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Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones


Hi my Q with more experienced members are once russian have these drones what will be in exchange Iran going to get in .coming days as it’s obvious Russia & Iran both not accepting USA treaty of not getting anything from Iran
if Russian are not ditching Iranian later should get decent fighter jets in numbers asap
may be one already made for Egypt if those are available to reach Iran
any thoughts from members having more info about Russian Iranian arm’s deals
thank you
Hi my Q with more experienced members are once russian have these drones what will be in exchange Iran going to get in .coming days as it’s obvious Russia & Iran both not accepting USA treaty of not getting anything from Iran
if Russian are not ditching Iranian later should get decent fighter jets in numbers asap
may be one already made for Egypt if those are available to reach Iran
any thoughts from members having more info about Russian Iranian arm’s deals
thank you

Drones for Su-30 would be my guess. Plus, Iran is the US's enemy and wants to hurt the US in Ukraine. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. So the saying goes.
Hi my Q with more experienced members are once russian have these drones what will be in exchange Iran going to get in .coming days as it’s obvious Russia & Iran both not accepting USA treaty of not getting anything from Iran
if Russian are not ditching Iranian later should get decent fighter jets in numbers asap
may be one already made for Egypt if those are available to reach Iran
any thoughts from members having more info about Russian Iranian arm’s deals
thank you

My guess is political-economy favorism and nothing else. Oil market clientele distribution, strategic trade roads, Cooperation in future oil fields etc. This is the second regional war Iran and Russia are fighting togather (first was syria) so military interoperability is getting strengthened as well.

Iran is not interested in air power, it covers the attack domain with highly accurate Missiles (BM/CM) and a large fleet of MALE UCAVS while it has invested heavily in Air defence, radars (long range search and track AESA). There is a light fighter production program with proper modern avionics Link which probably will give IRIAF some 200+ fighters in total. May be Russian companies can help in this program to pull the next version of this current aircraft to 4+ generation combat suite atleast etc but I do not see it happening easily. Unless its a proper TOT of MIG-35 or SU-35S, its a waste of money. For the same amount of money with which IRIAF will get a token force of 70-80 X SU-35S (~ 7 Bln USD), I will rather have three underground bases with 500 x Sejjil-2/3 and Khorramshahr-2 IRBMs, Kheybar Shikan glide vehicles and a fleet of further 200 turbofans powered Stealth Shahed 171 UCAVs stationed inside. They will be better than some shiny 70-80 x Sukhois which do not fit in the Iranian doctrine. We can not inflict damage on the enemy with these 70-80 Sukhois the way we can with underground bases full of missiles.
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Hi my Q with more experienced members are once russian have these drones what will be in exchange Iran going to get in .coming days as it’s obvious Russia & Iran both not accepting USA treaty of not getting anything from Iran
if Russian are not ditching Iranian later should get decent fighter jets in numbers asap
may be one already made for Egypt if those are available to reach Iran
any thoughts from members having more info about Russian Iranian arm’s deals
thank you
Money and tech transfer. Would be worth it to get some of Russias engine tech for helicopters and aircraft for Iran's own purposes.
Personally, I would give hundreds of drones just for RD-33's tech transfer and facilities.

It's completely within the possibility that Iran simply doesn't want fighter jets because it can never compete with the F-35s of NATO and Israel, so why bother.
The same is true with their civilian industries.... they come up with big caims, and never deliver.... do you remember their electric car called TOGG that was meant to be put in mass production by 2020! No one is talking about that anymore..... this sums up the Tukies very accurately. A bankrupt economy, with highy delusional people (who think they are Mongols despite what the science shows) who make big claims, and never deliver on their claims.
In 2020, the project was in preparation. It was never said to be a mass production target in 2020. You are clearly lying or distorting information.

The Turkish automotive industry is currently one of the most important production centers in Europe, and the TOGG project is essentially an effort to create an international brand rather than just an automobile. In this context, the transition to fully electric and semi-autonomous smart vehicles in the automotive industry is seen as a paradigm shift, that is, as an opportunity to gain a strong place in the new era, by catching this transformation.

If you can calm your prejudices, I can provide you with very detailed information on this subject.

