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Iran nuclear deal reached

We have Metric system, so a liter.

Yeah that's too high. Here in the states the prices have gone down, you can get a gallon for $2.97 in some places.

I drive an economic compact car so I get like 38 mpg especially the way I drive. So each tank I'm getting 424 miles and It takes about $43-$47 to fill tank up as of lately. Don't try my way of driving. I just recently had someone road rage. :rofl: I let him overtake me then a car got in front of him. He slowed down in front of me so I went to the second right lane and overtook him on the roundabout and that apparently got him very upset he started beeping at me and tried driving me off the road. Of course he held his middle finger up too. LOL.
Why is Netanyahu against peace talks with Iran?
And whats his solution for this, does he really think war is the only solution?
Isnt the main goal of these talks preventing Iran from getting nukes, whats the problem if there is a agreement and Iran resigns of getting nukes?
He supports if Iran give sup uranium enrichment. But Iran does not want to do it.

It's a simple concept. Jews weren't all white. Today, these are all European Jews who are white. The attackers could tell who were white Jewish males. And these white Jewish males are the settlers on occupiers. They aren't originally native to our land. So most of the time they were the victims of their governments expansionist policy which led to an intifada which led to violence.

We weren't looking at a list and Wikipedia isn't sufficient for that. I listed an Israeli government based website that listed victims of attacks as we were looking at.

Prophet Muhammad was reddish white and not the white you think it is. He was sort of like my color skin maybe a little whiter. I doubt it he was white as we refer to it today.
Today Jews are not all white either. Over 90% of Jewish population is brunett. reddish white is more white than most of the Jews :) There is no any contradiction between list on wikipedia and list on gov site. If you check suicide attacks there u will see that virtually all of them are directed against buses, markets, malls and restaurants.

Speaking of terror, 4 months ago it was the anniversary of U.S shooting down Iranian civilian airliner in the sky, killing 290 passengers, including many children.
Also this summer we had anniversary of Israel murdering nearly a thousand of Lebanese civilians in 2006 war.

We have hundreds of other similar anniversaries for terror acts of the Israeli regime.
There is a huge difference between war and deliberate murder. 1000 is not civilians but total killed, mostly hezballons. Now hezballoons help Assad in slaughter of 100,000 Syrians.
Why is Netanyahu against peace talks with Iran?
And whats his solution for this, does he really think war is the only solution?
Isnt the main goal of these talks preventing Iran from getting nukes, whats the problem if there is a agreement and Iran resigns of getting nukes?

The problem is not nukes and never was. That serves as an umbrella.
Israels problem lies in the fact that US may slowly beginning to accept Iran as an independent power-center making independent decisions. As IRI is one of the most anti-Israel government, and supports groups resisting Zionist expansion (like Hezbollah) that irks Israel a great deal.

What Israel really wants is regime change. They want to go back to an era where their security doctrine was "doctrine of the periphery", ie ally itself with the Middle Easts major non-Arab powers, Turkey and Iran.
This is not ever gonna happen. And slowly Turkey herself is beginning to downgrade ties with Israel. Israel is a lost cause, they are simply finished as political Zionism as has exhausted itself.
He supports if Iran give sup uranium enrichment. But Iran does not want to do it.

Today Jews are not all white either. Over 90% of Jewish population is brunett. reddish white is more white than most of the Jews :) There is no any contradiction between list on wikipedia and list on gov site. If you check suicide attacks there u will see that virtually all of them are directed against buses, markets, malls and restaurants.

There is a huge difference between war and deliberate murder. 1000 is not civilians but total killed, mostly hezballons. Now hezballoons help Assad in slaughter of 100,000 Syrians.

It doesn't matter where they are directed, they try to locate off duty military members that way and possible military members. That's why almost every other one were military members killed. And the point is that the Palestinians were being attacked in their land and homes everywhere and couldn't live with freedom or peace. The message of these groups was that as long as we live in those conditions Israelis will live by them too. And it's more a reddish yellowish white. Almost not white even.
Netanyahoo ... suck it bro ... suck it ! :tup:

Netanyahu and his Israel is a victim of the harsh reality of power politics.
Iran, because of its size, population, vast energy resources and strategic location is such a pivotal country.
US strategic and economic interests (Iran is a huge lucrative market) in having better relations with Iran are just too OVERWHELMING, that Netanyahu and his cronies in Washington is trying to do the impossible thing to move against the geopolitical center of gravity. :disagree:

