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Iran Threatens to Halt Crude Exports If Sanctions Intensify

India needs to increase it's share of Iranian oil and promote more trade between our countries to show solidarity with Iran and a message to the US.
You have been bullying Iranians for 50+ years now!!!! Being bullied is not that bad , it makes you stronger in most cases! But America is like the mean bully at school. I think someone needs to say something soon or later. This doesnt mean there has to war or attacks. But can be done through "diplomacy". why is it so difficult to take critizism? anyway I hope there is a system in the world where countries are NOt allowed to bully others so much and bomb them for simply standing up to them.

9/11 was a terrorist act!!!!! No one in Iran approved of such attacks!

Yes 9/11 was terrorist attack. But after 9/11 Iranians were against these terrorist attacks and supported the victims.

But now these same people are calling Iranian people terrorists, when Iranian people are only minding their own business.
More to the point, does anyone have any actual PROOF that the Iranian Government is seeking to build nuclear weapons?

It is certainly possible that Iran wants to be self-sufficient in terms of nuclear power, and wants to build the types of reactors that require highly-enriched uranium. Such as a Fast-neutron reactor.
India needs to increase it's share of Iranian oil and promote more trade between our countries to show solidarity with Iran and a message to the US.

let's see Persia and Hindustan have been neighbors, have traded with each other for over 3 thousand years now!!!! so now you are being bullied into not trade with Iran, This is the type of bullying I'm talking about. Anyway the only beef iran has with India is , over the claim to whom invented Chess. the Indians or persians?:P
let's see Persia and Hindustan have been neighbors, have traded with each other for over 3 thousand years now!!!! so now you are being bullied into not trade with Iran, This is the type of bullying I'm talking about. Anyway the only beef iran has with India is , over the claim to whom invented Chess. the Indians or persians?:P

If Iran supports India which is our enemy then we have issue with Iran. Other than that we are friends.
If Iran supports India which is our enemy then we have issue with Iran. Other than that we are friends.

I think Iran is alway pakistan friend first and formost naturally, due to cultural, religious, language similarties. If there is conflict between Pakistan and india, 99% iran will back pakistan. Hopefully Pakistani government will become more pro-iranian, sometimes it seems the pakistani government is not very iranian friendly! Pakistan needs to become completely independant of America. in terms of everything specially military wise. seriously all the drone attacks! how can the pakistani people allow such actions in pakistan. I know the government is different than the real pakistani people. But doesn't the governmnet fear the people? I truly think pakistan could lead all the muslim countries in the near future. most pakistani people i know are highly educated. This is a good thing for pakistan and everyone else in the Middle East. ( i consider pakistan part of the middle east) Not Asia!
let's see Persia and Hindustan have been neighbors, have traded with each other for over 3 thousand years now!!!! so now you are being bullied into not trade with Iran, This is the type of bullying I'm talking about. Anyway the only beef iran has with India is , over the claim to whom invented Chess. the Indians or persians?:P

The ANCIENT INDIA & IRAN TRUST. Cambridge, England.

Personally I have many Iranian friends myself and I am a big fan of Hafez, you may find the link above intresting which promotes the ancient links between our great nations. But yes i must disagree with you on that one Chess is a Indian invention during the Gupta empire it takes roots from Chaturanga.

On topic USA can use all the dirty tricks in the book such as blackmail or sanctions but we should not let that stop our countries getting closer and expanding trade like we have been doing before America was even a country.
I think Iran is alway pakistan friend first and formost naturally, due to cultural, religious, language similarties. If there is conflict between Pakistan and india, 99% iran will back pakistan. Hopefully Pakistani government will become more pro-iranian, sometimes it seems the pakistani government is not very iranian friendly! Pakistan needs to become completely independant of America. in terms of everything specially military wise.

Our relations have always been good.

In the past year your three soldiers were caught in our territory and we released them in good health.

We don't hate India, but they occupy our territory of Kashmir.

They torture and kills Muslims in Kashmir because they want independence.

Even Ayatollah Khomeini lived in Kashmir. He was our muslim brother and support us for this. The Indians kill the Kashmiri people and we are not okay with this.
The ANCIENT INDIA & IRAN TRUST. Cambridge, England.

Personally I have many Iranian friends myself and I am a big fan of Hafez, you may find the link above intresting which promotes the ancient links between our great nations. But yes i must disagree with you on that one Chess is a Indian invention during the Gupta empire it takes roots from Chaturanga.

On topic USA can use all the dirty tricks in the book such as blackmail or sanctions but we should not let that stop our countries getting closer and expanding trade like we have been doing before America was even a country.

Hopefully Iran+pakistan+India can become closer, and let go of past mistakes. I disagree with you on Chess being an indian invention! maybe it was joint invention???lol
You have been bullying Iranians for 50+ years now!!!! Being bullied is not that bad , it makes you stronger in most cases! But America is like the mean bully at school. I think someone needs to say something soon or later. This doesnt mean there has to war or attacks. But can be done through "diplomacy". why is it so difficult to take critizism? anyway I hope there is a system in the world where countries are NOt allowed to bully others so much and bomb them for simply standing up to them.

We are not talking about bombing Iran because they are standing up to us. Venezuela stands up to us and criticizes the US very publicly. We criticize them as well. The US is very capable at taking verbal criticism, we take it from either side no matter what we do! The majority of it comes from our own people (pick your side) So I believe you are mistaken on the point of our government's political sensitivities.

Bullying in the US implies ostracization or physical bullying.

It can be argued Iran is being bullied currently by the international community under this definition, but it is also true that the US (the main force behind this) has given its reasons why and has shown Iran that there is a clear way out that is covered by international law.

