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Iran to Sue U.S. Over Breach of Nuclear Deal

The total amount of these funds was reported to be $150 billion, but this is a number spread by Israeli/Saudi sources and the real number is actually much lower

Do you have proof?
Iran and his allies in Pakistan always use the name of Israel and Saudi Arabia to make their lies believable, because on pdf you have many buyers of your holy scripts, but the timing and method of money transfer makes it all doubtful and now with hind sight of events and developments which followed, confirms that US and Iran are playing dirty game of destabilizing Saudi and GCC.
Clearly, US and Iran are not only longing for war in the region, but are practically prepared for it, of which first step was the cash deliveries, reported in media to be 150 billion $, which you conveniently labeled as Saudi.. (for rest see other preparations below)
On the other hand as we learned from pdf gurus is that Israel dictates US.... how come than Israel would allow Iran to have all that cash!
Stop making fool of people, you use Israel to your advantage whenever it suits you.
If Pakistan military was as small as Saudi military, bearded monk--s would have invaded Pakistan long ago.
Now Pakistan is building fence to keep those un-holy monk--s away from Pakistan and we are paying for it.
Why shouldn't Pakistani Pussy Minister ask US and Iran to pay half of the cost for those fences?

other preparations:
US pulled out from Iraq and Syria in order to focus on new anticipated war, but in no condition US is going to evacuate it's heaven in Afghanistan, actually with complicity of Pakistani traitors is trying to get involved in Kashmir dispute.
US brought it's forces in gulf and allowed Iran various hostile moves, including arrest of it's sailors.
When this wasn't enough, Iran embark on in brazen attacks on Saudi infrastructure and cities and airports using it's proxies. (I'm not listing here the threat statements which were beginning) There's no doubt that missiles /suicide drones were fired by professionals and are made in Iran and China, sold to Iran. US media administration tried level best to provoke Saudis, for counter move.
Batman:Retired secretary Bolton wasting his years trolling Iranians on forums the world over

Only if you remain civilized and order your puppies on pdf to remain civilized, i may reconsider.
Do you have proof?
Unlike you with your troll claims, yes I do have proof for my claims/assertions/arguments:

Source #1:
the largest funds often described as frozen are those held in the central banks of countries to which Iran has recently been selling oil, especially China, Japan, India, and South Korea. These assets total at least $50 billion... Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew and Central Bank of Iran (CBI) governor Valiollah Seif have stated that $20 billion or more of these restricted funds are already committed for future Iranian purchases, arguing that this money should not be included in any calculation of assets that will become available to Iran once the nuclear deal is implemented [ergo, $30 billion will become available to Iran once its foreign held (non-US) assets become unfrozen post-JCPOA]

Other pre-deal exaggerations included the suggestion that the Iranian government bore the full burden of asset freezes. In fact, most of the frozen assets do not belong to the government.

Source #2:
AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. There was no $150 billion payout from the U.S. treasury to Iran, according to an AP Fact Check.

THE FACTS: The erroneous posts are identical to a tweet made Wednesday by President Donald Trump after a contentious meeting with House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer to discuss funding of a border wall. Trump has made the Iran claim before in different situations. An AP Fact Check published April 24, 2018, found there was no such payment. According to the article, the money Trump refers to represents Iranian assets held abroad that were frozen until a deal was reached in 2015 to curb Iran’s nuclear program and ease sanctions. Tehran was then allowed access to its funds.

Source #3 (on the $400m sent in cash to Iran):
When Iran signed the multinational deal to restrain its nuclear development in return for being freed from sanctions, it regained access to its own assets, which had been frozen abroad. There was no $150 billion gift from the U.S. treasury or other countries. Iran was allowed to get its money back.

The $1.8 billion refers to a separate matter, also misstated by the president going back to before the 2016 election.

A payout of roughly that amount did come from the U.S. treasury. It was to pay an old IOU.

In the 1970s, Iran paid the U.S. $400 million for military equipment that was never delivered because the government was overthrown and diplomatic relations ruptured. After the nuclear deal, the U.S. and Iran announced they had settled the matter, with the U.S. agreeing to pay the $400 million principal along with about $1.3 billion in interest.

The $400 million was paid in cash and flown to Tehran on a cargo plane. The arrangement provided for the interest to be paid later.

In Trump’s telling, one cargo plane with $400 million that was owed to Iran has become “big planes, 757s, Boeing 757s,” loaded with a $1.8 billion giveaway.

