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Iran now one of the Top Six Missile Powers - According to Iranian Assistant

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Lol so much abt babur....but nobody speaks which company/univerity in pakistan manufactures it.....lolum lol ...any production assembly? Who manufactures the motor and the seeker? And the guiding system?

Again, BMD cannot take several targets down at a time, Babur has multi-tube launch system...


I think PA knows this... They will probably launch Babur from Quetta... From Quetta to Delhi is about 700 km and right when Babur enters Indian territor Babur will probably be in terrain hugging mode.

No, I mean the terrain hugging height. The least height Akash can go to intercept is 25-50 km, Babur will be at 0.8 km.

sorry sir,you are an desperate troll...india have radars who can identify any missile fired even from afganistan..:)
do u think that india will wait for missile to come in india and then shoot it down?? :rofl:

show me where it is 0.8m? i think it is around 50m...and u still dont know waht is terrain hugging.
you just know to put this :rofl:


india have very good radars chain especially awacs..so try better sir

Again, BMD cannot take several targets down at a time, Babur has multi-tube launch system...


I think PA knows this... They will probably launch Babur from Quetta... From Quetta to Delhi is about 700 km and right when Babur enters Indian territor Babur will probably be in terrain hugging mode.

No, I mean the terrain hugging height. The least height Akash can go to intercept is 25-50 km, Babur will be at 0.8 km.

Now what is .8 km ? Diameter!!!!

Hatf-VII (Babur) Cruise Missile - IDP Sentinel

Btw, what did I say wrong, it's a proven and well known FACT that a BMD cannot take down several targets at a time.

And Babur now has multi-tube launch system...
This is the production line for BrahMos in BrahMos Aerospace Private Limited, maybe our Pakistani friends can show their production line for Babur. Thank you.

Hatf-VII (Babur) Cruise Missile - IDP Sentinel

Btw, what did I say wrong, it's a proven and well known FACT that a BMD cannot take down several targets at a time.

And Babur now has multi-tube launch system...

For multi tube launchers,there will be multi tube defense :)
isn't it?

and again same thing sir,india wont wait to reach indian border..we can identify n track any missile till the border of baluchistan .:)
once its launched,it will be tracked and missile defence will be fired

NESCOM manufactures Babur.

Ohh so you went to wiki...ok

National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM) is a civilian controlled Pakistani scientific and research organization carrying out research in many engineering and scientific areas including information technology, fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, aerospace engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and chemical engineering, with specialities in the design and production of the defence systems for the Pakistan Armed Forces.
NESCOM is one of the largest and well known research organization in Pakistan.

Any fotos about production assembly?
I can show you about brahmos......
There is nothing, nada, zero, why?
Indians, Indians... Just because there is no photo they think there is nothing there... So if I do not provide photo of God that means he is not real according to Indian ideology?


Right now you do not have multi-tube defense, dear.

Lol maybe its in your wet dream that you can intercept a missile inside of Pakistan. LOL.
Indians, Indians... Just because there is no photo they think there is nothing there... So if I do not provide photo of God that means he is not real according to Indian ideology?


Right now you do not have multi-tube defense, dear.

Lol maybe its in your wet dream that you can intercept a missile inside of Pakistan. LOL.

So god = babur?
Where is the production assembly?
Who manufacture he motor, seeker, guidiance system, along with its fuseloge n fuel...llol o answer...its imported from china like ny other item lol...

Lol. First Indians say Babur stolen from China, then US. LOL. Make up your mind!

I already told you that NESCOM handles all of Babur manufactury, why are you going on about it over and over again? Btw, why do you need a photo, does God need a photo to prove he is real?
Right now you do not have multi-tube defense,

First Try to attack india a la kargil n wait for the devastating results... Lol
And India shouldn't be in top ten list then, because India buys its missiles from Russia and give it a new paint. Level? :azn:

And btw, which Pakistani missile has a green paint, can you enlighten me? :D

So what if we have Chinese missiles... Atleast they don't fall after 5 minutes like your Russian ones do...

Indians, Indians... Just because there is no photo they think there is nothing there... So if I do not provide photo of God that means he is not real according to Indian ideology?


Right now you do not have multi-tube defense, dear.

Lol maybe its in your wet dream that you can intercept a missile inside of Pakistan. LOL.

What more do I need to say and sorry Arian just having a bit of fun with our Pakistani friends, I am done :) Thank you.

Lol. First Indians say Babur stolen from China, then US. LOL. Make up your mind!

I already told you that NESCOM handles all of Babur manufactury, why are you going on about it over and over again? Btw, why do you need a photo, does God need a photo to prove he is real?

I m agnostic, one who does not believe in God, now show me the assembly line if any?

You think this loony dialogue is going to take u long?
There is a russels tea pot arguments....
Follow them...

Russell's teapot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Russell's teapot, sometimes called the celestial teapot or cosmic teapot, is an analogy first coined by the philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) to illustrate the idea that the philosophic burden of proof lies upon a person making scientifically unfalsifiable claims rather than shifting the burden of proof to others, specifically in the case of religion. Russell wrote that if he claimed that a teapot were orbiting the Sun somewhere in space between the Earth and Mars, it would be nonsensical for him to expect others to believe him on the grounds that they could not prove him wrong. Russell's teapot is still referred to in discussions concerning the existence of God.
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