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Iran Threatens to Halt Crude Exports If Sanctions Intensify

I wish something could be worked between India and pakistan without outside influence. You know India and pakistan are also very close. I know maybe you don't like me saying this. But you guys are brothers, please work something out!It only benefits the west if conflicts continues. It weakens pakistan and india at the same time!!!!

Thank you for your kind words. But this doesn't seems possible in our lifetime.

Though when outside our countries, we get along well! After all, except for the Kashmir issue, we have almost nothing to hate about.
The only true proof is to comply fully with the requested procedures, or to actually test the bomb. The greatest circumstantial evidence is that the talks have been without success for so long. Why would Iran go through so much trouble for no more than to verbally stick it to the UN while still abiding by the treaty?

These procedures to determine that Iran is not testing nuclear weapons are very invasive, but this temporary inspection is surely better than the alternative if there were no nuclear weapons program.

You send terrorist to Iran to blow up scientists,ordinary people , kill, and injure innocent people!!!! the only threat to world's safety is YOU. You also support, train, arm MKO, a well-known terrorist organization by Iranians. Yet you have a military base in America training these people. Let's see if Iran had a military base in iran training Al-Qaeda how would you feel? your politicans have coffe dates with MKO a terrorist organizations, responsible for dozen bombings in Iran. There is no trust in the American governmnet. You would turn these terrorist in to Iran., We want to execute them for their crimes. There are pictures of new works mayor with MKO at an event! how would you feel if Iranian politicans held events with al Qaeda and had them over for cup of tea!!!
great now one day we will hear rehman malik statement that since iran is halting crude exports oil price will increase by 50 rupees with cng increasing 30 rupees and ata increasing 40 rupees ( for some reason) and electricity increasing 2 rupee per unit even though we get all our oil from arabia gas from within :p:P:P
The CIA tried a coup in Venezuela in 2002. So you either try a coup or bomb any country that doesn't submit to you.
And your country tried to assassinate an ambassador to the US, supports puppet terrorist groups in Gaza, props up a murderous Syrian regime, Frequently threatens the destruction of Israel, a US ally, Supports puppet groups in Lebanon, etc. Our hands are not clean, No nation of any importance is, and neither is Iran's.

This whole nuclear issue is an excuse. You also sued Iran for 9/11, when iran had nothing to do with 9/11.
Are you talking about that Magistrate judge who made a symbolic decision, of which neither of us know the evidence presented by the 9/11 victims who brought the dispute in the first place? (yea, it wasn't the US government who sued). Yea they really represent us.

You want an excuse to put a pro-American government in Iran.
And I'm sure you'd be overjoyed with a pro-Iranian anti-Israel government in the US.

You did the same thing in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Yes, ignoring the buildup, if we're going to be building these countries a democratic government from the ground up to avoid leaving behind a mass of chaos, murder, and bloodshed that could lead to further extremist or undesirable forces gaining power( the point of our nation building since WW2), Why not try to build one that won't try to throw planes into our towers when we leave! (though the chaos, murder, and bloodshed part happened anyways, but hey, we tried!

We've figured out that we're pretty terrible at it in this day and age, we will probably leave Iran to put itself back together or under a UN force, hell China can rebuild Iran if they want, just as long as it isn't going for a nuclear bomb and opening Pandora's box.

Karzai is pro himself, we were willing to take anyone who could mold Afghanistan together into a cohesive governable unit instead of the tribal areas it has been since time immemorial. Unfortunately, and in what I'd like to think is a monumental screwup, he was apparently the best we could find. I assure you we aren't fond of him at all.

.Iran poses NO threat to american national safety. Iran will never use it's nuclear technology to acquire bomb to use on America or Israel. Everyone knows this, including your governmnet.
If this is the case why doesn't Iran just consent to the inspections and get this farce over with, AFTER 10 YEARS of the same stonewalling from Iran and rhetoric from both sides trying to find a peaceful solution! It's economy is increasingly in shambles, its currency falling, and for what, pride that Iran hasn't given in to international law? No, this isn't convincing. The only one who knows what Iran's goals are are the heads of Iran, and you don't seem like one of them. You could certainly and fooled us on the threat Iran poses to Israel considering what we've heard come out of your president's own mouth. In this case we'd rather see actions than words after so long.

This is about bullying Iran, like you've done for over 50 years now. Save your BS for someone else. your not fooling iranians. The only country that poses a threat to everyone's safety in the middle east is Israel.
You must have a really really low opinion of the US government. I mean lower than the Mafia, because even they don't bully for no reason. Bullying implies one sidedness, and this is not One-sided, Iran's hands are not clean.
You send terrorist to Iran to blow up scientists,ordinary people , kill, and injure innocent people!!!! the only threat to world's safety is YOU. You also support, train, arm MKO, a well-known terrorist organization by Iranians. Yet you have a military base in America training these people. Let's see if Iran had a military base in iran training Al-Qaeda how would you feel? your politicans have coffe dates with MKO a terrorist organizations, responsible for dozen bombings in Iran. There is no trust in the American governmnet. You would turn these terrorist in to Iran., We want to execute them for their crimes. There are pictures of new works mayor with MKO at an event! how would you feel if Iranian politicans held events with al Qaeda and had them over for cup of tea!!!

