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Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones

So unless you are fighting against a regular army with bases, military installment on the surface etc the air campaign is bound to fail without ground forces.
the air campaign is not supposed to conquer countries , its duty is to soften enemy defense and make ground campaign a lot easier , also it's supposed to prevent enemy from softening your ground forces. just see how effective it was in Iraq and Afghanistan campaign (the NATO part was a success. the part that was supposed to be done by afghan government was a disaster.
in Vietnam both USA and France had boot on the ground , they didn't knew how to fight asymmetric war , and tried to fight an asymmetric war in a symmetric manner. it was bound to fail.
and PGCC campaign would have even failed against scarecrows , what you have expected from people that had no reason to fight and didn't want to fight , only one person ego fueled the war and that is never enough
its understatement that saying Israel had no boot on ground , their ground forces was 15-20 time stronger in numbers than Hezbollah , something else resulted in that failure . again they wanted to fight an asymmetric war in a symmetric manner.

and RuAF don't knew how to fight , they still think its 60s or 70s
Guns lots of guns lol , ofcourse these drones will speed up eliminating artillery ,MLRS and himars without losing men , should speed up importing a few hundred drones
Iran must be getting some major hardware in return im assuming? Doesnt seem so smart especially when things are heating up with Israel…
Good line of thought. Add to that a supply chain dimension - how are Iranians getting the chips they need. Somebody is setting somebody up.
My guess is political-economy favorism and nothing else. Oil market clientele distribution, strategic trade roads, Cooperation in future oil fields etc. This is the second regional war Iran and Russia are fighting togather (first was syria) so military interoperability is getting strengthened as well.

Iran is not interested in air power, it covers the attack domain with highly accurate Missiles (BM/CM) and a large fleet of MALE UCAVS while it has invested heavily in Air defence, radars (long range search and track AESA). There is a light fighter production program with proper modern avionics Link which probably will give IRIAF some 200+ fighters in total. May be Russian companies can help in this program to pull the next version of this current aircraft to 4+ generation combat suite atleast etc but I do not see it happening easily. Unless its a proper TOT of MIG-35 or SU-35S, its a waste of money. For the same amount of money with which IRIAF will get a token force of 70-80 X SU-35S (~ 7 Bln USD), I will rather have three underground bases with 500 x Sejjil-2/3 and Khorramshahr-2 IRBMs, Kheybar Shikan glide vehicles and a fleet of further 200 turbofans powered Stealth Shahed 171 UCAVs stationed inside. They will be better than some shiny 70-80 x Sukhois which do not fit in the Iranian doctrine. We can not inflict damage on the enemy with these 70-80 Sukhois the way we can with underground bases full of missiles.
Hi thanks for your in-depth and detailed reply little bit im going to disagree with you regarding fighter jets though your analysis is not wrong about underground but at the end you have to have a airforce whatever numbers minimum you want to have & im sure though f14 still flying but with su30/35 as I’m more interested in 35 as they been ready to ship almost for Egypt but in doldrums at the moment so I know about oil trade between the two already going but I’m sure once russia start sending fighters china might do the same with other technology transfer for Iran as we need to keep in mind china also importing oil from iran
thank you
how are Iranians getting the chips they need. Somebody is setting somebody up.
Its called MULTIPOLARITY - only those who believe in US "power" as the ultimate and only power on earth dont understand this concept of multipolarity.

AS a US citizen, i can tell you one thing i recently learnt about the US that MOST Americans dont notice - US really doesnt manufacture ALOt of things it uses heavily, and it was COVID - now that made us Americans realize that painfully...cuz US gov never thought the day would come when other countries will either withhold, or divert critical commodities and items from US, FOR THE DOLLAR, but that day is here already..dedollarization is real and speeding up- many powerful countries, including India, wont let US control them for nothing anymore - US has to now PAY and PLAY FAIRLY, or lose more.
Its called MULTIPOLARITY - only those who believe in US "power" as the ultimate and only power on earth dont understand this concept of multipolarity.

AS a US citizen, i can tell you one thing i recently learnt about the US that MOST Americans dont notice - US really doesnt manufacture ALOt of things it uses heavily, and it was COVID - now that made us Americans realize that painfully...cuz US gov never thought the day would come when other countries will either withhold, or divert critical commodities and items from US, FOR THE DOLLAR, but that day is here already..dedollarization is real and speeding up- many powerful countries, including India, wont let US control them for nothing anymore - US has to now PAY and PLAY FAIRLY, or lose more.
US doesn't mfr a lot of things because it's been cheaper to make China etc do it. It's a stupid mistake but as long as it worked it was fine. China indeed was a splendid factory to the US and the world despite their stealing copying etc. Obviously things like Wuhan virus pandemic, CCPs recent ambition for Xi legacy etc hve taught the row not to trust them anymore.
There was a time when your "peace loving" president Obama was openly threatening Iran on daily bases.

Obama? Bush literally sent a letter to Iran giving us a 6 month notice to prepare for war with the United States.
This was brought up by Mohsen Rezaee during the presidential election interviews when he faced Ahmadinejad. And Ahmadinejad didn't deny it.

As far as I can remember, all US presidents have threatened Iran with military action. Jimmy Carter, who happens to be seen as a weak/kind president, even said that he could've wiped Iran off the map with nukes over the hostage crisis. Yet, the Americans have never had the balls to attack Iran, even when the US was at a much better position to attack Iran.
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