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Featured Iran sympathizes with Pakistan over terrorist attacks on troops

Just double talk, if you condemn such terrorist then why arent you wiping out BLA camps in Iran. Iran should be given a stern warning to arrest and hand over all BLA terrorist.
Are Baloch happy, is that why they kill Punjabis ?
Who cares what your opinion is? Again, why are you whining here on pdf? If you're of the opinion that BLA deserves a higher platform, please cry about it to someone who will listen to your narrative. Last month, Delhi claimed GB and AzK were regions whose freedom was under threat from Islamabad. Did you find any takers for that narrative?
In the process they also condemned God for making Human beings. If you can't handle your local situation dosent mean blaming India will do allot of good to the situation.
We (people) are blaming india because we know it was them... our govt and media unlike indian govt are professional ones so they didnt blame india within 2 minutes of attacks...

And its india which fails to handle local situations be it terror attacks or riots and blames Pakistan..

Our Govt does our investigation and they found that india was involved in APS... and was behind Gawadar and 2 attacks in Karachi... and have proof regarding it..
Are Baloch happy, is that why they kill Punjabis ?
Baloch are happy indian paid insurgents are...
Pakistanis members here like to proudly claim that, Indian soldiers in Kashmir are fair game for "Kashmiri freedom fighters".

So why are Pakistani soldiers not a fair game for "Baloch freedom fighters"

To this they respond that "Kashmir is a disputed territory between India and Pakistan"

To which I ask ...disputed territory or not ..how does it matter ..are freedom movements only legitimate in Disputed territories?

Was East Pakistan a disputed territory ..yet they had a legitimate freedom movement ..and now are a free a country.

Pakistan ..you can not have it both ways.. either terrorism against soldiers is wrong everywhere or it isn't.
Nice try but here is a small thing that you Pajeets dont understand... not even 40% Baloch want an independence Balochistan according to UK based survey while over 90% Kashmiris want freedom... this is the basic difference...
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Lol. Imaginary thread pulled out of an body orriface by pdf conspiracy theorist.
Genuine ?.. any one who is ready give his life for a cause .. genuinely believes in the cause.

In Majority ? ..There are hardly 250 insurgents in Kashmir at any given point. I believe Balochistan would have similar numbers if not higher.

India also openly supports Balochistan's freedom struggle.. because as you said .. Pakistan is an enemy.

So no... don't see a difference.. between a bad terrorist and a good one.

As a typical indian u have a twisted view of everything, happens when u grown up on vedic science and a media hell bent on stupidifying you. Even ISIS terrorists sacrifice their life, does that make their cause genuine? Only idiots look at things as black and white. 250 insurgents in kashmir? And u cant end it with 900K army in 70 years? What r u ppl retarted? Every genuine insurgency is backed with majority support and sympathisers to their cause, without that, it can only survive with foreign funding like a terrorist organizations, the way baloch groups do with indian money and iranian territory.
Are Baloch happy, is that why they kill Punjabis ?
Let's not forget the mass murder of Sikhs and their struggles for a free homeland Khalistan ... and likewise there are multiple movements in india going on for freedom of muslims low cast Hindus and sikhs why don't you guys help them in their struggle for freedom from RSS ... oh wait you are the RSS .... india will likely be broken in 3 4 pieces its only a matter of time ... let that sink in
In the process they also condemned God for making Human beings. If you can't handle your local situation dosent mean blaming India will do allot of good to the situation.
Same goes for India. Why blame Pakistan when modis daughter gets raped by local hindus. National sport and all
good to see that Iran finally speak up against indian terrorism and indirectly took indian name.
To which I ask ...disputed territory or not ..how does it matter ..are freedom movements only legitimate in Disputed territories?

Was East Pakistan a disputed territory ..yet they had a legitimate freedom movement ..and now are a free a country.

Pakistan ..you can not have it both ways.. either terrorism against soldiers is wrong everywhere or it isn't.

