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Iran nuclear deal reached

Wary silence from Arabs over Iran deal - DAWN.COM

RIYADH: Iran's nuclear deal with global powers was met with wary silence from Arab states on Sunday, with Iran's only two Arab friends Iraq and Syria welcoming the accord but others keeping their opinions to themselves.

All Arab countries apart from Syria and Iraq are ruled by Sunni Muslims who mainly regard Shia Iran as a foe and have been deeply uneasy over the prospect of any rapprochement with the West that would benefit Tehran.

Arab leaders worry that the deal, under which Iran is being given relief from sanctions in return for curbs to its nuclear programme, signals a thaw in the 30 years of hostility between Tehran and Washington which will give Iran more regional clout.

"I am afraid Iran will give up something on [its nuclear programme] to get something else from the big powers in terms of regional politics. And I'm worrying about giving Iran more space or a freer hand in the region," said Abdullah al-Askar, chairman of Saudi Arabia's appointed Shoura Council, a quasi-parliament that advises the government on policy.

"The government of Iran, month after month, has proven that it has an ugly agenda in the region, and in this regard no one in the region will sleep and assume things are going smoothly," Askar said.

At the time he spoke, Saudi Arabia had yet to give any official response, and Askar stressed that he was giving his personal views. Other Sunni-ruled Arab states also had yet to respond on Sunday.

In the hours before Sunday's deal was sealed, Gulf Arab leaders, including Saudi King Abdullah and the rulers of Qatar and Kuwait, met late on Saturday night to discuss "issues of interest to the three nations".

The Gulf Arab rulers oppose Iran on countless fronts across the region, including Syria, where they fund and arm rebels fighting against Iran's friend, President Bashar al-Assad. They accuse Tehran of fomenting unrest in a range of countries including Yemen, Bahrain, Lebanon and Iraq. Iran denies such meddling.

"The people of the region know Iranian policies and Iranian ambitions. And they know that Iran will interfere in the politics of many countries in the region," Askar added.

By contrast, Iraq, which has a Shia-led government and is the only Arab state that is openly friendly with both the United States and Iran, was quick to praise the agreement.

"The reaching of a deal between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the six international powers is seen as a major step for the region's security and stability levels," Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said in a statement.

"Iraq ... expresses its full support for this step and its readiness to back it, so as to ensure the completion of the remaining phases and to promote a climate of dialogue and peaceful solutions," the statement said.

The Syrian government of Assad, a longterm ally of Iran and a member of the Alawite sect that is an offshoot of Shia Islam, was also pleased.

"Syria feels that reaching such an agreement is a sign that political solutions to crisis in the region are the best path for securing peace and stability, far from any threats of foreign intervention or use of force," a ministry official was cited as saying by state news agency SANA.

Saudi Arabia and other Sunni-ruled countries have expressed unease in recent months over what they see as a recalibration of US policy, especially since Washington abandoned plans in September to strike Syria to punish it for a chemical weapons attack on a Damascus suburb.


In their animosity with Iran, these Arab states created artificial Shia Sunni divide. They have created total mess in Iraq and Syria. Its Muslims who are biggest enemies of fellow Muslims. Hence so much strife in Middle East.

This agreement is a clear defeat of Israel though.
Iran, world powers reach historic nuclear deal with Iran - The Washington Post

Breaking update: A historic agreement has been reached between Iran and six world powers on limits to Iran’s nuclear program, a European Union official confirmed Sunday.

“We have reached agreement between E3+3 and Iran,” an EU spokesman said in Twitter posting.

In a bid to bridge gaps, the U.S. State Department announced Friday that Secretary of State John Kerry would join Iran nuclear talks in Geneva.

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flew to Geneva for the second time in two weeks to try to break the impasse. The Obama administration has been seeking to quickly finalize an agreement in the face of threats by Congress to impose additional economic sanctions on Iran.

The marathon discussions with Iran, which extended into an unscheduled fourth day, were described by Western diplomats as “very difficult” and “intense.” Several officials sought to lower expectations that a resolution could be reached before Sunday, when Kerry and the other foreign ministers were due to depart.


Omg, this is true, Iran may be the second Muslim nuclear nation in the world. Takbeer!

@ResurgentIran, @haman10 , @Serpentine
Congrats Iran if things go as planned and saudies and israelies dont do anything stupid its good for Iran and even better for India now we can increase owr trade and cultural relation with iran iran can have latest tech support and medical supplies and treatments with ease from India and we can get crude oil for much cheaper price and a alternate route to afghanistan and beyond ..india should do as much as possible to help iran make mosty of it now the student and culrtural exchange will go to new hights between two great and ancient civilizations and we can have both a better future ...God Bless Iran and save it from evil eyes of the world :yahoo:
Congratulations to Iranians on this deal. I hope that the situation improves to the extent that Iran and USA have regular diplomatic relations. I know I am getting ahead of myself here, but after so much that has happened since 1979, a chapter needs to be closed and another opened.

