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Iran to Rank 1st in Science, Technology by 2025

It's pretty sad Iranian government is squandering all this talent because of its radical and confrontational policies. Iran has been suffering a brain drain like no other country for a long time, no matter what exiled Iranians achieve it will make no difference if they aren't inside the country and if the economy doesn't support such jobs.
Glad to see Iran doing well in science and technology--in the region. Although, I don't think anyone can beat Israel in that region in terms of science and technology. Not even Turkey. Israeli treatment of Palestinians is criminal, racist, and genocidal but the foundations of the Israeli thought processes is based upon the Western principles of logic, secularism and reason--and will remain so, until and unless the fundamentalists there take over.

As to Saudi Arabia. No disrespect but KSA, as well as most Arab countries, with the possible exception of Lebanon and Egypt, are probably intellectual wastelands: Either foreign-imposed, self-serving corrupt leaders or countries where religion is too deep ingrained to allow critical reasoning. I wish them luck though.

Iran may be ostensibly a mullah-cracy but they are essentially a nationalistic govt. deeply rooted in their Persian history. They want their own place in the sun. Mullahs cannot stop them.
Actually you can not simply multiply it by 15. Iran's growth is 27% per year as per US government report "science and engineering indicators" and for that you have to use compound interest calculator. If we take Iran's current publications rate at 28000 and the growth as 27% per year after 15 years of growing at that rate it will come out as 1,009,749 publications per year. That is twice the publication rate of the United States. Iran simply can not maintain such a high growth level since its population is too small to compete with US or China. Iran can reach to top ten position but never to the first in the world. To publish one million scientific articles per year means that Iran must have over a million dedicated researchers, with each one of them on average publish one article every year. Since most research articles are written by more than one author some times by a team of authors and after years of research, this is simply not possible with a 75 million population.
damn it
the min I closed my laptop I realized my mistake but I was too lazy to fix it. The funny thing is I'm a business student and all I do all day is deal with compund/simple interests.
It's pretty sad Iranian government is squandering all this talent because of its radical and confrontational policies. Iran has been suffering a brain drain like no other country for a long time, no matter what exiled Iranians achieve it will make no difference if they aren't inside the country and if the economy doesn't support such jobs.
I love it when people make an azz of themselves trying to leave smart comments.
Iran is 19th in the world according to THIS and has the fastest scientific growth on earth according to Science Matrix, based in Montreal Canada. All these publications are being produced INSIDE Iran.

Arian simply gave the names of some Iranian scientists working on major projects in the world, that's all. And we do have a large brain drain, but that's because we produce a lot of "brains" in the first place. Almost everyone in my family have PHDs and master's degrees, and my own father was accepted to grad school to do his PHD but he never did it. This is normal for all Iranian families, whether inside Iran or outside. So yeah, we have brain drain, but we produce enough "brains" to be able to sustain it.

And if you don't believe me, believe the US census:
"According to the latest census data available, more than one in four Iranian-Americans holds a master's or doctoral degree, the highest rate among 67 ethnic groups studied."

Read more: Iranian-Americans Reported Among Most Highly Educated in U.S.

P.S. China and a lot of other Asian countries are suffering from brain drain. This is expected. We are all growing but there are more opportunities outside the country for people with higher education so they leave for countries that pay better. This is a process that all Asian countries are going through.

P.P.S. What radical policies? lmao
Defending yourself is "radical" these days. We will not give up an inch of our rights under any circumstance.
With 33 years sanctions and isolation. We want more sanctions :D !

same to China, decades of science sanctions by West pushing China to the top of science and techs, now the world No.2 sc publications with top 4 patent applications from International Patent Cooperation Treaty
No disrespect but this is dubious, first among world nation?
Yes Iran is rising in publication, but what about the quality? it is perfectly natural for Iran with population of 75ml to produce paper in thousand. And what about this so called Iranian superiority?
where is Iranian university rank? Academic Ranking of World Universities - 2011| Top 500 universities | Shanghai Ranking - 2011 | World University Ranking - 2011

How many Iranian nationalities have won Nobel prize ? List of Nobel laureates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How many Iranian nationalities have won Fields Medal? Fields Medal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Turing Award? Turing Award - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And what about this first in region and twelve worldwide in nanotechnology?

Where is Iran?

iran still lacks behind countries like germany and finland when it comes to science and technology


An Ant can Bite the *** of an Elephant
and Kill an Elephant by entering in his brain from ears.

but an elephant cant reach the *** of an Ant.




if u have ferrari 2009 dont ever fck with caprice 1987 in traffic jam.

accident will bear alot of damages to ferrari.

i am considering ferrari (usa) and caprice 1987 model ( Iran)

i hope u understand after taking a look of both body strength.
who are the disigning bosses of b-747-8 and p-8?howmany persent of NASA Engineers ore iranian?who is the best Ophthalmologist of the world?who is the second Einstein?
the answer of all these questions are iranian
so dont be Jealous and dont cry.
same to China, decades of science sanctions by West pushing China to the top of science and techs, now the world No.2 sc publications with top 4 patent applications from International Patent Cooperation Treaty
Then the biggest state sponsored program ever "steal all you can" makes them world class in half that time :devil:
who are the disigning bosses of b-747-8 and p-8?howmany persent of NASA Engineers ore iranian?who is the best Ophthalmologist of the world?who is the second Einstein?
the answer of all these questions are iranian
so dont be Jealous and dont cry.

Oh, im not jealous, i pity you and alike you. The one who dominate scientific/engineering sector in US are Indians/Chinese...
to your who is CEO or who is who i can present the same arguments, nothing special about Iranians, people just like people, within can be found geniuses and idiots consistent with world mean.
kollang,listen to me: we can wake up the peoples who are asleep, but we can't wake up someone who prtend sleeping
کسی رو که خوابه میشه بیدار کرد ولی کسی که خودش رو زده به خواب نه
Glad to see Iran doing well in science and technology--in the region. Although, I don't think anyone can beat Israel in that region in terms of science and technology. Not even Turkey.

Actually both Iran and Turkey produce more science than Israel already. There is a difference between producing science and getting stuff in aid or buying them. Most of the stuff Israel makes specially the military stuff that make people impressed are actually all American and European systems that Israelis get in aid. They just reconfigure those systems and add some components from Europe to American systems and get things done. Israelis have rarely done purely a completely indigenous system. All their stuff from their tanks to their planes and air defense are either American or European in origin. This is true for other areas of their technology and science as well. So comparing what Turkey and Iran are doing today with Israel is just laughable. Though I agree in past both Iran and Turkey were behind but not now.
No disrespect but this is dubious, first among world nation?
Yes Iran is rising in publication, but what about the quality? it is perfectly natural for Iran with population of 75ml to produce paper in thousand.

Uh, get out of here. You do not know even what you are talking about. Both Turkey and Iran are new comers and have already surpassed you in science. As for quality Iran's research quality is on par with that of Singapore and better than India, South Korea and Taiwan as per UK government report. As for the ranking of universities, it is all BS since these rankings are all biased and not based on any solid system of measurement. Nobel prize is again not a measure of science in a country specially since both Iran and Turkey are new to the field of science. The rest is just again BS. Bring official solid sources to prove your point that Iran and Turkey are not progressing or just keep your mouth shut.

---------- Post added at 06:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:12 PM ----------

simple rule, stay away from usa and your country will progress.

“To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal”.
Henry Kissinger
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