Source #4 (debunking the $150 billion claim):
First of all, former President Barack Obama didn’t give “150 billion in cash” to Iran.

The nuclear agreement included China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, so Obama didn’t carry out any part of it on his own. The deal did lift some sanctions, which lifted a freeze on Iran’s assets that were held largely in foreign, not U.S., banks. And, to be clear, the money that was unfrozen belonged to Iran. It had only been made inaccessible by sanctions aimed at crippling the country’s nuclear program.

Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

Source #5:
Some conservatives have put the amount released as high as $150 billion, which is the highest of estimates we have seen. Another estimate from Iran’s Central Bank topped out at about $29 billion in readily available funds, with another $45 billion tied up in Chinese investment projects and the foreign assets of Iran’s Oil Ministry.

After talking with officials at Iran’s Central Bank, Nader Habibi, professor of economics of the Middle East at Brandeis University, told PolitiFact in 2018 that the actual total is between $25 billion and $50 billion.

Even though Trump said that "we gave" Iran the money, little of that money was under the control of the United States or any U.S. bank. Most of it, Habibi said, was in central and commercial banks overseas. Furthermore, it was Iran’s money to begin with, not a payment from any government to buy Iran’s cooperation.

Source #6:
Nader Habibi, a professor of economics at Brandeis University who has tried to figure out the exact number, says the nuclear sanctions lifted last week will probably free up only about $30 billion worth of assets. Iran’s central bank chief, Valiollah Seif, had a similar estimate this week — about $32 billion.

“I think partly the dispute or disagreement is because some of Iran’s funds have been blocked for a long time, and they have nothing to do with the nuclear agreement,” said Habibi, who thinks the larger estimates include Iranian funds that have been frozen in foreign banks dating back to the Iranian Revolution. “I think this number [$32 billion] is closer to reality than $100 billion.”

Source #7:
In fact, most of Iran’s foreign assets are in Asia as a result of the country transferring them from European banks to China and other Asian countries between 2006 and 2011 in anticipation of financial sanctions.

A large portion of Iran’s assets in China, for example, are deposited in Chinese banks as collateral for several Chinese investments in Iran (item three in the table). Others are locked in the foreign asset portfolio of Iran’s Oil Ministry (item four).

These items add up to just $29 billion. The rest may remain blocked for much longer because of legal disputes and ongoing tensions between Iran and the United States over other issues.

Enough proof? I know it won't be for you because you don't care one bit about reality or facts, but now anyone else reading this knows that your claims were FALSE LIES and you are peddling a vicious sectarian anti-Iran agenda. :)

BATMAN said:
On the other hand as we learned from pdf gurus is that Israel dictates US.... how come than Israel would allow Iran to have all that cash!
You missed how Netanyahu literally went behind President Obama's back to speak directly to the US Congress instructing them not to allow the JCPOA to be voted through? And how most US Senators voted against the deal as a result despite it being the signature foreign policy achievement of the Obama administration? And how President Trump then instantly violated it and was hailed as a great man by Netanyahu as a result? (Let me know if you want proof for any of these claims too, I'm be happy to provide evidence for ALL my claims.)

At some point you don't see these things simply because you don't want them to be there, not because they are not there.
If you do internet search, you will find equal number of news mentioning 150 billion and you your self pointed at Trumps tweet.
US administration is basically covering up as they did in missing 21 trillion.
If you do internet search, you will find equal number of news mentioning 150 billion and you your self pointed at Trumps tweet.
LOL so according to you all information on the internet is equally valid. President Dotard Trump says $150 billion, and experts say $30 billion. So your conclusion is: well who knows, but I'll continue to say $150 billion anyway!

I see that you lack university-level education (at least I hope this is the case, because the alternative is even worse...).
sorry i missed on first... no it's not your money.
air dropping 150 billion $ cash is no way of returning any legal money.
I have already clarified Pakistan's official position on US aid claims.
Here's statements from Pakistan's senior minister, who even called Trump an ignorant.

There was no India.... it was British India, so correct your facts. However, this is not subject matter, which that US and Iran are allies in destabilizing the region.
You even don't know figures ... no more wasting time.
You even don't know figures ... no more wasting time.

This clown is so full of Sh1t that he just needs to be ridiculed every time he pops his retarded little head in this forum. Look at every single post he has ever written here and you will see that not a single one has a trace of logic behind it!
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