We are talking about bombing Iran because Iran has signed up to an international treaty banning the manufacture, testing, and pursuit towards nuclear weapons by all signatories. It is still a member, and there are major reservations with Iran in this regard. It is feared that Iran was using the NPT as cover to obtain sensitive nuclear materials and technologies and has then repurposed them towards the pursuit of nuclear weapons, all under the guise of the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty.

Iran has not satisfied international inquiry on this issue, and as it has left these concerns unsatisfied and talks have been unsuccessful (along with some rather inflammatory speeches by Iran's president), pressure has ramped up by much of the global community. This is not a recent issue as you know. Talks to resolve it and diplomatic processes have been going on for years, all fruitless.

If Iran were to reach nuclear capability with material it collected under the guise of the NPT, it would endanger the deterrance effect of the treaty the world over, and aside from starting a guaranteed nuclear arms race in the Middle East, it could start countries elsewhere questioning the wisdom of being under the NPT, exponentially increasing the possibility of others trying to cheat the treaty, and increasing the chances of nuclear war.

To put it simply, this is about more than Iran standing up to the US, and sticking it in our eye, we can and have lived with that, from Iran and other sources.
Our relations have always been good.

In the past year your three soldiers were caught in our territory and we released them in good health.

We don't hate India, but they occupy our territory of Kashmir.

They torture and kills Muslims in Kashmir because they want independence.

Even Ayatollah Khomeini lived in Kashmir. He was our muslim brother and support us for this. The Indians kill the Kashmiri people and we are not okay with this.

I wish something could be worked between India and pakistan without outside influence. You know India and pakistan are also very close. I know maybe you don't like me saying this. But you guys are brothers, please work something out!It only benefits the west if conflicts continues. It weakens pakistan and india at the same time!!!!
We are not talking about bombing Iran because they are standing up to us. Venezuela stands up to us and criticizes the US very publicly. We criticize them as well. The US is very capable at taking verbal criticism, we take it from either side no matter what we do! The majority of it comes from our own people (pick your side) So I believe you are mistaken on the point of our government's political sensitivities.

Bullying in the US implies ostracization or physical bullying.

It can be argued Iran is being bullied currently by the international community under this definition, but it is also true that the US (the main force behind this) has given its reasons why and has shown Iran that there is a clear way out that is covered by international law.

We are talking about bombing Iran because Iran has signed up to an international treaty banning the manufacture, testing, and pursuit towards nuclear weapons by all signatories. It is still a member, and there are major reservations with Iran in this regard. It is feared that Iran was using the NPT as cover to obtain sensitive nuclear materials and technologies and has then repurposed them towards the pursuit of nuclear weapons, all under the guise of the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty.

Iran has not satisfied international inquiry on this issue, and as it has left these concerns unsatisfied and talks have been unsuccessful (along with some rather inflammatory speeches by Iran's president), pressure has ramped up by much of the global community. This is not a recent issue as you know. Talks to resolve it and diplomatic processes have been going on for years, all fruitless.

If Iran were to reach nuclear capability with material it collected under the guise of the NPT, it would endanger the deterrance effect of the treaty the world over, and aside from starting a guaranteed nuclear arms race in the Middle East, it could start countries elsewhere questioning the wisdom of being under the NPT, exponentially increasing the possibility of others trying to cheat the treaty, and increasing the chances of nuclear war.

To put it simply, this is about more than Iran standing up to the US, and sticking it in our eye, we can and have lived with that, from Iran and other sources.

The CIA tried a coup in Venezuela in 2002. So you either try a coup or bomb any country that doesn't submit to you. This whole nuclear issue is an excuse. You also sued Iran for 9/11, when iran had nothing to do with 9/11. You want an excuse to put a pro-American government in Iran. You did the same thing in Iraq and Afghanistan. Your excuse was WMD and Al Qaeda .Iran poses NO threat to american national safety. Iran will never use it's nuclear technology to acquire bomb to use on America or Israel. Everyone knows this, including your governmnet. This is about bullying Iran, like you've done for over 50 years now. Save your BS for someone else. your not fooling iranians. The only country that poses a threat to everyone's safety in the middle east is Israel. Iran has agreed to nuclear disarming for all nations , including Israel.
I wish something could be worked between India and pakistan without outside influence. You know India and pakistan are also very close. I know maybe you don't like me saying this. But you guys are brothers, please work something out!It only benefits the west if conflicts continues. It weakens pakistan and india at the same time!!!!

Brothers in the sense of nation. However, we people in Pakistan are very different from Indians. Our people are very different, in terms of race, tribes, culture and religion.

You can say we are the same from an outside view, but after visiting both countries your perception would change.

We are very different people that share many similarities.
Hopefully Iran+pakistan+India can become closer, and let go of past mistakes. I disagree with you on Chess being an indian invention! maybe it was joint invention???lol

I would not rule that out as my own caste has it's origins from Persia :) Over time we will get even more closer, the IPI pipeline will benefit all our countries but USA is being a spoiler on this.
More to the point, does anyone have any actual PROOF that the Iranian Government is seeking to build nuclear weapons?

It is certainly possible that Iran wants to be self-sufficient in terms of nuclear power, and wants to build the types of reactors that require highly-enriched uranium. Such as a Fast-neutron reactor.

The only true proof is to comply fully with the requested procedures, or to actually test the bomb. The greatest circumstantial evidence is that the talks have been without success for so long. Why would Iran go through so much trouble for no more than to verbally stick it to the UN while still abiding by the treaty?

These procedures to determine that Iran is not testing nuclear weapons are very invasive, but this temporary inspection is surely better than the alternative if there were no nuclear weapons program.
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