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Iran nuclear deal reached

Iran has agreed to halt its nuclear weapons program...and International inspectors have full access to Iran's nuclear program.

How has U.S surrendered?

I hope Iranians play wisely and get full benefit of this opportunity. Hope sanity prevails.

I hope I could see three historic deals in my lifetime....

1) Israel-Palestine comprehensive peace deal.

2) India-Pakistan historic peace deal.

3) Iran-Arab World/Shia/Sunni peace deal authenticated by ALL greatest Islamic Scholars, governments, and peoples...

A peaceful MESA region (Middle-East-South-Asia) will trigger tremendous prosperity for us, and world, Inshallah.
My dear friend, you will see that. Iran has achieved its objective, they never said they are developing nuclear weapon, they have maintained their stance that using nuclear technology for their energy need is their right. This right has been accepted. It has not rolled back the program and will maintain its 12000 centrifuges. It will continue to enrich its uranium and in addition will get enriched uranium also.

When time comes no one will be able to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapon also. Could anyone stop Pakistan, India, Israel (still undeclared). This fact is very much clear to US of A also.

I hope your wish of life time comes true, but I think in my lifetime, i will not be able to see that.
Yeah Right.

Iran continues to enrich Uranium to 5%.
Iran started to enrich Uranium to 20% only after western countries refused to provide Iran with fuel rods, so Iran had to start producing the fuel itself, it wasn't our intention to do so. Now they'll have to give us 20% fuel rods for medical purposes.
Neither Natanz or Fordow facilities are closed, and Iran is planning to build few more nuclear power plants. That's what we've ever wanted from nuclear program, and we've achieved it, although they were trying to deny our rights.
* Arak Plutonium reactor is halted.
* Construction of new advanced centrifuges is halted.
* Enrichment over 5% is halted (for bomb u need over 80%).
* Western spies errr inspectors could travel all over Iranian nuclear objects.

And all that for very limited sanctions removal. Even after this agreement Iran is still in much much worse position than it was in 2010.

There was no 'weapons program' from the start, it was a huge hoax actually by Netanyahu and other warmongers.
Oh yes. Thats why Iran is investing billions upon billions in MRBM? Whats the point in MRBM without WMD? - None.

And why Iran with enormous gas reserves needs that nuclear energy at all which is much much more expensive for Iran than gas?
* Arak Plutonium reactor is halted.
* Construction of new advanced centrifuges is halted.
* Enrichment over 5% is halted (for bomb u need over 80%).
* Western spies errr inspectors could travel all over Iranian nuclear objects.

And all that for very limited sanctions removal. Even after this agreement Iran is still in much much worse position than it was in 2010.

Oh yes. Thats why Iran is investing billions upon billions in MRBM? Whats the point in MRBM without WMD? - None.

And why Iran with enormous gas reserves needs that nuclear energy at all which is much much more expensive for Iran than gas?
then why your leaders are so upset? :azn: :azn: :azn:
it was not a weapon building program from begining, lady.
it was a card to use against Iran.but now it is not so go back and make peace with Palestinians. :dirol:
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* Arak Plutonium reactor is halted.
* Construction of new advanced centrifuges is halted.
* Enrichment over 5% is halted (for bomb u need over 80%).
* Western spies errr inspectors could travel all over Iranian nuclear objects.

And all that for very limited sanctions removal. Even after this agreement Iran is still in much much worse position than it was in 2010.

Oh yes. Thats why Iran is investing billions upon billions in MRBM? Whats the point in MRBM without WMD? - None.

And why Iran with enormous gas reserves needs that nuclear energy at all which is much much more expensive for Iran than gas?
This is a first step in the final step Iran will be allowed to enrich uranium(under 5%) and we will also operate Arak IR-40 reactor and ALL of the western and UN sanction will be lifted.

Quote from the deal
· Comprehensively lift UN Security Council, multilateral and national nuclear-related
sanctions, including steps on access in areas of trade, technology, finance, and energy, on
a schedule to be agreed upon.
· Involve a mutually defined enrichment programme with mutually agreed parameters
consistent with practical needs, with agreed limits on scope and level of enrichment
activities, capacity, where it is carried out, and stocks of enriched uranium, for a period to
be agreed upon.
· Fully resolve concerns related to the reactor at Arak, designated by the IAEA as the IR-40.
No reprocessing or construction of a facility capable of reprocessing.

