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Iran nuclear deal reached

Iran basically halted its nuclear program.
Iran will get additional 7 billions so it could slaughter more Arabs in Syria.

Good deal to me.

I heard it was 42, either way lifting the sanctions will bring far more in the future. This great for us too, now could start selling civilian passenger jets, and military hardware with no fear of violating the sanctions.

Iran will finally get S-300, maybe S-400 who knows:lol:
Iran's civilian passenger jet fleet is old and obsolete, I recommend

Sukhoi Superjet 100




Both as good as their Western counterparts parts, but far cheaper.

Sukhoi Superjet 100 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Irkut MS-21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From what Ive read, the deal is not just that Iran gets acess to frozen funds/assets.
Sanctions lifted on automotive industry and precious metals, civilian aircraft spareparts, petrochemical industry, trade in gold.

We'll have to wait for further information. In any case, everybodys gonna come flocking to Iran to make business eventually because we are a huge lucrative market :D
This was the first diplomat from Iran who talked without stretchng sentences:tup:.
Congrats to Iran ....The Iranians showed great resilience in sanctions now its time for them to usher in new era of economic boom resulting in the prosperity in the life of Iranians
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