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Iran seizes two Saudi fishing vessels in the gulf

Yes, is that why the oldest cities in the world, both in terms of foundation and continuously inhabited, are located in the Arab world and made by us Semites. Be it Damascus, Byblos or Sana'a?

Nice story kid. Now go to sleep farsi.


This is Harram!! Why are you glorifying pagan fire worshiping??
Iranian was the first peolpe who created alphabet in south of Iran about 7000 years ago.

,was the first people who minted coin and used it for bussiness.

,was the first people who created roadster and built roads for roadster.

,was the first people who created perfume.

,was the first people who invented canalization.

,was the first people who invented thread and spinning.

.was the first people who used fire for heating and cooking.

,was the first peolpe who had queens for governance.

,was the first people who built ship according a persian queen`s instruction.

,was the first people who invented glass and used it for thier houses.

,was the first people who discovered earth is round.

,was the first people who created astronomy.

,was the first peolpe who created cavalry army.

,was the first peole who discovered coal.

,was the first people who invented scale.

,was the first peolpe who invented a simple camera by a box and took photo.

nowdays Locust Creek Arabs has become impudent for us!:haha:
Go and eat your loucasts and ride camel in desert :tup: :tup:
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yeah of course you did . this is why we are speaking arabic and wearing arabic clothes. even more pathetic than the other one. :coffee:

HAHA, you are using THOUSANDS of Arabic loanwords that you just don't know about. Your whole alphabet is an Arabic alphabet with 4 new letters that were added. Still an Arabic alphabet that you call Perso-Arabic to distinguish yourself and to fell better.

Don't wear Arabic clothes? Sure about that?

Ever seen your fake Wannabe Arab Mullah's in action? Those that have ruled you for 35 years.



Nice list of farsi lies. I thought your first ridiculous list, that I ripped apart by proving it was total nonsense, was not enough I see.

Nice Arabic name btw.

How is your Arabic classes going in Iran?
LOL, when your officer son the "shah" whose father was a simply peasant and commoner who crowned himself as the Shah in 1925 over half of your people could not even read. 30 years earlier half of your population were close to starving to death when the Russians invaded you.

Currently Iranians are providing services in UAE and other small Arab Gulf states in the Arabian Gulf if you know what I mean.

Your proudest moment in history.

Next after having the honor of us Arabs conquering you military, culturally, religiously, genetically and linguistically.


Even your username is Arabic.


let us not get to insulting women,

i have been to dubai/doha/muscat and all i can say is any woman is capable of infidelity if she is not satisfied,forget about those rolling in poverty,

Less spoken the better about lebanese/palestinian women,
Yes, is that why the oldest cities in the world, both in terms of foundation and continuously inhabited, are located in the Arab world and made by us Semites. Be it Damascus, Byblos or Sana'a?

Nice story kid. Now go to sleep farsi.

great . now you know urban history. each of you arabs are professors in every subject. i'm wondering why you are still living in medieval with this amount of knowledge. :fie:
when we first created the sewer system

Funny, your country still pretty much worse than a sewer till this day, no wonder we Arabs took your whole pathetic empire down in a record time, changed your religion, and ruled you with an iron fist, and till now you still being ruled by Arabs, that's the definition of pathetic you poor persian, Lol.
Yes, is that why the oldest cities in the world, both in terms of foundation and continuously inhabited, are located in the Arab world and made by us Semites. Be it Damascus, Byblos or Sana'a?

Nice story kid. Now go to sleep farsi.

Foolish byblos were Iranian civilization not badion arab`s!!!!!!!!!
great . now you know urban history. each of you arabs are professors in every subject. i'm wondering why you are still living in medieval with this amount of knowledge. :fie:

When your so-called "Aryan" ancestors were roaming the Kazakh Steppe (where they have left nothing of worth) we Semitic people (before anything was called Arab or Iranian) built the oldest cities in the world, first cities, invented agriculture, tamed animals, the wheel, writing, alphabet, first laws in the world etc. and had invented most of the new inventions in the known world and were the most advanced place on earth at that time, made the most advanced civilizations or colonized large parts of Europe (Phoenicians etc.). The Middle East. Read about it a bit.
Again, this Hasani with his Semite-claim, once he knows that speaking of Arab history, it won't be more deeper than camels, deserts and lizards.

This is how history went:

Persians migrated to Iran. Within one century they destroyed the Assyrian Empire, conquered the Babylonians and all other Semite people who were worth to conquering. This was the first world superpower. Then Semites went quite, adopted Christianity or Polytheistic religions, worshipping 10 Gods, when Persians established the first monotheistic religion. Than the Arabs came out of their desert, defeated the Persians due to decades of fights between Byzantines and Persians, and some sandstorm. Than they realized that they didn't have enough knowledge to govern their empire, and started to use Persian and Byzantine bureaucracy. Than they needed to build mosques and other buildings, and since they didn't have their own unique architectural style, they borrowed heavily from Byzantines and Persians, using Byzantine domes and Persian bows.

Then came science, and since they didn't study science in their deserts, they used ancient Persian, Greek and Indian scientific works, to study further in Baghdad, where most and best scientists were Persians.

Than suddenly the Ottomans came and Arabs were controlled by Turks for ages. Then the Europeans came and started to draw lines on the map and this is how the Arab World started.

Bebsi strong!
Funny, your country still pretty much worse than a sewer till this day, no wonder we Arabs took your whole pathetic empire down in a record time, changes your religion, and ruled you with an iron fist, and till now you still being ruled by Arabs, that's the definition of pathetic you poor persian, Lol.

It is time for persians to return to zoroastrianism,it is a shame seriously.
How old is the " Arabian Gulf " claim ?

from the moment that Britannia found her daughters ...

they had no history ( because most of them were unpopulated desert - especially UAE and Qatar ) so they tried to make history for themselves with Oil income ...

and the moment IRI kicked western out from Iran , they decide to back Arabs nonsense ...
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