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Iran opposes Afghan-U.S. pact

And Navaz Shareef is encouraging Iran to do so by letting terrorists to roam freely in Balouchistan.

O dear.

Do you ever wonder Nawaz Sharif government cannot control terrorists roaming in Pakistani-Balochistan. How in the world it will do so in Iranian Balochistan?

It is time Iran and Pakistan let go of $tupid cyber-rivalries about Balochistan and work together and in harmony to bring peace in the border region.

Thank you.

But Sir don't you think Iran allowing indians to roam near Pakistani border is a cause of alarm for Pakistan...talking about Chahbahar Port. I' am pretty damn sure a country like Iran with millions of bright minds can build that port themselves instead of taking outsider's favor...and for funds, if a third world country like india can arrange funds for this projects then Iran a rich country should not have any problems.

Most of the times Ayatullahs and Mulalhs work against Pakistani interests. Going to India for that purpose is cheap. very cheap.
Most of the times Ayatullahs and Mulalhs work against Pakistani interests. Going to India for that purpose is cheap. very cheap.

Can we say the same about Pakistan relations with Saudi Arabia or U.S?

You can't dictate us with whom we should have relations or not, and vice versa. Countries act upon their interests, not anything else.

But Sir don't you think Iran allowing indians to roam near Pakistani border is a cause of alarm for Pakistan...talking about Chahbahar Port. I' am pretty damn sure a country like Iran with millions of bright minds can build that port themselves instead of taking outsider's favor...and for funds, if a third world country like india can arrange funds for this projects then Iran a rich country should not have any problems.

Iran doesn't allow Indians to 'roam' on Pakistani border, we needed some country to help us develop Chabahar, not that we couldn't do it by ourselves or we didn't have the funds, but it could become easier under sanctions, also Iran can be turned in to a transportation hub from India, South Asia and Far East to Afghanistan and Central Asia and Caucasus, it's all about economic interests.
We are not allowing Indian soldiers or spies that you are thinking like this.
There is nothing for Pakistan to worry about, as I said above, Iran is not a banana republic that foreign elements can do anything on its soil, I don't want to mention any specific country here.
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Iran doesn't allow Indians to 'roam' on Pakistani border, we needed some country to help us develop Chabahar, not that we couldn't do it by ourselves or we didn't have the funds, ....

This is really pathetic reason Agha. really pathetic.

It is easy to copy and paste wrong policies of our leaders. Please avoid it if you can.

Why don't you accept that

Iran has the engineers and designers who can match if not exceed anything that India or Pakistan has to offer.
Iran may need cheeper labor, but then Indian and Pakistani labor rates are comparable.

But no!

Iranian Ayatullahs went with Indian strategic designs in their sheer stupidity.

Nothing new. Ayatullahs have consistently ditched Pakistan for their narrow religio-political gains.

There is so much ground swell of support for Iran within Pakistan that we two could have brought peace and property in the two countries and also in the region.

But sadly it looks like Ayatullahs don't care about peace and prosperity in this world.

They are tirelessly working to take us all to hell or heaven for ultimate in peace or pathetic prosperity.

I hope you understand.

Can we say the same about Pakistan relations with Saudi Arabia or U.S?

You can't dictate us with whom we should have relations or not, and vice versa. Countries act upon their interests, not anything else..

If you have seen my posts on PDF, I talk about $tupidity nay absolutely jahilliya of Saudi MUllahs.

As far USA is concerned.

Ayatullahs too have been hobnobbing USA for the last 4 years.
Indians are claiming that they are the ones who slept with USA in order to bring Iran in the bedroom.

So then why to pick on Pakistan, for the things that so many others want to or already doing?

Selective anger perhaps?
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This is really pathetic reason Agha. really pathetic.

It is easy to copy and paste wrong policies of our leaders. Please avoid it if you can.

Why don't you accept that

Iran has the engineers and designers who can match if not exceed anything that India or Pakistan has to offer.
Iran may need cheeper labor, but then Indian and Pakistani labor rates are comparable.

But no!

Iranian Ayatullahs went with Indian strategic designs in their sheer stupidity.

