Persian name and there is no need to add Al- at its beginning)
and the rest of your post don't worth answering .specially the part about using Pantsir against missiles
Pantsir-S1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Even the nature of who is Dhuk Qarnayn is disputed, so I much rather follow the text which is very clear, I doubt Russians are short knee height ugly beings as described by Quran and Hadith. Making assumptions is not a good thing. Quran and Hadith also state that the Dajjal is locked and chained in an island somewhere in this world. Making mathematical conclusions that Dajjal is Illuminati and Masons and such I also find to be wrong. It is best we take it to the letter and not confuse ourselves with such things as "Inner meanings" because the words came clear I believe.

I am selective in what Ibelieve, I don't believe them unless there is a logical and clear stipulation. For example I don't believe that Dajjal is illuminati because there is little conclusive evidence to suggest that.
Everything is fine, since dispute happens, but come on. Iran threatening to 'crush' any 'acts' of aggression? 'Acts' can be anything from dialogue aggression, or military aggression.

Not a good gesture Iran.

Because the other Muslim country is a Zionist puppet claiming Iranian land for itself and threatening Iran to take away Iran's land. So stop accusing Iran. Same kind of people were telling Iranians that they should give in to Saddam since he is a Muslim. What a crap. Are Iranians not Muslims? Where are you guys when UAE lay claim to Iranian land and housing American bases against Iran? I do not see your Muslim-hood then? So stop this hypocrisy.

One is a zionist country, while other is a pro-dicator supporting country? What's the difference? Both support tyrants.
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