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Iran opposes Afghan-U.S. pact

Hi everybody,
Believe it or not, Iranians love Pakistanis. We just love them.
Their language is understandable their culture is very the same as ours.
Believe it or not, we cry for the Pakistan disasters.
Believe it or not the same mullah you are talking about, I mean khamenei I have just once seen him cry and that was for the Pakistan flood casualties.
we shall not let others interrupt in our relation. And for the India cooperation in developing Chabahar, believe it or not this is kinda sponsorship that warranties the investment.
Have you ever seen any one telling them civilized?
You are drifting..... i say those are even worst than barbarians but we need to ponder about there infrastructure and targets they choose and political statements they issue.
With whom are they loyal... we only see from the fact whom they don't target, while being in the same theater.


If Talibabarians are not civilized in your dictionary


there is no clash of civilizations drama either.

@Pakistani Friends ,
What do you expect from Iran to do?
It is a transit project, and an economically beneficial project for our country.
When they are many talks about Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline, why should Iran looses a transit project?
Hi everybody,
Believe it or not, Iranians love Pakistanis. We just love them.
Their language is understandable their culture is very the same as ours.
Believe it or not, we cry for the Pakistan disasters.
Believe it or not the same mullah you are talking about, I mean khamenei I have just once seen him cry and that was for the Pakistan flood casualties.
we shall not let others interrupt in our relation. And for the India cooperation in developing Chabahar, believe it or not this is kinda sponsorship that warranties the investment.

Could we please be realistic?

We don't forking love our own people. Killing Shias, Ahmadis and Christians by the 100s.

And we claim we love Iranians.

Oh Bhai Please get some coffee.

Thank you
Yh I agree, there really is no clash of civilisations, take it from me, I'm living here in the UK as someone with a firm Pakistani identity and a practising Muslim, at the same time I live among the rest of us Brits no differently than I would with Pakistanis.

The clash of civilisations is a concept being pushed by two parties; the extremists back home and the right wing nationalists here in the West.

Hi everybody,
Believe it or not, Iranians love Pakistanis. We just love them.
Their language is understandable their culture is very the same as ours.
Believe it or not, we cry for the Pakistan disasters.
Believe it or not the same mullah you are talking about, I mean khamenei I have just once seen him cry and that was for the Pakistan flood casualties.
we shall not let others interrupt in our relation. And for the India cooperation in developing Chabahar, believe it or not this is kinda sponsorship that warranties the investment.

I think the relations on a small level, people of Pakistan and Iran have always percieved as the other being close.

Unfortunately, there has been an undeniable 'decrease' shall we say? in the level of official higher relations since the Shah.
@Pakistani Friends ,
What do you expect from Iran to do?
It is a transit project, and an economically beneficial project for our country.
When they are many talks about Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline, why should Iran looses a transit project?

I think we all are kind of $tupid about these A-B-C-D-E-F-G country transits.

We have wet dreams and virtual orgasm about such long stringed A-B-C-D-E-F-G transits.

Then we foolishly ignore, what the fork we'll do when we get to country G.

And all the while

we ignore, nay we cannot "transit" to the country next door.

That's the sheer stupidity we are talking about.

Iran doesn't allow Indians to 'roam' on Pakistani border, we needed some country to help us develop Chabahar,

You need some country when you are dirt poor or a country that don't have skills to proceed with these projects. Iran is neither poor(alot of Oil money) nor it has shortage of educated engineers.

not that we couldn't do it by ourselves or we didn't have the funds, but it could become easier under sanctions, also Iran can be turned in to a transportation hub from India, South Asia and Far East to Afghanistan and Central Asia and Caucasus, it's all about economic interests.

It could've still become transportation hub if it would've develop Chahbahar itself.

We are not allowing Indian soldiers or spies that you are thinking like this.