In my view Iran is never a threat to the west, Iran is surrounded by Sunni majority countries and is perfect for west to be a friend.
But the events happened in the decades after the Islamic revolution are like smoke screens.

I wrote some months ago, that once the Nuke deal is reached between Iran and West, Iran will become prosperous and strong economy again.
But the wars that are happening in Sunni majority countries will make them weaker and weaker day by day.
The things happening around the world are because of west's war against Islam, Sunnis are seen as threat, Persians from the beginning on wards are pro west.

Interesting perspective, but a bit flawed. Western nations are really no friend to either Sunni or Shia. They would be very happy having both fight each other as long as none of their interests are threatened. In fact they have milked the situation very well. Just look at all the military hardware they have been able to sell to SA, UAE by showing them Iran bogey.

Iranians need to take their rightful place in the world, without feeling the need to threaten anyone. I just wish they would pull back on supporting sectarianism and let other countries of the region be.
In their animosity with Iran, these Arab states created artificial Shia Sunni divide. They have created total mess in Iraq and Syria. Its Muslims who are biggest enemies of fellow Muslims. Hence so much strife in Middle East.

This agreement is a clear defeat of Israel though.

I agree. Read my post # 15. I don't think we should dirty our hands on the iranians. Let someone else do the 'heavy lifting' for once.:usflag:

your hands are dirty enough by now , will cut 'em off if you move .


Supporter or no supporter he's still an idiot.

indeed , he is .

The entire Globe didn't trust Iran except some ME countries

looks like your english classes are payin. off :yahoo:

i dont think isreal is anything is related to.:undecided:

<--- see the avatar, that is my actual reaction to your post

kitty with a tie ? lol :D
A great victory for Iran and a great defeat of Israel. It proves if oyu have guts to stand up for your rights, a seemingly big and pwerful enemy can be defeated.

I m happy for Iran and I m happy an unnecessary flashpoint eliminated. But Israel will not rest. It will find ways to confront Iran again. It wants nothing but destruction of Iran and Inshallah it will fail again and again.

For the record and for forgetful audience. Iran never said it wants to build a nuclear device.
From what Ive read, the deal is not just that Iran gets acess to frozen funds/assets.
Sanctions lifted on automotive industry and precious metals, civilian aircraft spareparts, petrochemical industry, trade in gold.
I guess it means Iran would receive oil money by converting it to gold , perhaps in turkey again, and receiving gold instead of dollar, like what it was couple of months ago.
We'll have to wait for further information. In any case, everybodys gonna come flocking to Iran to make business eventually because we are a huge lucrative market :D

Iran has not given that much. The concessions we made were that we PAUSE work on the heavy water reactor and 20% uranium enrichment (something we did not want to enrich in the first place), for some lifting of some sanctions like trade on gold, petrochemical prducts, metals and automotive industry, on top of some access to frozen assets overseas.
So in essence we retain most enrichment and capabilities.

Sure seems like a pretty good win for Iran. :)

But, they said you have to convert or dilute the 200 kilograms of enriched uranium by the end of the six month period.
But, they said you have to convert or dilute the 200 kilograms of enriched uranium by the end of the six month period.

Yes, the 20 % enriched uranium part. And please bear in mind, Iran did NOT want to enrich this themselves.
We were forced to because the West refused to supply the fuel which we needed for research reactor and medicine for cancer patients.
So any permanent deal will have to include supply of 20 % uranium. We dont need to enrich it ourselves if it is supplied to us, because for the millionth time we are not after nuclear weapons.

Nuclear weapons is VERY much against our strategic interests and security interests. Nuclear weapons era is gone. They have no value except for deterrence, and we already have deterrence by full control of nuclear fuel cycle and indigineous enrichment. And Iran is not bound to dismantle even ONE of the almost 20.000 centrifuges we got in Iran. So I maintain that Iran has not conceded anything significant.
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But, they said you have to convert or dilute the 200 kilograms of enriched uranium by the end of the six month period.

no bro , here is the deal :

iran stops enriching 20% uranium for just six month . and she converts the already enriched 20% to fuel rods .

iran also does not expand its enriching centrifuges . instead some sanctions ,which u know what are they , are lifted .

so iran basically loses nothing on this field . arak reactor will go on as strong as before .
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