Nothing new. Ayatullahs have consistently ditched Pakistan for their narrow religio-political gains.

There is so much ground swell of support for Iran within Pakistan that we two could have brought peace and property in the two countries and also in the region.

But sadly it looks like Ayatullahs don't care about peace and prosperity in this world.

They are tirelessly working to take us all to hell or heaven for ultimate in peace or pathetic prosperity.

I hope you understand.

If you have seen my posts on PDF, I talk about $tupidity nay absolutely jahilliya of Saudi MUllahs.

As far USA is concerned.

Ayatullahs too have been hobnobbing USA for the last 4 years.
Indians are claiming that they are the ones who slept with USA in order to bring Iran in the bedroom.

So then why to pick on Pakistan, for the things that so many others want to or already doing?

Selective anger perhaps?

When you have these conspiracy theories, at least provide proof for them. So Iran with India is working on Chabahar to ditch Pakistan or spy on it?

Why should I accept it? Since when should Iran listen to others for developing its own economy or cities? Did Pakistan ask Iran to get the Chinese to work on Gwadar port?

And it wasn't only about engineers or funds, (although under these sanctions, we are having serious issues even for developing our oil fields, let alone a new port), it was also about turning the impoverished Baluchistan province in to a transportation hub which will result in fast developing of the area, and the only country who was willing to work with us was India, no one else was out there.

You guys should stop blaming others for every problem and get rid of these conspiracy theories.

The same way Iran doesn't ask Pakistan to reduce its relations with KSA or U.S or stop allowing American drones on its airspace (which can be also a threat for us), we expect Pakistan not to act like a kid about Iran-India relations. We value both India and Pakistan as our great neighbors and friends and we won't get involved in your fight.

We are under heaviest sanctions and ironically, the countries who back stabbed us more than others were Muslim nations, not only they didn't help us, but they also put their knives on our backs.
So personally, I don't believe in all these 'Muslim ummah' crap. I'm not talking about Pakistan, but I'm trying to make you understand that countries act according to their own interests, especially in these difficult times.

So personally, I don't believe in all these 'Muslim ummah' crap. I'm not talking about Pakistan, but I'm trying to make you understand that countries act according to their own interests, especially in these difficult times.

Yes Agha Jaan

No Muslim Ummah crap here either.

IN fact Muslim Ummah business has destroyed us and made our countries impoverished.


no conspiracy theories either.

Iran and Pakistan used to cooperate before the advent of Mullahtic government in Iran.

So I do tend to blame Islamism and Mullahism on both sides for the poor state of affairs.

I hope you understand.

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Yes Agha Jaan

No Muslim Ummah crap here either.

IN fact Muslim Ummah business has destroyed us and made our countries impoverished.


no conspiracy theories either.

Iran and Pakistan used to cooperate before the advent of Mullahtic government in Iran.

So I do tend to blame Islamism and Mullahism on both sides for the poor state of affairs.

I hope you understand.

well said.

The existence of the Ummah is probably the worst lie taught to the common Pakistani, which is we're always looking to stick our neck out for others and our noses where they don't belong. Time has shown just how detrimental this effect was.
well said.

The existence of the Ummah is probably the worst lie taught to the common Pakistani, which is we're always looking to stick our neck out for others and our noses where they don't belong. Time has shown just how detrimental this effect was.

If there is no ummah than why some Pakistanis do not mind Iran bombing Pakistan?
I think we are clearly bipolar, when a Iran kill Pakistanis and abuse Pakistan, Iran loyalists do not bother.
When Iran smuggle (steal) it is halal and when Bahrain hires Pakistanis its haram.

Please, save me from this hypocrisy and do check this existing link exposing transit setup of US and Iran.

Dogharoun Border
If there is no ummah than why some Pakistanis do not mind Iran bombing Pakistan?
I think we are clearly bipolar, when a Iran kill Pakistanis and abuse Pakistan, Iran loyalists do not bother.
When Iran smuggle (steal) it is halal and when Bahrain hires Pakistanis its haram.

Please, save me from this hypocrisy and do check this existing link exposing transit setup of US and Iran.