Come on Sir, now you are acting like a naive person...do spies need permissions to carry out what they have to? The indian consulates along Pak-Afghan border are just consulates for the rest of the world but for Pakistan they are a headache as they are launchpads of BLA, TTP & other terrorists.

There is nothing for Pakistan to worry about, as I said above, Iran is not a banana republic that foreign elements can do anything on its soil, I don't want to mention any specific country here.

If Pakistan will not get worried about it's security then who will? Pakistan cannot interfere in Iran's internal matter & ask them to kick indians out...it is your country & you people have right to do what you feel like...but the truth is the indian involvement in Iran's Chahbahar port has caused alarm not only in Islamabad but in Beijing too.
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You need some country when you are dirt poor or a country that don't have skills to proceed with these projects. Iran is neither poor(alot of Oil money) nor it has shortage of educated engineers.
You are right, but on the other hand, When they are willing to finance their money in our country, why should we reject it?
Come on Sir, now you are acting like a naive person...do spies need permissions to carry out what they have to? The 22 indian consulates along Pak-Afghan border are just consulates for the rest of the world but for Pakistan they are a headache as they are launchpads of BLA, TTP & other terrorists.
Iran has mutual interests with pakistan about balouchistan, if India supports BLA, it would be a headache for us as well, so you can be sure that Iran will keep eye on their activities ;)
If Pakistan will not get worried about it's security then who will? Pakistan cannot interfere in Iran's internal matter & ask them to kick indians out...it is your country & you people have right to do what you feel like...but the truth is the indian involvement in Iran's Chahbahar port has caused alarm not only in Islamabad but in Beijing too.
China has different reasons for being worried about it from Pakistan.
our relations never get to the level of our desire because of pakistani gov. love towards saudi agenda .....

Why do you even care about Pakistani govt? The real Pakistan is Pakistan's Army & it's people...even in Pakistan no one takes the govt seriously. The Pakistani people always showed love towards Iran & consider it a brother country.
Why do you even care about Pakistani govt? The real Pakistan is Pakistan's Army & it's people...even in Pakistan no one takes the govt seriously. The Pakistani people always showed love towards Iran & consider it a brother country.

Really? :undecided: Why?
Y.... The 22 indian consulates along Pak-Afghan border are just consulates for the rest of the world .

22 ?

Twenty forking Two?

The 2 consulates nearest to our border that I am familiar with are in Jalalabad and Kandahar.

And these two cities have much bigger presence of Pakistanis (approved and unapproved by Kabul gov). and if the Indian consular staff does a tiny bit of hanky phanky about Pakistan, they are caught in no time or at least Pakistani intel knows about them in no time.

But I am still puzzled.

How on earth did you add 1 and 1 and got the answer of 22?


How how how?

I 100% agree with this. Pakistanis are indeed the most foolish people in the world.

Yeah. Especially if some of our America settled Pakistanis add 1 and 1 and get an answer of 22.

That is foolishness of nth degree or at least deserves a PhD.
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Why do you guys insult yourself?:undecided:
Although I have some different opinions on some stuff with you guys, but I believe that you guys are good people.:pakistan:

Oh he was just frustrated that his conspiracies are not being accepted by other Pakistanis.

That's all.
You are right, but on the other hand, When they are willing to finance their money in our country, why should we reject it?

Well it is your country as i said. Who are we to tell you to accept it or reject it but obviously Pakistanis were not expecting this.

Iran has mutual interests with pakistan about balouchistan, if India supports BLA, it would be a headache for us as well, so you can be sure that Iran will keep eye on their activities ;)

There won't be anything that you can do much. Afghanistan president had assured Pakistan several times they won't let anyone use their territory against Pakistan...he even claimed his country will support & fight along with Pakistan against any country of the world as he consider Pakistan as a twin brother of Afghanistan but what could he do? Nothing.

China has different reasons for being worried about it from Pakistan.

China had plans to import Irani oil/gas via Pakistani land & they had plans to reach energy rich Middle East via Gawadar.
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