Oh come off it your iranian government does the same to innocent civilians, you have your hands dipped in just as much blood as we do, and you revel in it. At least our attacks can be justified as the lowest casualty method for slowing down Iran's nuclear program, while your attacks are simply terrorist in nature, done by your puppets in Hezbollah purposely against Israeli women and children, You will fight Israel to the last Palestinian, you will fight the Syrian opposition to the last Syrian loyalist, and not a body more. Well too bad, we've made sure that you feel the pain too instead of leaving it to your stooges.

It's well known the groups Iran supports, there is no need to reproduce them when you can find them with a quick google search to kill specifically innocent women and children and advocate another holocaust. Your lack of trust is mirrored, we have no trust in the Iranian theocracy after all this time. By the time the MeK was removed from the list in the US, they had renounced violence. Though I agree their human rights record towards there own members is cause for concern, and this has been brought up by politicians in the US. But China also has great problems with its human rights, but we don't declare them terrorists.
Oh come off it your iranian government does the same to innocent civilians, you have your hands dipped in just as much blood as we do, and you revel in it. At least our attacks can be justified as the lowest casualty method for slowing down Iran's nuclear program, while your attacks are simply terrorist in nature, done by your puppets in Hezbollah purposely against Israeli women and children, You will fight Israel to the last Palestinian, you will fight the Syrian opposition to the last Syrian loyalist, and not a body more. Well too bad, we've made sure that you feel the pain too instead of leaving it to your stooges.

It's well known the groups Iran supports, there is no need to reproduce them when you can find them with a quick google search to kill specifically innocent women and children and advocate another holocaust. Your lack of trust is mirrored, we have no trust in the Iranian theocracy after all this time. By the time the MeK was removed from the list in the US, they had renounced violence. Though I agree their human rights record towards there own members is cause for concern, and this has been brought up by politicians in the US. But China also has great problems with its human rights, but we don't declare them terrorists.
Oh,spare me please,if terrorism means killing civilians for political purposes,Israel and U.S are greatest and dirtiest terrorists of all times.U.S has killed one million civilians from 1990.When did Iran do such barbaric acts?
When it comes to the savageness,you guys win the gold medal,no matter how much propaganda are spread through U.S mainstream media against Iran or other countries.
You must be confusing God the great with Iran, Know the difference and know reality...

Iran's government (while far far from perfect because both Shias and Sunnis are equally un-Islamic) is much more Islamic than the governments of Turkey and all Arab nations combined. How in the world are you unable to see this reality?
it's like "sanctions are not enough, we want full trade embargo!"

Iran Turkiye gibi onursuz ve haysiyetsiz bir ulke degil, emperyalizme direniyor. O Ataturk avatarini hemen kaldir sen. Ataturk'ten hic haberi olmayan bir cahilsin.

Ataturk Dogucu, Batici degil. Bunu bile bilmezsin sen, cok iyi biliyorum.
Oh come off it your iranian government does the same to innocent civilians, you have your hands dipped in just as much blood as we do, and you revel in it. At least our attacks can be justified as the lowest casualty method for slowing down Iran's nuclear program, while your attacks are simply terrorist in nature, done by your puppets in Hezbollah purposely against Israeli women and children, You will fight Israel to the last Palestinian, you will fight the Syrian opposition to the last Syrian loyalist, and not a body more. Well too bad, we've made sure that you feel the pain too instead of leaving it to your stooges.

It's well known the groups Iran supports, there is no need to reproduce them when you can find them with a quick google search to kill specifically innocent women and children and advocate another holocaust. Your lack of trust is mirrored, we have no trust in the Iranian theocracy after all this time. By the time the MeK was removed from the list in the US, they had renounced violence. Though I agree their human rights record towards there own members is cause for concern, and this has been brought up by politicians in the US. But China also has great problems with its human rights, but we don't declare them terrorists.

Sad Trombone Sound Effect - FAIL Sound - Fail Horns - YouTube

furthermore, CIA's mosque bombings in Iran has killed over 100+ innocent people. Explain to me how you are justifying this act again? Lebanese and Palestianians are fighting for their freedom, so they don't become Israel's puppets, Iran supports them. It would be nice if other countries support them too.

the CIA funds Jundullah in Balochistan to attack Iran - YouTube

Jundullah has repeatdly boasted about their support from America and CIA. they are proud of America and the CIA for helping them and boast about it in Media outlets.
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