Dogharoun Border

I don't think Jugni was denying the $uptid Ummah concept in Pakistan. and even in Iran.

Oh and the Dogharoun border post and similar posts have always been used for landlocked Afghanistan.

However Pakistan provides transit for the builk of Afghanistani imports

And bulk of NATO supplies.

iran and pakistan were friends under

CENTO Central Treaty Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

which was a puppet of us regime ....

our relations never get to the level of our desire because of pakistani gov. love towards saudi agenda .....

at least thats our vision .

Yeah Agha

CENTO played its role.

But the two countries did cooperate more than just military-to-military link.

Perhaps you were too young back then (or may not be born).

Mullah regime totally destroyed good relations with Pakistan.

As I said earlier, Islamism is a poison that has destroyed our region. and still destroying it.

KSA is a new comer compared to 1979 power grab in Iran by Mullahs.

We all were happy that Iranian brothers got their wish and Shah is gone.

But it soon turned out to be a nightmare when Ayatullahs and Mullahs started funding Shia organizations in Pakistan.

yeah yea.

Shias are being persecuted now. I see it and I cry from my Shia friends.

But back in 1979 Pakistani-Shia families around us were walking on clouds and didn't care much about Pakistan and Sunnis.

Oh those were the days.
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If there is no ummah than why some Pakistanis do not mind Iran bombing Pakistan?

Historical, and some ties with identity, religion and cultural.
That is different to Ummah like situation.

But the reason we are spineless when it come to Iran is the age old perception that Iran are great friends of ours, the good relations of the Shah era aren't so forgotten, also, Iran is considered favourable because of it's squabble with the US and Israel which seems to please many Pakistanis.

Personally, I think Iran is hugely important to us in the long run strategically, any rash decisions wont be within our best long term interests.

I think we are clearly bipolar, when a Iran kill Pakistanis and abuse Pakistan, Iran loyalists do not bother.
When Iran smuggle (steal) it is halal and when Bahrain hires Pakistanis its haram.

Please, save me from this hypocrisy and do check this existing link exposing transit setup of US and Iran.

We are bipolar, Pakistanis are some of the most foolish people on this planet.

But I'm not here to argue any of that at all, my point was that the Ummah is an idea long abandoned by the Muslim world, it's an illusion and a lie sold to the common Pakistani.
@Jungibaaz Yes and no, what about union at national level? its a same story, no two brains think even or are perfectly aligned, especially in this era of propaganda.

There has to be a common direction against common issues, there has to be unions based on common interests.

We can never rule out the concept of Ummah completely, while at the same time we talk about clash of civilizations.
@Jungibaaz Yes and no, what about union at national level? its a same story, no two brains think even or are perfectly aligned, especially in this era of propaganda.

There has to be a common direction against common issues, there has to be unions based on common interests.

We can never rule out the concept of Ummah completely, while at the same time we talk about clash of civilizations.

With due respect bhai.

There is no clash of civilizations. Only clash of Islamist barbarians against the civilized world.

Anyone telling the world that Tali-barbarians and Qaida are civilized should please look it up the dictionary first.

Ummah concept has been inculcated in our little minds since the time of Jamaluddin Afghani. Supported by giants like Iqbal.

It is not going away anywhere.

Do not worry.

What Afghani or Iqbal failed to point out was to clean up your own room, your own house, your own street, your own city, before jumping up and down mad, for some gad awfully far away place, that you have no forking idea about.

Afghani and Iqbal also failed to tell us that if you do care about some gadawfully far away place, because the shopkeeper over there is also called Abu, then go forking go over there and help Abu fulana fulana clean up his room, his house, his street, his city.

And not just create $hit in your house and your own city in the name of Abu.

Because it doesn't help Abu fulana fulana

But sadly

it stanks up your own house your own city.

I hope you understand.
Anyone telling the world that Tali-barbarians and Qaida are civilized should please look it up the dictionary first.

Have you ever seen any one telling them civilized?
You are drifting..... i say those are even worst than barbarians but we need to ponder about there infrastructure and targets they choose and political statements they issue.
With whom are they loyal... we only see from the fact whom they don't target, while being in the same theater.
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