What the hell is Israel?! :omghaha:
Netanyahu and his Israel is a victim of the harsh reality of power politics.
Iran, because of its size, population, vast energy resources and strategic location is such a pivotal country.
US strategic and economic interests (Iran is a huge lucrative market) in having better relations with Iran are just too OVERWHELMING, that Netanyahu and his cronies in Washington is trying to do the impossible thing to move against the geopolitical center of gravity. :disagree:

What the hell is Israel?! :omghaha:
Iran is a center of universe and Soheil is a center of Iran.
He supports if Iran give sup uranium enrichment. But Iran does not want to do it.
Iran will give up enrichment as soon as Israel surrenders all of its nuclear weapons, sign the NPT and open the doors to IAEA. I think that's the fair scenario.
Iran will give up enrichment as soon as Israel surrenders all of its nuclear weapons, sign the NPT and open the doors to IAEA. I think that's the fair scenario.

You know I like you, but I want to point out your extreme stance: Your country and its people should endure sanctions because you/your likeminded want Israel to give up its nukes?!
Iran will give up enrichment as soon as Israel surrenders all of its nuclear weapons, sign the NPT and open the doors to IAEA. I think that's the fair scenario.

Just so you know about these people, they have the weapons to do what they want and they claim to commit acts without the need of expanding them. So for example when they assassinated the Hamas military commander they claimed they wouldn't expand if Hamas doesn't respond. Hamas had a little response for the whole night maybe at most 25 rockets came out of Gaza. Yet, dozens if not hundreds of shells and missiles were fired at Gaza. They want to commit a war against Gaza no matter what this was their objective from the beginning. So beware of their moves. And also media only counted Israeli missiles landing at about 1,500 and didn't count the navy and tank shells. So the numbers of attacks were much higher. Just watch this video early in the conflict you see an explosion every two seconds. Multiple explosions even. The intensity is so high, nobody outside of Gaza experienced what Gaza experiment it's a small strip of land with all these intense attacks. And yet Hamas, PIJ and other Palestinian resistance groups were able to respond fiercely and were able to mobilize. Can you imagine how hard fighting that war is. Thankfully, they learned and modified their tactics so they were able to survive well. Most were underground and Israel had a hard time finding targets. This is why even surviving is considered a great victory yet they did much more of that. Watch this:

You know I like you, but I want to point out your extreme stance: Your country and its people should endure sanctions because you/your likeminded want Israel to give up its nukes?!

You should not want Iran to entirely disband its nuclear capability. The region will be more peaceful if there is a counter balance that is deterring the other one from adventurous unilateral military force. Israels strategic doctrine is based on it being free to use force whenever and wherever it sees fit.
Iran is a huge dent to that doctrine, because of its vast unbombable (at least for Israel) nuclear infrastructure and control of fuel cycle.

Once the US recognizes Iran as an independent power-center (that is the core reason of sanctions, not Iran wanting to Israel to give up its nukes) and accepts Iran with some sort of nuclear capability, believe me the region will become much more peaceful, as Iran and Israel will be locked in a deterrence game.
The mullah regime will be the most stupid one of all time if they came into an agreement with the US.
You know I like you, but I want to point out your extreme stance: Your country and its people should endure sanctions because you/your likeminded want Israel to give up its nukes?!
No I don't want Israel to give up anything, that was just a counter argument.
Here's the thing. Israel wants to impose its will on my country and force it to give up its LEGAL right under a treaty that Iran has signed voluntarily.
My argument is that, will Israel give up its nukes? Of course not. Then it should shut up and stop 'ordering' Iran to do it or that, it should stop the big mouthing. I think you have followed the negotiants and you witnessed who is bi**hing around screaming against a peace deal. You know who is ruining the negotiations, take the latest one in last few days as example.

The mullah regime will be the most stupid one of all time if they came into an agreement with the US.

Why is that?
Nuclear weapons are forbidden in islam we don't want them we want energy

Maybe, From A 'Shia' Doctrine! 
Children are 15% of suicide bombing casualties. The reason why they could not kill more because schools and malls in Israel are guarded.

Almost exclusively civilian targets:
List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

White males? WTF? 

If Pakistan does not have any problems why do u live in USA with 5.5 million Jews?

But please 'enlighten' us why an 'Injin' like yourself is hiding behind not your true flag, hence origin?!
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