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Iran Readying to Fly Own Model of US RQ-170 Drone

great job iran reverse engineering is also a very difficult job and also america copied this design from germany its a design of nazis ....almost all the things which is used by american ary is a copy of german designs...
I live in Netherlands. there are few countries in the world who are capebel making chips. One of them is Netherlands. We are making something for cars and our company is looking for cheaper chips. Its to expensive so we are looking for cheaper chips and the best adres was china. they could not copy the chip.

I live in the most advanced county with knowledge. Dutch economy is based on most knowledge. Netherlands is a supplier of chips to automobile factory. Only this chip they could not make it.

I fear the worst for iran. RQ170 wont flight and even with the help of russia and china it wont flight.....

You are obsessed with iran, as i know iran has chip factory, so it uses these for missiles, i saw them in video.
nice, i didnt now it but the fact is we are talking now about a country what is building a plane for a decade. I think they spent bilions of dollars to get that machine work. And most of it they have the knowledge.

i wish you much success.

This is another cokie which iran would eat
Maybe !

^^^you said the same thing about S-129 ... etc

BS :coffee:
you know something that really bothers me is that as you say you live in the middle of Europe and your english is terrible no offense of course just out of curiosity.
and about the possibility of this RQ flight i assure you the country that has the ability to land such very high tech drone has the ability to reverse engineer it. i tell you this thing can fly years on your so called Netherland and you can't even detect it let alone landing it.
Lol, man sooooooooooooooooooo funny plze give me a, oh yeah is it brake or break hahahahha Mr, netherland may know.
Lol, man sooooooooooooooooooo funny plze give me a, oh yeah is it brake or break hahahahha Mr, netherland may know.

I am not one of the stupids who are believing everything. I work in an engineering firm as a technician, maybe i am not a engineer. They didnt let me work in the firm for nothing. I have know how of course.

Lets face the facts. Most of the defence forum people dont have a technical background. Maybe some of you butcher, accountant, housewife, drug addict or a *****. The difference lies in knowledge. Several years ago in a other forum, i did argeu about Turkisch F16 and greekos. the greeks had a new version with more powerful engine and lighter chassis. I told that boy it is impossible that the Tuaf f16 wil have the same capacity because there is natural science prevails. What is heavier is slower.

I dont blame that boy because he was a boy. And most of you are a boy or a girl:laugh:. When your bals are matured then you can come talk wit me. else should i reduce my level because we need to make each other ridiculous.
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