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Iran seizes two Saudi fishing vessels in the gulf

yeah sure,i cant help laughing at you.


I can make Jordanians beat the crap out of u for being stupid.
We ruled an empire stretching from China to Spain for centuries including your country and our achievements are countless in that era.

Is that why English, and NOT Arabic, is a international language???

Is that why computers, cars, trains, cement/concrete, planes, rocket/missiles, telephone, radio, light bulb, batteries, and so many other inventions were invented by innovative non-Arabs are NOT Arabs themselves???

You Arabs claim to have achieved so much yet today Westerners and Asians maintain your military, design and build your skyscrapers, build your oil refineries, etc.

You certainly don't live up the the reputation you claim.
Funny, your country still pretty much worse than a sewer till this day, no wonder we Arabs took your whole pathetic empire down in a record time, changed your religion, and ruled you with an iron fist, and till now you still being ruled by Arabs, that's the definition of pathetic you poor persian, Lol.

Like the time Baghdad was burnt to ashes, the Khalif bagged and kicked to death?.

We know your bravery very well.
Funny, your country still pretty much worse than a sewer till this day, no wonder we Arabs took your whole pathetic empire down in a record time, changes your religion, and ruled you with an iron fist, and till now you still being ruled by Arabs, that's the definition of pathetic you poor persian, Lol.

bullshit islam is for mankind! not for u tribals!
Camel,Iranian weren`t like U Heathen in kabba!they beleive God and prophet zorothosht so beleived islam very easily. Islam army defeat sasanid army which at that time were very weak and it was God wish Iranian beleive Islam.
Prophet Muhammad[S.A]:If Sciences exist [even out out of earch] and in a star like soraya nevertheless Iranian people will get them.

But U badioun arab what does have your self?
U worshiped Beth Stone and wooden bat in kabba and moved to kill prophet[PBUB] many times.
Prophet said:If Islam was revealed in any other nation pagan arabs wouldn`t faith.
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good . tonight i saw more bulshit than the whole past month. my time worth much more than arguing with some stupid semitics. have fun with your empty history. lie to yourself and believe your lies. history has been written otherwise.
Here's a map of the Gulf in a museum in Dubai, they have removed the word Persian amateurishly.



@BLACKEAGLE @al-Hasani
You guys can call the gulf whatever you want, for God's sake, don't claim it's a historical name at least.
@al-Hasani, I'm talking to you especially, you are a man of history and we may not agree on many things, but I think even you know which name has been used for more than 2000 years. You are free to call it the way you like, but remember we aren't running around, for example calling the Arabian sea as Persian sea or Martian sea.
Foolish byblos were Iranian civilization not badion arab`s!!!!!!!!!

LOL you dumb clown using an Arabic name.

The site first appears to have been settled during the PPNB period, approximately 8800 to 7000 BC.[1][9]Neolithic remains of some buildings can be observed at the site. According to the writer Philo of Byblos (quoting Sanchuniathon, and quoted in Eusebius), Byblos had the reputation of being the oldest city in the world, founded by Cronus. During the 3rd millennium BC, the first signs of atown can be observed, with the remains of well-built houses of uniform size. This was the period when the Phoenician civilization began to develop.

Byblos was invented by the Paleolithic people native to the Middle East and what is now the Arab world and before that was known as a land inhabited by various closely related Semitic civilizations.

Phoenicians, just one Semitic civilization, predate anything "Iranian" or Farsi. They existed while the word Iran and "Persian" was unknown. While your ancestors were roaming the Kazakh Steppe in Central Asia.

You sure like to invent historical lies. I have to give you that. That is something you Farsi users all share in common as seen by this thread.
When your so-called "Aryan" ancestors were roaming the Kazakh Steppe (where they have left nothing of worth) we Semitic people (before anything was called Arab or Iranian) built the oldest cities in the world, first cities, invented agriculture, tamed animals, the wheel, writing, alphabet, first laws in the world etc. and had invented most of the new inventions in the known world and were the most advanced place on earth at that time, made the most advanced civilizations or colonized large parts of Europe (Phoenicians etc.). The Middle East. Read about it a bit.
Phoenicians weren't Arabs.
Lol, look at all these little Parisians jumping up and down like a pack of tree climbing monkeys, all of this is because some name called on a piece of water :omghaha:, they literally have no history that's why they are so desperate to fabricate history and stick their name on that piece of water, their hate to Arabs is unmatched, but then again who can blame them after what Arabs did to them throughout history hahaha, the result is now every modern persian have an Arab footprint on his little forehead :sarcastic:, Anyways Arabs have both the Arabian Gulf and the Arabian Sea, while Persians can cry a river for all i care. :)

Now i'm going to watch 300 :lol:

If it is not important, why you insist on using your fabricated name?
if it is not important for you, let it be Persian Gulf and do not use your fabricated name ever in your comments and threads.
Do you agree?
good . tonight i saw more bulshit than the whole past month. my time worth much more than arguing with some stupid semitics. have fun with your empty history. lie to yourself and believe your lies. history has been written otherwise.
And keep lashing yourselves over those Semites death 1400 ago, keep kneeling and bowing before those semites' graves, and keep dying defending those semites' shrines.
@al-Hasani, I'm talking to you especially, you are a man of history and we may not agree on many things, but I think even you know which name has been used for more than 2000 years. You are free to call it the way you like, but remember we aren't running around, for example calling the Arabian sea as Persian sea or Martian sea.

If you notice my first post in this thread then I already said that I have no problem calling it the Persian Gulf (despite its historical inaccuracy) or the fact that most people around it are Arabs even in Iran itself.

As I said we Arabs have coastlines that are 50.000 km long. Whole gulfs and seas named after us. What I find hilarious is the reaction and the historical nonsense I see from your fellow countrymen.

As I already wrote then you can call the Arabian Sea for the Persian Sea, the Gulf of Oman for the Gulf of Persia, the Gulf of Libya for the Gulf of Persia, the Libyan Sea for the Gulf of Persia, the Red Sea for the Red Persian Sea etc.

I really don't care. It is just a name invented/used by certain people that became known and spread. Does not change the history of the region or the people who live next to it.

I am not from the Gulf region just like 90% of all Saudi Arabians are not and I don't have any relation to that area.

Phoenicians weren't Arabs.

But they were Semitic and we are talking about wider groups of people since neither Arabs or Persians existed 3500 years ago, at least not in recorded writings but we all have ancestors and the ancestors of the Arabs in the Middle East are all those ancient Semitic civilizations I have mentioned that are well known and gave the world the most.

Please don't try to teach me history. Especially the Arab and Semitic one that I belong to. I know what I am talking about hence nobody has been able to counter anything.
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