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Iran seems to reconsider military entrenchment in Syria Read more

What the Russians wanting their returns on investments in Syria it’ll be quite expensive for Iran! And, Turkey will ensure that it remains so....
I'm sorry, but you're wrong about Iran's ambitions. Iran's ambitions has always been security, Syria and Hezbollah are tools for that security.....they're allies, or proxies whatever you want to call them but the Idea of Iran expansionism is a myth brought on by Saudi Arabia.....yes the same guys who are afraid of their own shadow and have sold the entire region to the west due to their fears. Iran needs to be able to project power in Lebanon and Syria because we are already surrounded by enemies and turncoats....our own Muslim neighbors are the enablers to the west to ransack our region.....look at what they've done to the Muslim countries in the past 2 decades. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Yemen.....look at the those failed states, even Egypt can't balance the budget without getting aid from outside countries, none of those countries are the handiwork of Iran....they're all the work of the allies of SA, UAE , Qatar and all the other sheikdom/kingdoms that have sold our people to the West.....Iran is the only country that has pushed back! Why can't our Muslim brothers get behind that is beyond me.....maybe being a war torn region filled with vassal states is what they like.
We have nothing to do with Middle eastern mess and dictatorships. Keep us out of that. we have our hand full from our own problems.
BTW dont you think Government of Iran is loosing its way in this war against Israel? Iran's economy is nose diving. Once the Strongest Armed forces in whole of Asia after the soviet union in 70s now literal same era equipment and obsolete due to sanctions. Is it sane to fight with everyone and starve your own people? Gound realities should be considered first?
Just compare 70s Iran vs Current Day iran by Economy, Military Might, Art science culture, Diplomatic relations.
PS: My only concern is that even the Corona virus hasn't dinged Trump's numbers....If I was a planner in Iran I would be looking what the next 4 years under Trump and Pompeo looks like.

True enough,however on the other hand to offset that there wont be another 4 years of rouhani and co and their policies of "strategic patience" ie appeasement.....
Iran needs to be able to project power in Lebanon and Syria because we are already surrounded by enemies and turncoats....our own Muslim neighbors are the enablers to the west to ransack our region

In other words, iran needs to make syria and iraq a battlefield for its own security. Not selfish at all aye. The west has done horrible things but iran have also played a big role in destroying yemen, iraq, syria and lebanon.
Talking about neighbors helping the west while being a staunch hindu ally against muslims. Yeah we are not that naive.
In other words, iran needs to make syria and iraq a battlefield for its own security. Not selfish at all aye. The west has done horrible things but iran have also played a big role in destroying yemen, iraq, syria and lebanon.
Talking about neighbors helping the west while being a staunch hindu ally against muslims. Yeah we are not that naive.
The problem with you Pakistanis gas always been that you're paranoid and
In other words, iran needs to make syria and iraq a battlefield for its own security. Not selfish at all aye. The west has done horrible things but iran have also played a big role in destroying yemen, iraq, syria and lebanon.
Talking about neighbors helping the west while being a staunch hindu ally against muslims. Yeah we are not that naive.
So that's your take-away from all of that writing? Iran sowing destruction for it's own security? You know what that tells me, I'm wasting my time explaining anything to you...because it won't matter what we say or demonstrate, you've made up your mind up and have created your own reality about what's going on. Iran has not destroyed Yemen, Syria, Iraq....etc. You don't know your history. The destruction was brought on by the U.S. and it's shills in the region....IRAN MERELY PUSHED BACK ON THEIR PLANS!!!
The problem with you Pakistanis gas always been that you're paranoid and

So that's your take-away from all of that writing? Iran sowing destruction for it's own security? You know what that tells me, I'm wasting my time explaining anything to you...because it won't matter what we say or demonstrate, you've made up your mind up and have created your own reality about what's going on. Iran has not destroyed Yemen, Syria, Iraq....etc. You don't know your history. The destruction was brought on by the U.S. and it's shills in the region....IRAN MERELY PUSHED BACK ON THEIR PLANS!!!

Actually its you people who have created ur own reality. Yes the US destroyed iraq, but did iran help rebuild or make it worst? Internal turmoil destroyed syria, did iran help or fan the flames? You think its ok to destabalize and destroy a country for ur own security??? Secure ur country from ur own borders if thats ur concern. We are not selfish and devoid of reality like u are, we see who plays a role in yemen, syria, iraq etc but we also know it takes two to tango, iran is involved and made that situation worst. I wonder why dont iranian citizens ask mullah to concentrate on the country and its people instead of going faraway for influence. Its easy to just say iran pushed back, iran is part of the problem as is the US.

Its too late my friend......

.........they`ve already drunk the :sick:KOOL-AID:sick:.
Theres nothing else that you can say or do that would make any difference at this point.:cry::tsk:

What is that supppsed to mean? Some dumb joke that only morons can understand. We know ur almost a cowpiss drinker but u dnt need to make it obvious. This is a Pakistani forum, so better behave before we send u back to the sh**hole that u came out of.
Actually its you people who have created ur own reality. Yes the US destroyed iraq, but did iran help rebuild or make it worst? Internal turmoil destroyed syria, did iran help or fan the flames? You think its ok to destabalize and destroy a country for ur own security??? Secure ur country from ur own borders if thats ur concern. We are not selfish and devoid of reality like u are, we see who plays a role in yemen, syria, iraq etc but we also know it takes two to tango, iran is involved and made that situation worst. I wonder why dont iranian citizens ask mullah to concentrate on the country and its people instead of going faraway for influence. Its easy to just say iran pushed back, iran is part of the problem as is the US.

What is that supppsed to mean? Some dumb joke that only morons can understand. We know ur almost a cowpiss drinker but u dnt need to make it obvious. This is a Pakistani forum, so better behave before we send u back to the sh**hole that u came out of.
Thats KOOL-AID not COW P!SS,tho I`m not surprised that you probably wouldnt know the difference.
In the western world the term "drunk the kool-aid" or various versions of this,is a reference to the infamous jones town mass suicide[actually mass murder] in guyana back in 1978 by the followers of the reverend jim jones and his peoples temple cult.The main method used was cyanide which was mixed into a large tub of fruit drink[the one in the posted pic],supposedly kool-aid,tho in fact it wasnt however the myth that it was kool-aid remains a part of popular culture to this very day.
Google is your friend:smart:
We have nothing to do with Middle eastern mess and dictatorships. Keep us out of that. we have our hand full from our own problems.
BTW dont you think Government of Iran is loosing its way in this war against Israel? Iran's economy is nose diving. Once the Strongest Armed forces in whole of Asia after the soviet union in 70s now literal same era equipment and obsolete due to sanctions. Is it sane to fight with everyone and starve your own people? Gound realities should be considered first?
Just compare 70s Iran vs Current Day iran by Economy, Military Might, Art science culture, Diplomatic relations.
lol plz think about your own such foolish talking why when you know nothing speak about it we have some words we say someone born cow and die donkey but no problem its not about u go first see your own then come and see us in this hardest in world sanctions then see who win in GREAT IRAN REGION ok and see your leader saudi and big boss usa
lol plz think about your own such foolish talking why when you know nothing speak about it we have some words we say someone born cow and die donkey but no problem its not about u go first see your own then come and see us in this hardest in world sanctions then see who win in GREAT IRAN REGION ok and see your leader saudi and big boss usa
Get well soon. God bless you
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