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Iran: Purchase of Russian Su-30 fighters on agenda

500 Mig-31 and Mig-35's are not needed. Only 250 or so Su-30SM's are, to be licensed produced in Iran over the next 10 years or so. This is fake news.

Iran does not need the Mig-31 as the Flanker pretty much performs the same mission and has much more air to ground capability. With regards to the Mig-35, the Su-30SM will be preferred by Iran any day.
500 Mig-31 and Mig-35's are not needed. Only 250 or so Su-30SM's are, to be licensed produced in Iran over the next 10 years or so. This is fake news.

Iran does not need the Mig-31 as the Flanker pretty much performs the same mission and has much more air to ground capability. With regards to the Mig-35, the Su-30SM will be preferred by Iran any day.

Russia stop producing Mig-31 long time ago ....

.... Only 250 or so Su-30SM's are, to be licensed produced in Iran over the next 10 years or so. This is fake news....
To Tokhme khar.
In fact do U confirm that Iran and Russia agreed to deliver 250 SU-30 SM to Iran ?
To Tokhme khar.
In fact do U confirm that Iran and Russia agreed to deliver 250 SU-30 SM to Iran ?
who is he to admit such thing !?
for such big deal , there should be some AWACS , Aerial refueling airplanes , Trainer Jets , thousands of air to air missiles , air to ground missiles , maintain stations and so ....

last year we asked for only 100 Su-30 ( the variant wasn't announced ) and looked like Russians didn't agree to sell Su-30 to Iran ....

10 Feb 2016 ...
No final quantity specified Gim, however joint production makes it an open ended deal:


However, more reports point to the Russian side getting cold feet, and not to say they have refused Iran's request, but possibly waiting toward the 2020 date, just to be kosher:


To Tokhme khar.
In fact do U confirm that Iran and Russia agreed to deliver 250 SU-30 SM to Iran ?
who is he to admit such thing !?
Why did U despise a contributor that is informing us with objective view about the situation ? I could not understand this sudden contempt. He is right to object, or confirm something as anyone here, where is the problem ? As I am not arabic, not iranian, I do know nearly nothing about Iran, I don't have other solutions to ask questions to persons that know better than me, because here in West, all about Iran are mere lie.

No final quantity specified Gim, however joint production makes it an open ended deal:
What do U think about this news :
DM: Iran to Build Heavy Turbojet Engines in 2 Years

Sept 2016
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan announced that the country will start manufacturing heavy turbofan and turbojet engines in the next two years.
"The next step is to design and manufacture heavy turbojet and turbofan engines which we expect to yield results in the next two years," General Dehqan said on Tuesday, in a ceremony held to appreciate the designers and manufacturers of the first national aircraft turbojet engine dubbed as Owj.

The Iranian Defense Minister described Owj as the country's national pride and a launch-pad for designing and manufacturing heavy airplane turbojet and turbofan engines.

General Dehqan noted that 30 knowledge-based companies and 10 universities have cooperated with the country's Defense Industries and Air Force to manufacture national turbojet engine.

In late August, Iran unveiled its first national turbojet engine in a ceremony in Tehran participated by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

The turbojet is an air breathing jet engine, usually used in aircraft. It consists of a gas turbine with a propelling nozzle. The gas turbine has an air inlet, a compressor, a combustion chamber, and a turbine (that drives the compressor).

Could Iran manufacture such engine ? Could Iran produce soon a jet fighter ?

PS-I must copy/paste the news of farsnews, because Iam not authorized yet to post a link.
Why did U despise a contributor that is informing us with objective view about the situation ? I could not understand this sudden contempt. He is right to object, or confirm something as anyone here, where is the problem ? As I am not arabic, not iranian, I do know nearly nothing about Iran, I don't have other solutions to ask questions to persons that know better than me, because here in West, all about Iran are mere lie.

cause he giving you misleading information ... there is no official deal and all of these are based on some assumptions ....
Y Su-30, y not Su-35 or atleat Su-30SM with AESA radars and guided bombs.
Y Su-30, y not Su-35 or atleat Su-30SM with AESA radars and guided bombs.

Because Russia refuses to sell Iran Su-35 or any cutting edge sensitive military technology. They will sell SU-30 to Iran once Iran demonstrates it can produce an equivalent airplane just like they did with T-90, S-300, and Radars.

Russia only sells degraded tech to Iran.
Because Russia refuses to sell Iran Su-35 or any cutting edge sensitive military technology. They will sell SU-30 to Iran ... just like they did with T-90, S-300, and Radars.

Russia only sells degraded tech to Iran.
What U say is not obvious. I wonder whether Iranian leaders did not choose willingly the less sophisticated variant of SU-27. Because now AFAIK and understood, Iran's industry is enough mature to add its own special AESA radar, its air-air missiles, and why not, to improve the AL-31F and its own fadec to the SU-30, as long as Iranian industry could allow.
Buying a complete platform like SU-30, and SU-35, U are linked to the desire of russians. In case of war against Israel, russians could deactivate the radar, air-air missiles, if not snare the engines. Who know ?
Iran is not Egypt, is not neither Syria, nor Venezuela, this country does have full of talentuous engineers that could overcome this challenge. For example neither Egypt, nor Algéria can what Iran can.
Remember what's happened in october 1973, when Egypt was in war not only against Israèl, but against US, if not NATO too. Moscow at the most critical moment in that time refused to deliver more weapons to Egypt. Egyptian army was strangled.
I know that if I was iranian I don"t have 100% confidence to the Kremlin's leaders, Iam near sure that iranian leaders are bewared of russians, especially after the rogue experience of the S-300's saga. Iran is right to develop its own SAM, and its own aircraft industry, they can afford.
Do we have to?

Malaysia continues to face Russia-produced fighter aircraft problems

Malaysia’s Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu has confirmed that country’s Air Force continues to facemaintenance problems and a lack ofspare parts of its Russian-made fighter jet fleet, according to a report in The Star Online newspaper on 31 July.

According to the newspaper, the Defence Minister said that only four out of the 28 Russia-produced fighters jets owned by the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) are able to take to the skies.
Do we have to?

Malaysia continues to face Russia-produced fighter aircraft problems

Malaysia’s Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu has confirmed that country’s Air Force continues to facemaintenance problems and a lack ofspare parts of its Russian-made fighter jet fleet, according to a report in The Star Online newspaper on 31 July.

According to the newspaper, the Defence Minister said that only four out of the 28 Russia-produced fighters jets owned by the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) are able to take to the skies.
Yes,the indians had their own problems with the availability of the su30 fleet.Part of the problem was having to go through russian government agencies/middlemen rather than deal directly with the various component manufacturers themselves.
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