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Iran Starts 60% Uranium Enrichment

the last sabetage was attack on Centrifuge assembly factory above ground and had nothing to do with IR-1
Yeah, I know. ICAC stands for Iran Centrifuge Assembly Center. Iran has two well-known centrifuge assembly centers that are also used for storing already assembled centrifuges. One is Kalayeh-Electronic, the other was ICAC. Satellite photos showed a lot of debris and destroyed equipment from the explosion. The extent of damage is confidential, but it is possible that some of our stored machines at Natanz were destroyed too. I will be more than happy to be proven wrong though.
This completely explains why the Europeans and the Americans insisted on Iran using only IR-1 centrifuges in the JCPOA. They had plans for this day since then! (as revealed by the Israeli officials)

They insist on IR-1 because it represents 1SWU it’s a joke. Rest of the world is on 100SWU+.

You can’t scale an IR-1 program.

IR-1 = token enrichment program. A “toy” program. Can never truly “feed” Iran’s nuclear needs. Too many of them would be needed to reach 500K-1M SWU
Khamenei is the commander-in chief of all armed forces. He takes the ultimate decisions. He is responsible for the current fiasco. This ''Barzakh hasteyi'' is doing us no good.. na bombi misazan va na be darde mellat khorde ta alan in barname hasteyi. Nothing against Khamenei personally but i believe he should at this point make it clear that enough is enough and push for the bomb and renounce any fatwa (if it has ever been issued).
You were right in case the Safety of our nuclear facilities was up to IRGC or the other armed forces. It currently is up to Shamkhani and his team of retards also the Ministry of intelligence.
I guess what you have been asking for will come tru eventually.
They insist on IR-1 because it represents 1SWU it’s a joke. Rest of the world is on 100SWU+.

You can’t scale an IR-1 program.

IR-1 = token enrichment program. A “toy” program. Can never truly “feed” Iran’s nuclear needs. Too many of them would be needed to reach 500K-1M SWU
No, that's not the reason. They could've limited Iran's nuclear program with a cap for the total separative power unit of our centrifuges, but they didn't do so. Apparently, they knew that IR-1 design was prone to a sudden power outage and they had planned for this, knowing that if Iran wants to go nuclear, they could always manage to do what we did recently and damage our IR-1 centrifuges to increase the break-out time. So, this was their plan B. Something that our negotiating team failed to see.
Yeah, I know. ICAC stands for Iran Centrifuge Assembly Center. Iran has two well-known centrifuge assembly centers that are also used for storing already assembled centrifuges. One is Kalayeh-Electronic, the other was ICAC. Satellite photos showed a lot of debris and destroyed equipment from the explosion. The extent of damage is confidential, but it is possible that some of our stored machines at Natanz were destroyed too. I will be more than happy to be proven wrong though.

That facility was for building and calibration centrifuges for use.

Too small to hold centrifuges and plus centrifuges are stored in a specific area under IAEA electronic seal.

The real question is if those 2015 IR-1s still work since so much time has passed.
The Iranian parliament wanted to impeach Rouhani a year ago. Guess who told them not to do so? And guess how much damage this idiot has done to the country since then?
Too many enemies bro, you are a logical commentator. Rouhani can and is able to make unrest in the country. Bear that in mind.

Moreover has been shitting for whole 7 years. Why would you allow Majlis to make a Hero of him? Everyone must understand that he is a shit.
I guess what you have been asking for will come tru eventually.
Behtarin too dahani ke be doshman mitunim bezanim hamine.
Too many enemies bro, you are a logical commentator. Rouhani can and is able to make unrest in the country. Bear that in mind.

Moreover has been shitting for whole 7 years. Why would you allow Majlis to make a Hero of him? Everyone must understand that he is a shit.
Fair enough, you and Arian both make valid points. This brother over here is basically saying that Khamenei allowed Rouhani to shit on the country and show the true face of the reformists. I hope from now on we don't see any reformists getting approved by the guardian council whether it is for the parliament or the presidential position.
No, that's not the reason. They could've limited Iran's nuclear program with a cap for the total separative power unit of our centrifuges, but they didn't do so. Apparently, they knew that IR-1 design was prone to a sudden power outage and they had planned for this, knowing that if Iran wants to go nuclear, they could always manage to do what we did recently.