You can start by learning the chronology of the TOGG program first:

If you wish, we can also discuss the great transformation in the Turkish industry in seperate thread. But not with unsupported claims, but with official informations,international reports and documents.



This is basically a defense and geopolitical forum. However, if anyone is interested, I can bring you tons of documents and reports about industry and infrastructure transformation in TR, by addressing each sector separately, and I can share images about ongoing investments and developments that you cannot find in the Iranian press.


It is typical troll writing style to conflate so much unrelated topics(from defense industry to anthropology) and make rhetoric. I try to avoid such situations as much as possible, since such discussions lead to nonsensical quarrels rather than producing a result. If there is a discussion environment that will cover specific issues separately and in depth, I would be happy to be a part of it.
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What an idiotic post. Iran increasing production driving down prices will benefit arab oil producers who are finally making profit after years of losses during low oil prices??? :crazy:

I feel most chinese members on this forum are very confused when it comes to the ukraine-russian war due to state propaganda in china. They may be unaware of just how terrible Russia has been performing and how crappy russias latest weapons have been.
120 days into the war russia has yet to gain air superiority. Let alone deliver a knockout blow to a neighbor that is 1/20th its size militarily

Is it as bad as America?
Russia earned a record 93 billion euros from oil, gas and coal exports in the first 100 days after the invasion of Ukraine.
Russia plays badly, but makes money.

Euro drops below $1 for first time since 2002​

Russian ruble hits 7-year high against the dollar
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If big bad russia needs iranian equipment to keep it's "special operation" running, they're in more trouble than I thought

It doesn't, Russia will achieve its goals either way. But if it can do so more rapidly or with lower cost thanks to foreign input in a specific area in which the purported supplier enjoys outstanding expertise (UAV's), then why not?

However, truth is that this was denied by Iran and is more likely than not another piece of disinformation by the USA regime, no different from non-existent Iraqi WMD and similar fairy tales usually coming out of Washington.

Possible objectives of such an American propaganda campaign, in view of its particular timing and content:

* Routine demonization of Iran, by portraying her as supportive of "evil Russia's criminal war effort". Especially relevant now as an additional means to try and pressure Iran on the nuclear negotiations, where Tehran has been firmly standing its ground for months (especially since Ebrahim Raisi's election as President) and will not acquiesce to another flawed deal.

* Try to impose at the international scale and in people's minds the idea that additionally to Iran's nuclear program, ballistic missiles and regional alliances, Iranian UAV's must also be a subject of future negotiations. This would echo recent statements by zionist, American and even German officials about the threat that Iran's drone arsenal is supposedly posing to regional peace and security.

* Discipline Saudi clients by indirectly declaring that any significant dealings with Russia would be akin to helping a strategic ally of Iran, one that buys weapons from Tehran. Given how Ryadh has just doubled its imports of oil from Russia and is hesitating to increase its own production at the request of Biden, this would seem plausible indeed.

* Send a warning message to Russia and others, that the pressure Isra"el" has been exerting on Moscow via the pro-zionist Zelensky regime will go on because it has failed to reach its desired result, namely to coerce Moscow into downgrading its ties with Iran and in particular its strategic military cooperation with Tehran on the Syrian file.

At any rate, some twenty-six pages of discussion and speculation have taken place based on a statement by the US State Department which as of yet is far from having been verified as truthful.
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No. It depends on what type of warfare. You don't need ground troops when fighting a air campaign.

Stand-alone air campaigns always fail against properly armed and trained militias.

-USAF/USN failed against Vietnamese and ended up bombing civilians in frustration
-(P)GCC air campaign failed against Houthis who just a month or two ago burnt Saudi fields again.
-NATO failed against the Afghans
-Israelis in 2006 failed massively against Hezbollah (battle resulted in a stalemate)
- RuAF failed against Chechens 1994. Putin turned the tied with Kadyrov mafia and boots on the ground and won the war.
-Russian/Syrian/Iranian Air arm of Bombers and UCAVS could not alone defeat FSA/ISIS/Nusrah terrorists, it was the ground troops of Syrian Arab Army + Hezb + Peshmerga + Iraqi Militias + IRGC that eradicated them.

So unless, you are fighting against a regular army with bases, military installment on the surface etc the air campaign is bound to fail without ground forces.
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