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Iran & the Caucuses: Some Thoughts

Tabriz Azari

Jun 18, 2012
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The West tries to include the Republic of Azerbaijan into its anti-Iranian coalition. A number of US publications and statements by politicians calling to “protect the Republic Azerbaijan” from Iran have grown.

For example, the former American congressman Michael McMahon urged the US to support the Republic of Azerbaijan against Iran. He stated: “Tehran is annoyed by the fact that Azerbaijan is on friendly terms with the US and Israel, at the same time, Iran is a friend of the bitter enemy of Azerbaijan – Armenia.”

The prominent Jewish billionaire Ishak Nazarian, who served in the Israeli military, has also lobbied Turkey to act against Shia groups while Nazarian funds panturkist nationalist movements against Iran and separatist Baloch groups against Pakistan under the guise of human rights.

Iran has sought freedom for mosques in the Republic of Azerbaijan, which has shown a tendency to approve synagogues while it severely punishing Muslims for expressions of their faith. Far-right Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders and a number of Israeli groups are strong supporters of the Republic of Azerbaijan’s crackdown against Muslims.


Meanwhile Iran obtained permission from Armenia to repair and restore the old Iranian Blue-Mosque that had fallen into disrepair during Soviet times, and has successfully completed that task.


Iranian-Armenians have also maintained their own churches in Iran since antiquity.


In copying Israeli-sponsored rhetoric, the Republic of Azerbaijan also claims that Iran has tried to organize “terrorist attacks” in the Republic of Azerbaijan, while the Republic of Azerbaijan aggressively cracks down on Muslims and U.S. media hide the plight of religious people.


Israel and the U.S. see the Republic of Azerbaijan as important for their energy security (Israel gets about 35% of its oil from the the Republic of Azerbaijan).

Oil and gas pipelines for Western markets also travel through the Republic of Azerbaijan and bypass Russia. Israel and the U.S. hope that in the future export of oil and gas from the Caspian region will increase.

The Republic of Azerbaijan is also important to the U.S. due to transit routes of Western troops to Afghanistan to maintain the war effort there. Today 40% of the transit activity is provided through Baku.

A diplomatic row also recently broke out between two former Soviet nations over a disputed oil-rich section of the Caspian Sea on Tuesday after Turkmenistan claimed the Republic of Azerbaijan had seized one of its ships. Relations between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan have been strained.

A similar volatile situation occurred with the Republic of Georgia, when Israeli and U.S. geo-strategic energy activity led Russia to invade Georgia and free the province of South-Ossetia. (Note: Ossetians are Iranian people.)

Turkey has been helping the government of the Republic of Azerbaijan to meet its own oil needs and in light of a demographic threat it will be facing in future years.


UPDATE: The Blue Mosque is known as مسجد کبود‎, Masjed-e Kabud. It was commissioned and paid for by Nader Shah of Iran in approximately 1736–47. Ignore the words some unknowing people below use in their "Russian-Turkish" alphabet below - There isn't a single example of that type of wording on the Mosque: The mosque's name is مسجد کبود‎, Masjed-e Kabud, and was built by Iran.
Blue-Mosque, originally Göy Məscid (Blue Mosque) is Azerbaijani and it was built during Irevan Khanate period. Yerevan (İrevan) itself had Azerbaijani majority as late as 1897, as shown in official census of Russian Empire from 1897.
Blue-Mosque, originally Göy Məscid (Blue Mosque) is Azerbaijani and it was built during Irevan Khanate period.

UPDATE: The Blue Mosque is known as مسجد کبود‎, Masjed-e Kabud. It was commissioned and paid for by Nader Shah of Iran in approximately 1736–47. Ignore the words some unknowing people below use in their "Russian-Turkish" alphabet below - There isn't a single example of that type of wording on the Mosque: The mosque's name is مسجد کبود‎, Masjed-e Kabud, and was built by Iran.

The Design is Classic Persian Islamic Period; and the Architect was a man from Yazd Iran. (Example of Yazd Mosque Below.)

They are in very bad situation and all coming to turkey for a better life as illegal immigrants .

Lets just see the situation at the moment.

Armenia - According to Forbes magazine Armenia had the second worst economy in the world in 2011.

Azerbaijan is growing very fast to become a very rich country and is enjoying prosperity.

List of strategic deals between Azerbaycan and Turkiye. ( these also reduce hurts iran alot , aswell as russia )

Trans anatolian gas pipeline
Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nabucoo pipeline
Nabucco pipeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline

These are all strategic deals , if you read abit more about it you can see very clearly how important they are and also backed by US and Europeon Countries.

Pakistan doesnt recognize armenia , Most Muslim countries have no relations with armenia.



The president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev in 2005 reportedly declared "If we succeed with this project, the Armenians will end in complete isolation, which would create an additional problem for their already bleak future."
Lets just see the situation at the moment.

Armenia - According to Forbes magazine Armenia had the second worst economy in the world in 2011.

Considering Armenia is a landlocked country with no natural resources blockaded from two sides by enemies bent on their destruction and under a constant threat of war......they do OK.

Azerbaijan is growing very fast to become a very rich country and is enjoying prosperity.

until the oil runs out in near future

Pakistan doesnt recognize armenia , Most Muslim countries have no relations with armenia.

The only Muslim countries that Armenia has no diplomatic relations are Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen.......Armenians have lived in Muslim lands for generations. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt you name it, we are there with our own communities.

The president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev in 2005 reportedly declared "If we succeed with this project, the Armenians will end in complete isolation, which would create an additional problem for their already bleak future."

Aliyev should not play poker....he will always loose.
Turkey and israel-baiijan don't want to see Armenia so we help them to see him everyday growing :rofl::lol:
Armenia growing? Worst economy 2011
Here is a question about Armenia:I've read that people in Nagorno-Karabakh which majority of them are Armenians,have voted for independence and even merging with Armenia in a referendum.So why don't you recognize it?can you clarify here?
Because its not their land , lets invade a place , fill it with Turkish people and then lets say , lets do a referandum .
Because its not their land , lets invade a place , fill it with Turkish people and then lets say , lets do a referandum .
That's not true and you know it.Before the USSR collapses,more than 75% of population were Armenians.There is no doubt in this fact,let's discuss on other reasons.
I dont know that but there must be areas where turks lived as majority , so do you give them areas to azerbaycan or make a referandum?

Easiest Solution .

1. Give back lands to Azerbaycan , sign a no aggression treaty.

2. Lift the blockade.
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