Cap doesn’t take away “knowledge”. If I say you can only have IR-1old 1950’s technology it’s a lot different then me saying you can have 100 much more capable IR-9s.

JCPOA outlined prohibition on research and install IR-8 and IR-9. Actually anything above IR-2M I believe.

The agreement specifically prevented advance centrifuges research and testing.

Once you have mastered IR-9, you can hide 100-1000 of them on a military base and race to the bomb undetected. (Import uranium from North Korea or black market to sidestep IAEA surveillance of Iranian uranium mines)
That facility was for building and calibration centrifuges for use.

Too small to hold centrifuges and plus centrifuges are stored in a specific area under IAEA electronic seal.

The real question is if those 2015 IR-1s still work since so much time has passed.
It wasn't for building centrifuges. It was for assembling centrifuges. Building and assembling are different things.

It wasn't small at all. And it wasn't fully operational at the time. So, it seems plausible that they were using it as a storage. Every facility at Natanz is under the 24/7 IAEA surveillance and supervision.
Cap doesn’t take away “knowledge”. If I say you can only have IR-1old 1950’s technology it’s a lot different then me saying you can have 100 much more capable IR-9s.

JCPOA outlined prohibition on research and install IR-8 and IR-9. Actually anything above IR-2M I believe.

The argument specifically prevented advance centrifuges research and testing.

Once you have mastered IR-9, you can hide 100-1000 of them on a military base and race to the bomb undetected. (Import uranium from North Korea or black market to sidestep IAEA surveillance of Iranian uranium mines)
IR-9 is too large to be hidden in a military base. If Iran truly wants a covert nuclear program, as I have mentioned it a thousand times before, it should go for laser isotope separation. Something that Iran was testing in 1990s.

As for technology, IR-1 and IR-2 are both very old designs. So, the very fact that they chose IR-1 only, besides the fact that Israeli officials have already admitted that they were planning this attack since at least 10 years ago, can mean only one thing: The Europeans and the Americans knew about this vulnerability and that's why they insisted on Iran using only IR-1 centrifuges.
Too many enemies bro, you are a logical commentator. Rouhani can and is able to make unrest in the country. Bear that in mind.

Moreover has been shitting for whole 7 years. Why would you allow Majlis to make a Hero of him? Everyone must understand that he is a shit.
Rouhani is hated by the majority of the people now. Do you think anyone supports him now? We have four groups of people in Iran: 1- West loving people, 2- Reformists, 3- Conservatives, 4- Independents. Even reformists hate Rouhani now. Who do you think will support him if Khamenei removes him from power? No one.

Kicking him out wouldn't make him a hero. It would've made the new parliament a hero had Khamenei allowed them to impeach him. But once again, Khamenei proved that he's behind all this mess.
Rouhani is hated by the majority of the people now. Do you think anyone supports him now? We have four groups of people in Iran: 1- West loving people, 2- Reformists, 3- Conservatives, 4- Independents. Even reformists hate Rouhani now. Who do you think will support him if Khamenei removes him from power? No one.

Kicking him out wouldn't make him a hero. It would've made the new parliament a hero had Khamenei allowed them to impeach him. But once again, Khamenei proved that he's behind all this mess.
He could say this to people: I wanted to make peace with west (democrats) and hence ending the economic hardships. Majlis conspired against me with Khamenei and i am the oppressed.

Nothing is happened, and he still boasts of referendum indirectly challenging Khamenei. You are facing a piece of shit populist, that's when you need to be patient.

And i don't care about politicians, i only care about what people think by majority, what they want.
need over 95% for weapons grade uranium. none the less this is big jump from 20% to 60%.
Israelis not that concerned it seems:

Iran’s vow to enrich uranium to 60% ‘not a significant threat’ — analyst

Iran’s vow to ramp up uranium enrichment to 60% within a day is “not a significant threat,” according to Channel 13 news analyst Alon Ben David.

According to Ben David, there is no way Iran can reach 60% enrichment at the Natanz nuclear facility, because “the 6,000 centrifuges there are out of action” due to this week’s blast there, which has been blamed on Israel.

Iran has 1,000 more centrifuges at the Fordo plant, where they can enrich to 60% “in very small quantities,” he adds.

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