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Iran nuclear deal reached

انا لله و انا الیه راجعون ....

I knew these useless reformers won't stop till give up everything and don't get anything in exchange ... After all their ideology is based on western ideology and their utopia is west ....

now , our centrifuge will work to make " Oxide " .... ( yes , Oxide ... and Oxide is useless , but Those centrifuges will work because Rouhani need them to spin , to fool ordinary people by saying " They will continue to spin " )

in this case , I believe in Kerry and Obama words not the lies that Zarif and Rouhani are trying to feed to Iranians ...

Zarif could accept these terms via his beloved Facebook accounts instead of wasting people money for his Geneva trips ....
and my fellow Iranian friends are trying to save face ... but no sane member will get fooled by your words .... ( I fear that you begin to fool yourself ... to closing your eyes on the truth , on the reality .... )__
next is : our anti air defense systems , ballistic missile programs - and our navy ....
our space program is already stopped ... thanks to reformer and their " diplomatic smiles " policy ....


USA even didn't accept to stop sanction over all of reformer dances for them ....

6 month later these reformers will give up everything and then USA will make new sanction under the name of " Human Rights " and " Prevent Iran from obtaining ICBM ability "


my uncle ( he is 6 year older than me ) is a reformer ( and as he claim , a pro green movement ) , we were discuss about these matters .... in the end he finished our discuss with this :
" I don't care about sovereignty , nuclear rights , centrifuge , high techs , I only knew that I live for 50-60 years and I want to enjoy my life , to find some girls and do their holes .... "
from that day , I'm in wonder how is this country still standing !?
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The 24 November historic deal reached in Geneva between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent U.N. Security Council members — the United States, China, France, Russia, and the United Kingdom — plus Germany) has the potential of changing the international geo-politic matrix and creating a new world order.

The development has very important implications for India but that would require a full-fledged commentary on the India-specific aspects of the Iran deal which will follow soon. In this article, I am focusing on the Iran deal per se.

First of all, this must be understood that it is only an interim agreement valid for six months while the two sides stay engaged and try hard to come up with a permanent arrangement. That is the explanation of the word “potential” used in the intro.

There can be many a slip between the cup and the lip and no one can say with certainty th at the Iran nuclear deal won’t be torpedoed by those who are opposed to it tooth and nail. And the list of nay-sayers is very long.

There is Saudi Arabia, the predominantly Sunni country inimical to Shia Iran, as Riyadh believes that ending Iran’s 34-year-long international isolation (which this deal will inevitably do) will downsize Saudi Arabia’s clout in the Islamic world.

There is Israel, a Jewish state which is perpetually paranoid about existential threats to it from Arab and Muslim countries alike, and looks at Iran as perhaps the most potent threat to its survival as a nation. Unlike Saudi Arabia, the Israeli threat perception vis a vis Iran is largely based on security considerations.

Then there are a large number of influential people in the US itself – lawmakers, politicians, diplomats, officials, soldiers, analysts etc – who are opposed to the Iran deal. They would stop at nothing to try to bring the deal to a halt. A bipartisan group of 15 American senators has already opposed the Iran deal and called for imposition of more sanctions on Iran.

Both Riyadh and Tel Aviv are extremely close to the US. The former’s clout over the American system was visible when Saudi Arabia managed to get a special plane take off from the US to Riyadh in the immediate aftermath of 9/11.

The Israeli grip over the American system is too well known and is best illustrated by the fact that whereas the Americans have been hunting for non-existent nuclear weapons in Iraq, Iran and elsewhere, they have kept quiet about Israel’s own nuclear weapons.

This is the real threat and a very important X factor in the fast evolving situation. The extremely aggressive outbursts by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are not a flash in the pan and may not be just diplomatic bluster. He described the Iran deal as a ‘historic mistake’ which had made the world a “more dangerous place”.

But wait! The Israeli PM did not stop here. Hours after the news of the Iran deal broke out, he told his cabinet in Jerusalem that Israel would use military action against Iran, if needed. Significantly, he also remarked that Israel “has the right and the duty to defend itself by itself.”

Iran’s sworn enemies know that the Geneva deal would be a game changer for Teheran and the Iranian economy, muzzled by crippling sanctions, could turn around in a few years. The immediate impact of the deal would bring a bounty to Teheran as frozen Iranian assets in the US and elsewhere get unfrozen. The estimates of these sums range from $ 7 billion to $ 20 billion.

For years Iran has been weighed down under sanctions which have originated from three sources – the United Nations, the United States and the European Union. Under the interim deal, Iran will now be authorized to resume trade in oil, gas, gold and numerous other lucrative areas.

The economic gains alone are enormous and spectacular, not to talk of the political and diplomatic clout Iran is set to achieve if the deal becomes a permanent arrangement.

There were days when Iran was in a snake pit and an international pariah; but not any longer. Today Iran has a tight stranglehold on two more Shia-dominated nations – Iraq and Syria. Moreover, Iran is deeply entrenched in Lebanon and has pockets of influence in several Islamic nations, including Afghanistan.

Besides, Iran has maintained a very vibrant and close friendship with China and Russia. The world has seen what the Vladimir Putin-led Russia did to salvage the once hopeless situation in Syria which not too long ago was almost hurtling down the path of disastrous regime-change.

If Syria was an indirect victory for Iran and check to Iran’s foes like Saudi Arabia and Israel, the deal in Geneva is a direct and comprehensive victory for Iran and a potential mate to its enemies on the political chessboard of the Middle East. Iran’s stars are on the ascendance in the highly volatile Mideast region which has a population of 500 million.

Before the nuclear deal, Iran had a stockpile of 11,000 usable centrifuges, which it can still keep but not add more centrifuges to. This effectively means that at least for now, Iran retains the technology and material to produce fuel for a nuclear weapon.

