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Featured Iran to establish permanent IRGC military base in Indian Ocean by next March 2021


Sep 18, 2019
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United States
BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:30 P.M.) – The Iranian Revolutionary Guard announced its intention to establish a permanent military base in the Indian Ocean by next March, with the aim of providing security in the waters of the Gulf of Oman and the ocean, and protecting fishermen and merchant ships from piracy.

The commander of the Naval Forces, Ali Reza Tungsiri, said that the Guards have directives from Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, to be present on the high seas permanently.

In a press statement, Tungsiri said that the Iranian Army and Revolutionary Guards have previously sent fleets to the high seas, stressing that other future fleets will be sent.

The military official pointed out that Iranian fishermen and merchant ships were exposed to harassment by pirates in the Gulf of Oman and the Indian Ocean, stressing that the permanent presence of the guards in those areas would prevent any future attacks.

It is noteworthy to mention that Iran possesses the strategic port of Chabahar on the waters of the Indian Ocean and the Sea of Oman, but its development suffers from difficulties due to the U.S. sanctions on Tehran.

The naval forces of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps planned to build a permanent base in the Indian Ocean by the end of the year, Admiral Alireza Tangsiri told state-run Fars news agency.

He said the operation came at the request of military leadership and was intended to protect fishing and industrial shipping.

Adm Tangsiri said the IRGC navy regularly operates in the Indian Ocean and so building a permanent base there was not unusual.

"The deployment of the fleet by the IRGC navy to distant waters has been done in the past, and our second fleet was also sent to the waters of the Indian Ocean," he said. “[Building a permanent marine base will improve] security in the mouth of the Indian Ocean that will also be of great help to the growing presence of Iranian fishing and fishing development in the region,” he said.

The base would be tasked with preventing piracy and harassment of Iranian fishing vessels by foreign ships.

Adm Tangsiri did not say where it would be built and gave no other details of the project.

Iran invests heavily in its naval defences and operates large warships as well as flotillas of fast attack boats.

The US has accused Iranian boats of harassing its ships in the Gulf of Oman and the Strait of Hormuz, sailing at speed in close proximity to its vessels.

An incident in April led US President Donald Trump to order the US Navy to shoot any Iranian gunboats in such circumstances.

It led the navy in May to issue an alert that appeared to target Iran by warning mariners in the Gulf to stay 100 metres from US warships or risk being “interpreted as a threat and subject to lawful defensive measures”.

However, the US Navy said that this did not represent a change to the rules of engagement.

Iran has also used its navy to intercept commercial ships in the crucial international channel through the Gulf of Oman – the conduit for much of the world’s oil exports.

Last July, the Iranian Navy intercepted the Stena Impero as it travelled out to sea, impounding the vessel in what the British government said was a breach of international maritime law. That happened after British Royal Marines boarded and impounded a Panamanian flagged Iranian vessel off the coast of Gibraltar on suspicion of disregarding sanctions on Syria by transferring fuel.

It was released several weeks later, and the US provided images and information it claimed were proof the Grace 1 laid up off the Syrian coast and offloaded its cargo.

Don't forget it to translate it for those paranoid Pakistani people on PDF that think Iran and India have a deal behind the curtain :D
Some of the Pakistanis on pdf can actually read Persian, But few know this sentence has a rhythm-dependent meaning:
I'm curious where this base will actually be

It could be South Arabian Sea or Northwest Indian Ocean

It seems like a good strategy for Iran to create some naval deterrence against US mischief.

My guess is that US has their aircraft carriers and warships out in the Indian Ocean and Iran didn't like it so now they're going to build a naval base in the Indian Ocean to counter it.

Idea being that US will not be able to hit Iran from far away in the Indian Ocean if Iran has a naval base extending their missile range and projecting power into IOR. Iran will be able to target any US assets in IOR including aircraft carriers. This will force US to go farther away increasing Iran's deterrence. Interesting strategy.

I made this map of how Indian Ocean base can extend Iran's missile range

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maybe they want to be closer to Guam island???

Diego Garcia island owned by US.

I personally think multiple huge barges will be very effective.
I don’t think there is any unclaimed island there.

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