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Iran to acquire advanced J-10B fighter jets from China.

Syed Hussain

Jul 22, 2014
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A much circulated rumor of the past has got new rise after the nuclear deal between Iran and P5+1 countries. Beside news from several other notable sites recently, a post from a much renowned SC Iranian defense forum has put new life into this news.
Iran Military - Timeline Photos | Facebook
Initially order is reported to be of 24 jets but the number may increase as much as to 150. If realized, this can prove to be a game changing deal for Iran. As the IRAAF is the weak spot in otherwise strong arms of ground and naval forces of Iran. Iran was also believed to be interested in the JF=-17, a joint product by China and Pakistan...an option possibly dropped because of unsatisfying for the Iranian need of dealing with a complex and real time external threat environment.
And as the news/rumors have started to revive then so have the propaganda by Israili and Wahabist lobbies to demonize Iran in this specific or any regard possible.
The B variant of J-10 has added significant upgrades to almost all the areas of the previous A variant of J-10 which go from air frame to sensors, avionics and propulsion. Some of the notable changes include a lighter air frame with increased used of composites and with the random geometry being altered with a new tilted bulkhead which will reduce radar bay RCS and increase aerodynamic sufficiency. A Divertless Supersonic Inlet to reduce weight, RCS, air drag and maintenance requirements(because of far less complex structure). An AESA radar, integrated jamming systems, an electro-optic targeting sensor (IRST+laser rangefinder) , a new pure glass cockpit, improved electronic warfare capabilities and electronic countermeasures, and a new electronic warning or countermeasures antenna fairing atop the vertical stabilizer. And a series 3 AL-31FN engine producing 31,000 lbf of total thrust comparing to the 29,000 lbf of the previous engine.
So the B variant of J-10 can be well compared to the block 60 of F-16 in the areas of electronics and sub systems and may significantly surpass it in the aerodynamical performance.

J-10b 6.jpg
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How many more treads on this fake news to come ?
This will be the biggest aircraft export order for china up till now.
Initially order is reported to be of 24 jets but the number may increase as much as to 150. If realized, this can prove to be a game changing deal for Iran. As the IRAAF is the weak spot in otherwise strong arms of ground and naval forces of Iran. Iran was also believed to be interested in the JF=-17, a joint product by China and Pakistan...an option possibly dropped because of unsatisfying for the Iranian need of dealing with a complex and real time external threat environment.

So the B variant of J-10 can be well compared to the block 60 of F-16 in the areas of electronics and sub systems and may significantly surpass it in the aerodynamical performance.

There is a lot of fanboy news on different places. But the actual negotiations are taking place for 24 jets ONLY. And that also, as a barter deal to let China control one of the most strategic oil refineries inside Iran for the next 2 decades.

Outside of the cost of these jets, the Chinese are extending similar duration parts and warranty services for this jet, going out to 2 decades as its a mutual trade / barter type of a deal. This number may or may not reach even 100, let alone 150.

They'll test drive the 24 jets and have something immediately available to strengthen their air-defense. This is also an attempt of put pressure on the West or the Russians in terms of "realignment" of Iran's future interests with the Chinese. They also plan on using tech from J-10B into their own jets they built (copy of F-5).

In the meantime, they'll evaluate their relationships with others (including the US) and if I was to guesstimate, they'll end up acquiring commercial planes from Boeing and more modern fighter jets from France (Rafale probably).

Remember, the French were really the last one to resist sanctions on Iran as they had serious oil based interest in the country. So the Iranians consider them less of an issue than the US at this point. Ideally, the Iranians would like to retire their F-14's and actually upgrade to F-18's or the Russian SU's. But this might be dropped in favor of the French Rafale long term.
Why some people getting uptight about Iran buying a superb chinease fighter

The J10B is equal of the the F16/52 and a great choice

$1 billion dollars for 24 places is only 40 MILLION dollars each cheap has chips to a potential middle eastern super power


The unassuming fuselage bump at each inlet on the Lockheed Martin Joint Strike Fighter performs miracles that only aeronautical engineers can fully appreciate. At high aircraft speeds through supersonic, the bumps work with forward-swept inlet cowls to redirect unwanted boundary layer airflow away from the inlets, essentially doing the job of heavier, more complex, and more costly approaches used by current fighters.
JSF Diverterless Supersonic Inlet | Code One Magazine

So far only Americans and Chinese have used DSI in their fighters but i'm sure that other countries are going to follow in future. There is pictures online what show Gripen E RCS testing model having DSI.
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