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Iran marks historic US failure in Tabas Desert

Is it common in islam to wish others in hell? I read that alot here. In christianity we believe only god judges about a person and the one who wishs others into hell will most likely go to hell himself. Evry lost life is a tragedy. It is sad, that most muslims have forgotten about this. I believe sometimes that islam is a dead religion, simply because there are no muslims left. The islam i know from our history lessons was much different to what you show me here. I learned that Saladin for example was a kind and wise muslim ruler who never wished death and hell on anyone.

We were in war with him, yet we hold him in high respect in europe.

like ! that's right man ! even in islam that is forbidden to wish somebody in hell. i never did that .especially for dead soldiers. if we even want to blame someone we should first zoom on politicians of one country not soldiers who are just some people of a country. what " oldman " said is one thing i can't stand..
as you said one who wishs others into hell will most likely go to hell himself.
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And may your marines who died in Lebanon bombing rest in hell with the others in Iraq Afghanistan and Vietnam

And may many more Iranians died in Syria as well as in their own country from Israeli assassinations.

let me ask you a questing are the British soldiers who died for east India company are martyrs? they were soldiers and they died for queen and GB, trying to protect GB's interests, queen's name , protecting their countrymen, what an honor...?

So the Iranians who were killed in Syria were Martyrs saving the Syrian regime in Iran's interests?
then you could not report him?? the only way remained was to insult all iranians and all soldiers who died because of defending their land? delete your post

Definitely not. You go report him yourself and lets see what happens. Then I'll do something on my post.

WTF ??? hey! i am iranian that's like a joke. iran has no soldier in syria. what the hell are you talking about???

Oh yes Iranian advisers in disguise. Don't kid.
you got some personal problem with someone not me!
you are offended by some one.ok that's between you and him!!!
not between you and all iranian members or all iranian soldiers who died for defending iran
use your mind!! go and delete your post. you can report him

I'm not going to report anything. I don't take it that personal. Just leave it at that. If you feel offended, just ignore it.
like ! that's right man ! even in islam that is forbidden to wish somebody in hell. i never did that .especially for dead soldiers. if we even want to blame someone we should first zoom on politicians of one country not soldiers who are just some people of a country. what " oldman " said is one thing i can't stand..
as you said one who wishs others into hell will most likely go to hell himself.

then you could not report him?? the only way remained was to insult all iranians and all soldiers who died because of defending their land? delete your post

Most iranians i know are kind people and i can assure you that no european want see bad for your people. We all want a happy life and be happy with our family and friends and i´m sure thats same in iran. Iran for us is not an enemy and i hope iranians feel the same. The current state is not natural in my opinion and hurts both sides.
At least Iranians don't take it up their rear end from Americans unlike some of the so called great neighbours.:lol:

Instead of crying for their pathetically backward and toally worthless country they are trying to ridicule Iran which is a far more advanced society than that backward entity will ever be.

May those many Iranians who were killed in the Iraq-Iran war rest in hell indeed.

But the Americans are and were the aggressors, not the Iranians. Why don't you ever take that into consideration? The ones who should (and undoubtedly will) rot in hell are the aggressors (Americans), and certanly not those who are trying to defend their people and country. But I know that your pathetic American brain is unable to grasp this very simple concept.

I'm sorry, I forgot to mention; may all American soldiers, past, present and future rot in hell. Amen.
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You just got owned. So now you attack my Sect. Not surprised though. As for running to Brits for help no we don't ask aid from Brits unlike your uncle Al Saud who was installed by the British. Al Saud had ''special'' feelings for British spy Humphreys.

You just got owned

By whom? You? No, that isn't what your mother said :lol:. I'm just using your own per logic. There you have a taste of your own medicine, come to you upon your own understanding.

So now you attack my Sect

You must have got an A in your English classes. I never did. Obviously, you do have a problem in understanding what is offensive and what isn't it. Just as much as we've seen coming out of your bigoted attitude.

As for running to Brits for help no we don't ask aid from Brits

I have lived long enough in The UK to see what you have been doing over there.

unlike your uncle Al Saud who was installed by the British. Al Saud had ''special'' feelings for British spy Humphreys

I wish this is true. It would have saved a hell of a time and a hell of rivers of blood. Had this been true, the Brits wouldn't hesitate for a second to " conquer " Arabia.

Instead of crying for their pathetically backward and toally worthless country they are trying to ridicule Iran which is a far more advanced society than that backward entity will ever be.

Be it :D ...

Iran' Mullahs created a comedy to ridicule Iran itself on its own!
What psychopath would name his child Yazid? You might as well change your name into Hitler, I'm not sure which is worse.
There is nothing for Iran to rejoice in this episode.

First, the failure of this particular mission was due to local weather condition, not due to anything done by Iranians. The fact that Americans were able to penetrate so deep in Iran should be a cause of alarm for Iran.

Second, this event contributed to ouster of "big pussy" Carter and paved way for Reagan's presidency, a presidents whose policy of introducing disruptive technologies broke down Soviet Union, a country which could have became an ally of Iran, by forcing them into bankrupting arm's race; and whose policies put US economy in an upward growth trajectory, a period of growth which lasted for three decades.

American's died while trying to save their diplomats from Iranian custody. I don't see as to how they can't be called as martyrs.

My Indian friend,

You're flogging a dead horse. Talking to deaf people won't help it.
they died in their motherland, defending their motherland and not 7000 mi away in middle of desert. bear it deep in your mind we call them Martyrs.

Your country did the most savage thing in diplomacy...broke the diplomat code,and now you're celebrating.Disgusting,foul creatures you are.That's it.Have a nice day.

Is it common in islam to wish others in hell? I read that alot here. In christianity we believe only god judges about a person and the one who wishs others into hell will most likely go to hell himself. Evry lost life is a tragedy. It is sad, that most muslims have forgotten about this. I believe sometimes that islam is a dead religion, simply because there are no muslims left. The islam i know from our history lessons was much different to what you show me here. I learned that Saladin for example was a kind and wise muslim ruler who never wished death and hell on anyone.

We were in war with him, yet we hold him in high respect in europe.

iranians......actually...not iranians.....the mullah servants,most iranians are better than this.
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