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Iran: Saboteurs cut power lines to underground nuclear site

Who are you to tell me ? oh yeah you are from a country where freedom of expression does not mean anything ? aint you the one who was in pink skirt few days back ?
I don't want to argue with you,I'm really not in the mood,if you have anything worth mentioning about thread,go on,otherwise,please leave here and don't derail the topic.I know you don't like Iran,but keep the hatred to yourself and don't spread it here.
First stuxnet, and now this.
Its strange that countries sitting on heaps of nuclear weapons,ready to launch on minutes notice , try to pose as victims of nuclear harrasment,no matter how peaceful the 'under previlaged' country's nuclear program may be.
I wonder how naive you must be to rdally think an enrichment plan only use one power source .
Every enrichment plan have 2 or 3 powersource if not more
Mosad has infiltrated deep..... what a shame, where is Iranian counter-intelligence? :angry:

Well , this isn't only Mossad

this is Mossad + CIA + MI6 + Saudy arabia intelligent service and most Khalij countries + France intelligent service + German intelligent service + PKK/Pejak/Iraq Kurdistan Eqlim + turkey's + Azerbaijan + Monafeqin ( MKO !?? ) + some other European country Vs. Iran intelligent service .....

this isn't as simle as you think ....
There seems to be a decrease in the level of sophistication in the effort to halt the nuclear program.
I guess that's what they are always talking about when they say
"we frequently approached Iran in our usual peaceful way with open arms for diplomatic solutions..."
before they go back slamming Iran and reannounce their threat of another unprovoked "defensive" preemptive act of aggression.
Someone turned off the power

Analysis: Decision-makers must determine criteria for success or failure of covert war on Iran nuke program

By Ronen Bergman

Speaking to a few reporters, me among them, in Mossad HQ on January 6, 2011, the final day of his term as Mossad chief, Meir Dagan said some of the mysterious mishaps caused to Iran's nuclear program were the result of internal failures, or "troubles they bring upon themselves," as he referred to it.

"In Iran there are wise guys who are not only unwilling to take responsibility after the incident, but don't read the manuals before they begin and are certain that everything will be okay," Dagan told us. "This is a very problematic organizational culture."

On the other hand, Dagan said that damaging Iran's production processes and blocking the import of certain components may deal a critical blow to the advancement of its nuclear program. "I've been told that an average car has 25,000 different parts," he said, "and damaging some of them would immobilize the whole car." One of the reporters said: "Targeting the driver would definitely stop the car." Everyone laughed. Dagan smiled.

CONTINUED: Someone turned off the power - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

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