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Iran to ‘blow up heart’ of Israel if attacked

lol because they dnt hav the same dna

Or the more true logical explanation is they have been brain washed with propaganda by there government and parents. IF you are growing up and all through you childhood your parents tell you something, you going to keep that something. So if you parents tell you jews are bad when you grow up you will think jews are bad.
Or the more true logical explanation is they have been brain washed with propaganda by there government and parents. IF you are growing up and all through you childhood your parents tell you something, you going to keep that something. So if you parents tell you jews are bad when you grow up you will think jews are bad.

dnt think parents will do that
"You got Israel, you got US by the balls."

You're not using your head, hoss.

Should Israel disappear tomorrow, the Judaic diaspora remains assured...

...in America.:usflag:

You're the one who called it the "jewish reserve", remember?:D

All Ahmedinejad will have done is contaminate/irradiate some of the holiest sites in ISLAM by doing so.

Iran will disappear though. Forever.

You were saying?

With my feet, I vote if Iran is gone, the goyums will finally got their armagaddon they so much craved for. Kabesh?
Iran always talks like this.
schizophrenic Mullah regime uses the Palestinian card for political point scoring only.

According to Iran Saudi UAE PAKISTAN Afghanistan USA UK ISRAEL EGYPT etc etc are all terrorist. ONLY ANGELS LIVE IN IRAN

They have this flawed logic that it is right for them to sponsor terrorism anywhere in the world where as anyone who confronts them is labeled as a terrorist.

What we really need is a dialog between Muslims and Jews so that we can stop alienating each other and agree on some type of workable solution.

Palestinian people have been used as a bargaining chip by both Israel and Muslim World.

We need to end this cycle of violence.
lol at that video.

Are you sure?

This is what the info on youtube says:

"The Israeli arms firm Rafael displayed this Bollywood dance number-based marketing video at the recently held Aero India 2009 in Bangalore. This video has been uploaded for the purpose of embedding on the Defense and Strategic Affairs Online News Magazine, StratPost with the permission of Rafael. Copyright rests with Rafae"

Are you suggesting this is a parody of the rafael promotional video?

ahahha Brother don't mind since, SOME Indian members will always live in lala land, i loved the video and most of it the part, at 1.00 where apperently girls look down to guys private part side and say dedication ahahhaha LMFAO, I didn't know Israel is naughty like that. I thought they are so streight up but they are funny too :rofl::rofl:
All Ahmedinejad will have done is contaminate/irradiate some of the holiest sites in ISLAM by doing so.

what holy sites?Please enlighten me.

No, that is exactly why they want to atatck israel. It is universally known that muslims do not like jews. The leader of iran does not like jews. Muslims countries have been trying to destroy israel since it became a country.
and the fact that Israel is in occupation of Muslim/Arab lands has got nothing to do with it???Muslims and Jews living in western countries usually say that the whole Muslim vs Jews affair is a Mid East thing.

BTW I think this of as a more Arab vs Israeli fight than a Muslim vs Jew fight.
Obviosuly religion has been used by both sides to garner support.

That said A'jad was tad unwise to make that "wipe off Israel from the map".
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Al Aqsa Mosque


Dome of the Rock


If Tel Aviv disappeared, I could easily imagine that downwind drift alone may be sufficient to render Jerusalem uninhabitable as well.

"That said A'jad was tad unwise to make that 'wipe off Israel from the map'".

Yes he was. Both his intent and the means by which he envisions such was clear.
No, that is exactly why they want to atatck israel. It is universally known that muslims do not like jews. The leader of iran does not like jews. Muslims countries have been trying to destroy israel since it became a country. by: xdrive

Who was it that murdered the jews during the crusades, let me guess was it the european christians. And who was it that allowed them to live in peace and trade freely in their lands, oh yeah wasn,t it the muslims.
Who murdered 6million of them, was it not christian europe.
The reality is that muslims don,t hate jews but they loathe zionists and if you research you will find a massive difference between them.
It,s not just muslims but orthodox jews do not believe in the state of israel.
It is the zionist ba......s that believe everyone other than zionists are goyams and are no less than animals.
Al Aqsa Mosque


Dome of the Rock


If Tel Aviv disappeared, I could easily imagine that downwind drift alone may be sufficient to render Jerusalem uninhabitable as well.

"That said A'jad was tad unwise to make that 'wipe off Israel from the map'".

Yes he was. Both his intent and the means by which he envisions such was clear.

The problem is if the state of Israel allows muslims access to Al-Aqsa Mosque there will be no anti-Israeli santiment among muslims and israel can make $$$ while pilgrims come to the holy city to offer prayers.

But in reality Israel does not even allow orthodox jews around the veiling wall let alone tolerating any muslims.

Israel is just like a Jewish Taliban State.

No sane person can think of destroying such a holy place for muslims christians and jews alike.
"Israel is just like a Jewish Taliban State."

You're either sadly mis-informed or very, very stupid. Possibly both but that's an utterly revealing comment which merits little more from me.

"Logic" you patently are not and I won't engage further lunacy.

"No sane person can think of destroying such a holy place for muslims christians and jews alike..."

No sane person would likely even utter such given the magnitude and meaning of Jerusalem for all three religions.

Can your "logic" decipher what that therefore makes Ahmadinejad?

We're finished conversing, madam, as you've little of worth to offer for myself. Avoid me as I shall you and we'll both be better off for it.
"Israel is just like a Jewish Taliban State."

You're either sadly mis-informed or very, very stupid. Possibly both but that's an utterly revealing comment which merits little more from me.

"Logic" you patently are not and I won't engage further lunacy.

"No sane person can think of destroying such a holy place for muslims christians and jews alike..."

No sane person would likely even utter such given the magnitude and meaning of Jerusalem for all three religions.

Can your "logic" decipher what that therefore makes Ahmadinejad?

We're finished conversing, madam, as you've little of worth to offer for myself. Avoid me as I shall you and we'll both be better off for it.

haha, keyboard warrior, delusion is for free i guess.
"Israel is just like a Jewish Taliban State."

You're either sadly mis-informed or very, very stupid. Possibly both but that's an utterly revealing comment which merits little more from me.

"Logic" you patently are not and I won't engage further lunacy.

"No sane person can think of destroying such a holy place for muslims christians and jews alike..."

No sane person would likely even utter such given the magnitude and meaning of Jerusalem for all three religions.

Can your "logic" decipher what that therefore makes Ahmadinejad?

We're finished conversing, madam, as you've little of worth to offer for myself. Avoid me as I shall you and we'll both be better off for it.
Wow, you defend Israel as if it were your own country. I wonder where you derive your motivations from?

As far as Israel is concerned, its virtually the most fascist state on the planet. Their systematic oppression and ethnic cleansing of the Arabs, Muslims and Christians combined with such impunity in defiance of the international Human Rights and Other laws, carried forward by its political regimes with the same religious zealot-driven agenda that you apparently have a soft-corner for.

Using cop-outs to get away from this debate ain't helping you win any 'hearts and minds' so to speak...it would be helpful if you consider getting of that high horse to begin with
Sorry to upset you lads.

I didn't call Israel a taliban state...

...and it doesn't remotely resemble such.

As to your issues with Israel. Bummer for you.

Quit talking out of your fourth point of contact and make war upon them instead of fighting them to the last Palestinian.

Israel has a lot of growth industries and competes successfully across a range of markets.

Hating Israel is Palestine's only growth industry and constitutes it's raison d'etre for the Islamic world.


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