You can download the official deal from here

And also Iran uses MRBM as a conventional weapons and we have no WMDs or plan to build them in the future
* Arak Plutonium reactor is halted.
* Construction of new advanced centrifuges is halted.
* Enrichment over 5% is halted (for bomb u need over 80%).
* Western spies errr inspectors could travel all over Iranian nuclear objects.

1-arak is not halted u lie spewer !!

"None of the enrichment centers will be closed and Fordo and Natanz will continue their work and the Arak heavy water program will continue in its present form and no material (enriched uranium stockpiles) will be taken out of the country and all the enriched materials will remain inside the country. The current sanctions will move towards decrease, no sanctions will be imposed and Iran’s financial resources will return,” he continued.


2- we have enough 20% enriched uranium to satisfy our needs for yrs . we didnt want nuclear bomb anyway , we can vaporize u whenever needed without nuke

3- western inspectors already visited iranian clear nuclear sites . the problem was about military sites , which iran clarified that will never allow such inspection

:wave: bye

And why Iran with enormous gas reserves needs that nuclear energy at all which is much much more expensive for Iran than gas?

what is to u ? we want it , we reach it . its our right and an stupid regime like that of yours cant stop us from doing so . GO CRY somewhere else you looser . love bibi's worthless face after the deal !!


And also Iran uses MRBM as a conventional weapons and we have no WMDs or plan to build them in the future
MRBM without WMD are useless.

1-arak is not halted u lie spewer !!
Cant you read ur own links?

Iran announces that it will not make any further advances of its activities at the Natanz Fuel
Enrichment Plant 1, Fordow 2, or the Arak reactor 3, designated by the IAEA as IR-40.

Cant you read ur own links?
Iran announces that it will not make any further advances of its activities at the Natanz Fuel
Enrichment Plant 1, Fordow 2, or the Arak reactor 3, designated by the IAEA as IR-40.


you idiot !!! advancement = further development

arak will be still active !!

just like fordow and natanz !!! why are u insisting on ur blooper ? whats the matter with u ? are u a wacko or sth ?

its like youre denying the sun and its shining rays . stupido
you idiot !!! advancement = further development

arak will be still active !!

just like fordow and natanz !!! why are u insisting on ur blooper ? whats the matter with u ? are u a wacko or sth ?

its like youre denying the sun and its shining rays . stupido

Why are you speaking with two tongs? You are crying on IMF about this deal, while defending it over here. This is what you said over there:

couldnt have say it better .

why , i mean why should we do all this without the sanctions being lifted ?

what kind of winning are u talking about brother ?

we just lost it !

what the hell is wrong with us

this is the deal of mr rouhani : we halt our nuclear program for 6 month , in return they do nothing !!!!

thank u rouhani !!! thank u greenies !!! thank u all !!!

its just another turkemenchai kinda deal !!

i really dont understand why u guys are happy !!!

thank u yavar , but still my nationalism feelings are back-stabbed by rouhani .
i'm really sad !! i must be in my class right now , but i'm home staring at the door

still i thank fm zarif for his efforts . i hope it works out and our nation becomes a real winner here .
* Arak Plutonium reactor is halted.
* Construction of new advanced centrifuges is halted.
* Enrichment over 5% is halted (for bomb u need over 80%).
* Western spies errr inspectors could travel all over Iranian nuclear objects.

And all that for very limited sanctions removal. Even after this agreement Iran is still in much much worse position than it was in 2010.

Oh yes. Thats why Iran is investing billions upon billions in MRBM? Whats the point in MRBM without WMD? - None.

And why Iran with enormous gas reserves needs that nuclear energy at all which is much much more expensive for Iran than gas?

Ok ,then. think as you wish.

It's good for Israel, so there is nothing to worry about right? Israel is the winner, congratulations, there shouldn't be any further whining.
you idiot !!! advancement = further development

arak will be still active !!
Arak reactor is not active yet. :lol:

Ok ,then. think as you wish.

It's good for Israel, so there is nothing to worry about right? Israel is the winner, congratulations, there shouldn't be any further whining.
Would be better if Iran continued with hard way Ahmadinutjob style and get more sanctions. But this is not bad either.
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