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Iran now one of the Top Six Missile Powers - According to Iranian Assistant

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Babur is copy of tomahawk and do u know the diffrnce b/w russian version of brahmos and indian version?


Really ? There is no proof of that except some wild speculations by people who's brain cant comprehend that Pakistan can develop anything :cheesy:

Do you know that Brahmos is Indian painted version of Yakhont ? :azn:
Really ? There is no prove of that except some wild speculations by people who's brain cant comprehend that Pakistan can develop anything :cheesy:

Do you that Brahmos is Indian painted version of Yakhont ? :azn:

Learn yr english grammer first...lol
lets put it off and let us not ruin this thread as Arian asked for.
Iran should most certainly rank higher than Pakistan . Iran makes it's own missiles while Pakistan just buys from China and paints them Green

Post Reported for Trolling ...

Derailing every thread is the favorite hobby of your lot ...

The onus should be on Pakistanis to prove us, that babur is Pakistani produced and not otherwise.....
IT would be a miracle to see n find that pakistan is manufacturing the seekers and the motor, along with precision guidiance mode for it....lol

Ok prove every single missile that India possesses in manufactured indigenously in India ? :cheesy:

Your lot is claiming that Babur is not indigenous , who has the burden of proof now ? :azn: ... Why would it be a miracle because it doesn't matches with the propaganda that you are spoon fed daily , huh ? :lol:

Learn yr english grammer first...lol

Learn to debate without trolling , first :azn: before teaching anyone grammar or anything ...
Please show some indigenous production line for Babur....

Sorry , not everybody likes naked parade of its equipment like some :azn:

so what you understood the massage.
and by the way we are not in english class.

I have seen members act like that when they want themselves to be painted pink :lol:
Right now some Iranians would argue that Iranian missile tech is better than Pakistan, but those are just baseless consumptions... Every Iranian scientist/official always has bias and will always exaggerate it to make Khomeni and Ahmadine look good (example: saying Iran's plane capability is better than F-18 when in reality its just refurbished F-4)
Iran should most certainly rank higher than Pakistan . Iran makes it's own missiles while Pakistan just buys from China and paints them Green .

Right and then you just woke up from you wet dream ... first learn the facts then come back your comments .
Right and then you just woke up from you wet dream ... first learn the facts then come back your comments .

korean no dong,chinese m-9,m-11,tomahawk rings bells??

Only if you say so, but the reality is much different than what you say. As I said before, and I reiterate it, if we exclude Pakistan's missiles nuclear capability, Iran would rank above Pakistan.
I hope we'd see Pakistan in space soon if you're really that advanced, because Pakistan is now kinda in the same league with Iran in politics and international affairs. But you need to acknowledge that all the countries in that list have had successful orbital launches, Russia, USA, France, China, Israel, India, UK, what about Pakistan?
Pakistan is far ahead then many what they shows cz pakistan cz whole worlds is agnst pakistans missile tech since when no other muslim country was even thinkng abt missiles or atom bomb my dear and we got a very big enemy since pakistan was created so we cant show our every best product to the world their is a thing which is called elemental surprise

And i m glad if u guys are devplng more advnce weapons but dont forget its the pakistan who helpd u and will gone help u in future
korean no dong,chinese m-9,m-11,tomahawk rings bells??


I do not know of any Korean Nodong , M-9 , M-11 and Tomahawk in active service with SFC :lol:

Where did you find them ? :azn:
I asked to put it off, unfortunately some people never learn, Well jellodragon their are many unanswered queries from my side and your claim before trying to explain the unexplained. Lets not spoil this Iran specific thread and Arian had already asked for it.

LOL. Pakistan Space Program

First develop missile that doesn't fall after 5 minutes then talk about us...

Btw its your ignorance that you can't find motorcycles that are developed in Pakistan...
Even there are no proof that you got korean missiles in exchange of nuke tech ;)
secondly,you dont know the diffnrce b/w yakhont n brahmos

yeah,you are true that you cant makes any thing.Your missiles never fails where as U.S,russian missiles still reports failures n reported in media ;)
you develop missiles but cant make slv and your satellites are chinese made n launched by chinese :lol:

develop a motorcycle first n then talk about missiles..you too know but behaving like innocent :)

Where's the proof ? :azn: ... Very easy to claim anything , isn't it ?

Secondly , there's no difference between Yakhont and Brahmos ... The latter being the name of the version exported to India with few modifications ...

Every country started like that and then ended up being self reliant and dependent ... No , our failures aren't reported , how about that ? :azn: SLV requires massive finances which we do not have , otherwise do you really think a country manufacturing Intermediate range missile cant sent satellites into space ? Sending via Beijing already operational centers is cost effective , who told you that Pakistan doesn't make satellites ? :azn:

Stop being ridiculous by talking motorcycles and such , otherwise poorer than whole Sub Saharan Africa argument is still there for you ... :lol:
I asked to put it off, unfortunately some people never learn, Well jellodragon their are many unanswered queries from my side and your claim before trying to explain the unexplained. Lets not spoil this Iran specific thread and Arian had already asked for it.

Why did you start in the first place ? :azn: ... There is plenty of stuff posted in Pakistani Strategic Forces to learn and ask any queries ... Why ruin a thread ranking different missile powers ? Your side has ridiculous questions like " Oh , Show us the production Line otherwise it doesn't exist " which need no answer but a simple click on the " Report Post " Link , Got it ?
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