Iran has been enriching uranium to 20 percent and has the technology to enrich it to 90 percent, the threshold for weapon-grade uranium, though the Iranians are not known to have done it yet. Under the deal, Iran has agreed to stop enriching uranium above 5 percent and dilute its existing stockpile of 20 percent uranium.

Iran also gets to keep its heavy-water reactor at Arak, though it cannot operate it.

All this is a doomsday scenario for Israel. It is in this context that the livid remarks of the Israeli premier should be seen.

The US will find it difficult to rein in the Israeli aggressive intent. The American intelligence agencies must keep a hawkish eye on Israel, a country which is known to have possessed nuclear weapons since 1967.

The American media is full of reports to this effect and how the then Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol had reportedly ordered the assembly of two crude nuclear devices that could be raced on trucks toward the border with Egypt during the 1967 Israel-Arab War if Israel were to face an existential threat.

Surprisingly, while Washington has been obsessed with defanging nuclear weapon programmes all over the world – Iran, Libya, North Korea – it has conveniently been turning a blind eye for decades to Israel’s nuclear arsenal which reportedly possesses at least 80 nuclear warheads and enough fissile material to build 200 more at short notice.

Keeping Israel quiet would be on top the Obama administration’s agenda. It would indeed be a supreme irony if Israel were to launch surgical strikes, conventional or nuclear, on Iran’s nuclear sites.

Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/world/hist...rld-order-1252605.html?utm_source=ref_article
If the israelis really wanted to launch anything on iran they had probably done it by now. Like they did with the Iraqis. Here its all for show. And nothing more. And the new world order indeed.
The 24 November historic deal reached in Geneva between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent U.N. Security Council members — the United States, China, France, Russia, and the United Kingdom — plus Germany) has the potential of changing the international geo-politic matrix and creating a new world order.

I don't know whom write these bullshits , but I know this shameful deal ( Turkmanchai 2 / Paris 2 / or any shameful treaty that we have with western and Russian in past 200 years ) only strengthen the current world order not to make new world order ...
I don't know whom write these bullshits , but I know this shameful deal ( Turkmanchai 2 / Paris 2 / or any shameful treaty that we have with western and Russian in past 200 years ) only strengthen the current world order not to make new world order ...
You will find a willing partner in Shariatmadari.

What did you guys do for the country in past 8 years?
Ruining economy? Making more enemies? Giving us a bad name in the world? Mass corruption? Lying to people on a daily basis?

All thanks to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his private gang.
Now it's your turn to sit and watch. You had your chance to for 8 years and you screwed it big time.
You will find a willing partner in Shariatmadari.

What did you guys do for the country in past 8 years?
Ruining economy? Making more enemies? Giving us a bad name in the world? Mass corruption? Lying to people on a daily basis?

All thanks to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his private gang.
Now it's your turn to sit and watch. You had your chance to for 8 years and you screwed it big time.

so , as a moderator , you answer me with insults and scandal !? .... this is show another sign of your " freedom of speech " ...

anyway , if you and your fellow reformer friend could accept people choose in 2009 , Ahmadinejad government wouldn't become so weak in international matter ...

if your fellow reformers didn't coordinate western sanction with their accurate information about Iran economy , he wouldn't become so weak ( you did it for this past presidential election and you won it by 50.7 vote , so can you request your friends to cancel the sanctions !? ) ....
even though he had some weak point in his government and even in his personality , but It is unfair to not see obvious back stabs in his era ....


now , we are talking about the truth ... look at the truth ... look at another Turmanchai ....

at least , I have honestly to come and say truth ( even though this is far far bitter truth for someone like me that you fellow so called reformers ) but I won't fool myself ...

if Ahmadinejad was so rush to give up Iran sovereignty , he wouldn't face green movement chaos , to face sanctions , to get back-stabs after back-stabs ....
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He's nuts, leave him alone.

The whole world knows that the problem lies with the former regime not the average Iranian like yourself.
You will find a willing partner in Shariatmadari.

What did you guys do for the country in past 8 years?
Ruining economy? Making more enemies? Giving us a bad name in the world? Mass corruption? Lying to people on a daily basis?

All thanks to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his private gang.
Now it's your turn to sit and watch. You had your chance to for 8 years and you screwed it big time.
He's nuts, leave him alone.

The whole world knows that the problem lies with the former regime not the average Iranian like yourself.

and when a well known Anti Iran member come and defend reformers , it speak volumes ...
I bet you are about to dance because reformers reduce Iran state to some country like SA !?
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and when a well known Anti Iran member come and defend reformers , it speak volumes ...
I bet you are about to dance because reformers reduce Iran state to some country like SA !?

chill down , reformers are not sellouts . they love their country as much as we do .

still , @Serpentine : your post was not cool :hitwall: whats the matter with u ?:angry:

twilight lotfan joloye een sousmar khora yekam reayat kon .
I'm not anti-Iran by nature to all, but to the crazed Mullahs and those who cheered for them.

I'm supporting anyone who's willing to work with my country you stinky racist.
and when a well known Anti Iran member come and defend reformers , it speak volumes ...
I bet you are about to dance because reformers reduce Iran state to some country like SA !?
now , our centrifuge will work to make " Oxide " .... ( yes , Oxide ... and Oxide is useless , but Those centrifuges will work because Rouhani need them to spin , to fool ordinary people by saying " They will continue to spin " )

please copy the exact part of deal.

Zarif could accept these terms via his beloved Facebook accounts instead of wasting people money for his Geneva trips ....

are we gonna talking about wasting money now? If the cost of geneva trips for some iranian experts that resulted a deal means wasting money, than what we can say about Ahmadinejad time trips???? anyone knows?
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