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Iran nuclear deal reached

--The Iran nuclear deal halts progress of Iran's nuclear program, provides for intrusive inspections and neutralizes Iran's stockpile of 20% enriched uranium, a senior official in U.S. President Barack Obama's administration said.

--The Iran nuclear deal reached early Sunday does not recognize Iran's right to enrich uranium, a senior Obama administration official said.

-- Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araghchi -- on a Twitter feed commonly attributed to him by Iranian media -- said that "our enrichment program was recognized." "Congratulations to my nation which stood tall and resisted for the last 10 years," he added after an Iran nuclear deal was reached.

A historic deal was struck early Sunday between Iran and six world powers over Tehran's nuclear program, a first step in ending a decades-long standoff over the country's nuclear intentions.

The agreement was expected to be signed within hours, capping days of marathon talks where diplomats worked to overcome issues surrounding the wording of an initial agreement that reportedly would temporarily freeze Iran's Iran's nuclear development program and lift some sanctions while a more formal deal is worked out.

"At three o'clock in the morning on the fifth day, white smoke in the negotiations!" Iran Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araghchi said in a post on Twitter.

The spokesman for the European Union, Michael Mann, also took to Twitter to tout the success: "We have reached agreement."

Details of agreement were expected to be released shortly by Catherine Ashton, the EU's foreign policy chief, in Geneva where the foreign ministers representing Iran, the United States, Britain, China, Russia, France and Germany were meeting.

For years, Iran and Western powers have left negotiating tables in disagreement, frustration and at times open animosity.

But the diplomatic tone changed with the transfer of power after Iran's election this year, which saw President Hassan Rouhani replace Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Caustic jabs at the United States and bellicose threats toward Israel were a hallmark of Ahmadinejad's foreign policy rhetoric.

He lambasted the West over the economic sanctions crippling Iran's economy and at the same time, pushed the advancement of nuclear technology in Iran.

Rouhani has struck up a more conciliatory tone and made the lifting sanctions against his country a priority.

Despite the sanctions, Iran today has 19,000 centrifuges and is building more advanced ones, according to Mark Hibbs, a nuclear policy expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Most world powers believe that Iran could not realistically build a usable bomb in less than a year, Hibbs said.

And Iran recently signed a deal with the International Atomic Energy Agency that agrees to give the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency access to long-unseen nuclear sites, including a heavy-water reactor in Arak.

Tehran is also a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which requires it not to create nuclear weapons or enable other countries to obtain them.

EU spokesman: Iran nuclear deal reached - CNN.com

Congratulations to Iran, extremely bad news for Saudi Arabia and Jews
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Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Iran and the world powers have finally agreed on a long-awaited deal on Tehran’s nuclear energy program, after days of intense talks in Geneva.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton's spokesman, Michael Mann, also announced a nuclear agreement with Iran.

The Iranian foreign minister added that the nuclear crisis is abating.

The deal was announced on Sunday morning after the intense nuclear talks between Tehran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council -- Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States -- plus Germany, originally scheduled to end on Friday, entered into the fifth day.

The interim deal allows for Iran to continue its activities in its nuclear sites in the cities of Arak, Fordo, and Natanz.

According to the Iranian Foreign Ministry, the agreement also stipulates that no additional sanctions will be imposed on Iran because of its nuclear energy program.

Iran will also receive access to USD 4.2 billion in foreign exchange as part of the nuclear deal.

Iran’s top nuclear negotiator, Deputy Foreign Minister Seyyed Abbas Araqchi, said the agreement recognizes the country's "enrichment program."

Araqchi had earlier emphasized that Tehran could not accept any deal that did not recognize Iran's enrichment right.

The landmark agreement was reached in Tehran’s third nuclear negotiations with the world powers since Iranian President Hassan Rouhani took office in August.


PressTV - Tehran, world powers reach nuclear deal: Iran FM

everyone pls wait for more info

till then i ask mods to close this thread if they are online

@WebMaster @Jungibaaz @Zakii @Serpentine
I'm watching Fox News just for the troll aspect of it and it's too funny.

I honestly give them credit, I want change in that region. This is something difficult and it may soon reach it's final steps in this next year.

Now Iran can have Hezbollah deployed right at the border with Israel and Israel won't be able to do anything.
Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia



This means the beginning and start of Iran's resurrection in economy, military and geo-political terms. It is especially bad news for Israel, KSA and Syrian rebels. It means that Iran will slowly be accepted by the international world, and subsequently will see a new economic boom.
The Obama administration are losers . All it is is more of irans 'cheat and retreat' plan. Israel, Saudi Arabia, go **** the mullahs up !! And don't get too fired up, the bulk of the sanctions will remain in place.
This means the beginning and start of Iran's resurrection in economy, military and geo-political terms. It is especially bad news for Israel, KSA and Syrian rebels. It means that Iran will slowly be accepted by the international world, and subsequently will see a new economic boom.

I recommend against your ideas in Syria. And no need for conflict with Saudi Arabia either.

Although I am confused of the terms of the deal, Kerry says they will lose all 200kilograms of enriched uranium by the end of this 6 month period.
I recommend against your ideas in Syria. And no need for conflict with Saudi Arabia either.

Not a conflict, but this agreement will mean a Iranian economic boom in the middle and long-term. That is not what KSA would like to see, since Iran could continue to finance its regional project.

Although I am confused of the terms of the deal, Kerry says they will lose all 200kilograms of enriched uranium by the end of this 6 month period.

Yes. Those 20% enriched uranium will likely to be changed into fuel rods and other substances, so Iran could use for other means, medically and scientifically, but not for further enrichment.
...Although I am confused of the terms of the deal, Kerry says they will lose all 200kilograms of enriched uranium by the end of this 6 month period.

Yes, but you just know the iranians will cheat, get caught and we'll be back to where we were yesterday. It's just a ploy by the iranians to buy time, as usual.
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