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Iran nuclear deal reached

This is only a small step forward out of the pit Western warmonger and hegemons have thrown you in them self. For now they pretend to reach out their hands.

Remember it was Western deception and lies which lead to unjustified punishment and sanctions for an alleged crime and threats that never was proven and never happend. Remember it was the Western powers who never fulfilled their obligations towards Iran.

Iran is now making consessions to stop ongoing punishment for a crime it never had committed in first place.
Lets see if these Western powers will abide the agreement this time and it isn't all deception
to push Iran back for years and halt any further progress, for nothing but lies in return.
Lets accept the fact, US surrendered to Iran and remaining sanctions will also go off. I think it was a wise decision, because they cannot afford an Iran after Vietnam of modern times, the Afghanistan. A good way to save face. They better start similar initiatives where ever they have got their fingers stuck in shit.

Iran has agreed to halt its nuclear weapons program...and International inspectors have full access to Iran's nuclear program.

How has U.S surrendered?

I hope Iranians play wisely and get full benefit of this opportunity. Hope sanity prevails.

I hope I could see three historic deals in my lifetime....

1) Israel-Palestine comprehensive peace deal.

2) India-Pakistan historic peace deal.

3) Iran-Arab World/Shia/Sunni peace deal authenticated by ALL greatest Islamic Scholars, governments, and peoples...

A peaceful MESA region (Middle-East-South-Asia) will trigger tremendous prosperity for us, and world, Inshallah.
Iran has agreed to halt its nuclear weapons program...and International inspectors have full access to Iran's nuclear program.

What weapons program? Can you prove if such program existed in first place?

Really funny and sad to see how 'Muslim brothers' are also affected by mass deceiving campaign by mainstream media, Israel and western governments.
This is huge, congrats to Iran. With Sanctions lifted Turkey and Iranian trade will reach a new dimension, this will defenitly benefit us and the other regions in the long run.

I am actually looking forward to seeing Iranian Military products in the upcoming years, if the sanctions where to be lifted.
Iran basically halted its nuclear program.
Iran will get additional 7 billions so it could slaughter more Arabs in Syria.

Good deal to me.

iran basically halted its nuclear program :blah: ====> only 20% enrichment for 6 month .

dont cry !! i know u just got dumped from us :enjoy:

the thing u dont know , is that americans unlike u have peanut size brain !! so they know war with iran = 20000 american soldiers being flattened .

still you didnt realize that if u talk more than your coupon , u will also get wiped out . like whats wiped by toilet paper .:tup::D

no insult .
Congratulations Iranians now you can officially buy Apple Products :enjoy:

Iran has not given that much. The concessions we made were that we PAUSE work on the heavy water reactor and 20% uranium enrichment (something we did not want to enrich in the first place), for some lifting of some sanctions like trade on gold, petrochemical prducts, metals and automotive industry, on top of some access to frozen assets overseas.
So in essence we retain most enrichment and capabilities.

Sure seems like a pretty good win for Iran. :)
Iran basically halted its nuclear program.
Iran will get additional 7 billions so it could slaughter more Arabs in Syria.

Good deal to me.
How good deal for you..? They will make nuclear bombs for minimum deterrence purpose.... They will strike 10-15 nuclear bomb at same time, even if one misses the Israeli defence system. Then, this is end of Israel... You should make good relation with Iran, you have no other option left.... Their program is progressing very fast... :police:
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