When a territory is disputed and you are the occupier, despite agreeing initially to let the people of that disputed region to decide their future, then you become a forceful occupier of the land which doesn't belong to you. When force is used against you, its legitimate , with the goal of evicting you from those lands.

East Pakistan was not a disputed territory hence by all international laws, it was blatant violation of all laws.

If Pakistan decide to start killing Indian soldiers in proper India, say in Delhi or Bombay, then you can compare the situation in Baluchistan, as those places are proper within the borders of India and not disputed territories.

Comparison with Kashmir is silly.
When a territory is disputed and you are the occupier, despite agreeing initially to let the people of that disputed region to decide their future, then you become a forceful occupier of the land which doesn't belong to you. When force is used against you, its legitimate , with the goal of evicting you from those lands.

East Pakistan was not a disputed territory hence by all international laws, it was blatant violation of all laws.

If Pakistan decide to start killing Indian soldiers in proper India, say in Delhi or Bombay, then you can compare the situation in Baluchistan, as those places are proper within the borders of India and not disputed territories.

Comparison with Kashmir is silly.

If Kashmir is disputed, then Pakistan has the exact same legal status as India.

Legally speaking ...If India is an occupier then so is Pakistan. But there is no such law ..anywhere..it is your own creation ..that is why .. everywhere around the world .. Indian Kashmir is known as Indian administrated Kashmir.

If we talk about history ..it is not because of India ..but it because of Pakistan .. plebescite was never conducted.

It all started with Jinnah refusing to India's offer of plebscite during Jinnah -Mountabtten talks in Oct 1947 and proceeding with invasion of Kashmir.

There after not following UN conditions for plebescite and withdrawing all Pakistani forces and civilians from Kashmir.

There after removing the state subject law in Kashmir in 1974 and allowing Pakistanis to settle in the areas of Gilgit Baltistan.

Hence India is not an occupier and there is no legitimacy for terrorism.

If India is an occupier in Kashmir..name one international organization ..that calls it so.
If Kashmir is disputed, then Pakistan has the exact same legal status as India.

Legally speaking ...If India is an occupier then so is Pakistan. But there is no such law ..anywhere..it is your own creation ..that is why .. everywhere around the world .. Indian Kashmir is known as Indian administrated Kashmir.

If we talk about history ..it is not because of India ..but it because of Pakistan .. plebescite was never conducted.

It all started with Jinnah refusing to India's offer of plebscite during Jinnah -Mountabtten talks in Oct 1947 and proceeding with invasion of Kashmir.

There after not following UN conditions for plebescite and withdrawing all Pakistani forces and civilians from Kashmir.

There after removing the state subject law in Kashmir in 1974 and allowing Pakistanis to settle in the areas of Gilgit Baltistan.

Hence India is not an occupier and there is no legitimacy for terrorism.

If India is an occupier in Kashmir..name one international organization ..that calls it so.


Pakistan is all for implementing the UN resolution on Kashmir not tomorrow but today. Its India which is dragging its feet. This has been Pakistan position from day one. We want Kashmiris to get their democratic right asap, as confirmed by the international law through UN resolution.

Pakistan wants to resolve this dispute according to the UN resolutions while India is not interested in this hence India is an illegal occupier of the land hence any force used against it to evict it from Kashmir or force India to accept the plebiscite in Kashmir is fair.

Paksitan is not a occupier but safe keeper of the lands which were liberated from Indian clutches, Pakistan , on many occasions have already said that final resolution of Kashmir is with Kashmir vote. No ifs and buts.

You Indians have been debunked so many times about your "Pakistan didn't adhere to its part of UN resolution" non sense. Go and bloody read what it says. Its talks about all non resident and tribes who came to fight alongside Pak Army against Indian army. Those people have already long gone, infact right in the aftermath of the 1948 war. Truth of the matter is, we are at that stage of the resolutions where India needs to remove its forces from Indian occupied Kashmir.

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