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Iran marks historic US failure in Tabas Desert

Debate is actively encouraged in the Gulf. This is why there are Parliaments, legislative Shura councils, and other government institutions and agencies.

The Gulf doesn't attack anyone's Sect or religion

Which Gulf Country is a parliamentary democracy or even a presidential one? Iraq is currently the only functioning Arab republic rest of them are ruled by fat guys with funny smiles and funny clothes on.
Many of the hostages were not even so called "diplomats" but CIA operatives. This has been proven in documents that the Americans shredded in the embassy and tried to conceal. But the pieces actually managed to be patched together, and they reveal the entire command structure and chain of command of SAVAK (the Shah's secret police) and their link with the CIA.

So the incident was not some random act, as some try to portray it, but a reaction to what had transpired in the Shah-era.
However I dont agree with the embassy take over. It didnt serve Iran's interests, but Iran was a chaotic mess and in a revolutionary fury. Most changes tend to be chaotic.
So I would say the embassy take-over was a result of early revolutionary excess.

Iran should have just expelled them out of the country and let them know they are not welcome again.

You should be glad they didnt do it with your embassy staff. Under NO circumstances are the embassy/sovereign land staff are to be laid a finger no matter how much they deserve it. You guys are still facing the consequences in the shape of sanctions.
Which Gulf Country is a parliamentary democracy or even a presidential one? Iraq is currently the only functioning Arab republic rest of them are ruled by fat guys with funny smiles and funny clothes on.
There are parliamentary democracies in the Gulf
First of all, I think you're all a bunch of idiots.

Op. Eagle Claw wasn't aborted after the accident but before the accident ever happened. Commanders on the ground decided to abort after the necessary amount of helicopters hadn't arrived. The ensuing inferno happened after they were given the green light to abort.

the first and last delta force fail !!!

We got something even better; SOCOM.

US attacked Iran to extermination of Islamic Republic and their soldiers died in Tabas desert.

:crazy: I hope you get a better education.

........... great success for glorious great islamic republic of Iran for make benefit and remembering the victory !

I expected better from you. I'm disappointed. :hitwall:

Do you mean the 12 year old kids they marched up to the front as cannon fodder ? Yeah.....F 'em too_Oh yeah, party at my house, July 3rd.

July 3rd, what you're going to get drunk and pass out July 4th? :cheers:

This thread and the language used by both sides is shameful. Talking ill of the dead and disrespecting those who lost their lives for the service of their nations on whatever side is simply despicable. You should all be embarrassed.

I have but 1 'Like' to give. :(

Your country did the most savage thing in diplomacy...broke the diplomat code,and now you're celebrating.Disgusting,foul creatures you are.That's it.Have a nice day.

It wasn't actually the Iranian government per say.
“Argo, Fcuk Yourself” | Page 3
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The Iranians didn't just wake up one day and decide to hold American diplomats captive for no good reason.You are still pretending that you don't understand, do you? Those "diplomats" were CIAspies actively involved in causing mischief in Iran - attempting to overthrow the Iranian goverment as planned by the CIA. That is the whole issue but it seems that your love for Western imperialism blinds you to the facts.

What fucking logic is that?

Do you even have a remote idea about provisions of Vienna convention on diplomatic relation 1961 of whom Iran is also a signatory.

United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law

Article 22: confirms the inviolability of mission premises – barring any right of entry by law enforcement officers of the receiving State and imposing on the receiving State a special duty to protect the premises against intrusion, damage, disturbance of the peace or infringement of dignity. Even in response to abuse of this inviolability or emergency, the premises may not be entered without the consent of the head of mission.

Article 24: ensures the inviolability of mission archives and documents – even outside mission premises – so that the receiving State may not seize or inspect them or permit their use in legal proceedings.
Article 27 guarantees free communication between a mission and its sending State by all appropriate means, and ensures that the diplomatic bag carrying such communications may not be opened or detained even on suspicion of abuse. Given the purposes of diplomatic missions, secure communication for information and instructions is probably the most essential of all immunities.

Article 29 provides inviolability for the person of diplomats and article 31 establishes their immunity from civil and criminal jurisdiction – with precise exceptions to immunity from civil jurisdiction where previous State practice had varied. Immunity from jurisdiction – like other immunities and privileges – may be waived by the sending State, and article 32 specifies the rules on waiver. Article 34 sets out the tax exemption accorded to diplomats along with detailed exceptions in respect of matters unrelated to their official duties or to ordinary life in the receiving State. Article 36 provides for exemption from customs duties on diplomatic imports throughout a diplomat’s posting.

Articles 37 sets out a complex code for the treatment of families and junior staff – where as pointed out above previous practice was varied and negotiation of a compromise difficult. Article 38 bars from all privileges and immunities, except for immunity for their official acts, nationals and permanent residents of the receiving State. These two provisions in many States drastically reduced the numbers of those persons more likely to bring into disrepute the system of privileges and immunities and were fully in accordance with the basic justification applied throughout the Convention of limiting immunities to what is essential to ensure the efficient performance of the functions of diplomatic missions as representing States.

Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is some literature on diplomatic immunity which forms part of same treaty.

Diplomatic immunity is a form of legal immunity that ensures that diplomats are given safe passage and are considered not susceptible to lawsuit or prosecution under the host country's laws, although they can still be expelled.

Diplomatic immunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And here an article which gives relation between espionage and diplomacy

Diplomacy is closely linked to espionage or gathering of intelligence. Embassies are bases for both diplomats and spies, and some diplomats are essentially openly acknowledged spies. For instance, the job of military attachés includes learning as much as possible about the military of the nation to which they are assigned. They do not try to hide this role and, as such, are only invited to events allowed by their hosts, such as military parades or air shows. There are also deep-cover spies operating in many embassies. These individuals are given fake positions at the embassy, but their main task is to illegally gather intelligence, usually by coordinating spy rings of locals or other spies. For the most part, spies operating out of embassies gather little intelligence themselves and their identities tend to be known by the opposition. If discovered, these diplomats can be expelled from an embassy, but for the most part counter-intelligence agencies prefer to keep these agents in situ and under close monitoring.

The information gathered by spies plays an increasingly important role in diplomacy. Arms-control treaties would be impossible without the power of reconnaissance satellites and agents to monitor compliance. Information gleaned from espionage is useful in almost all forms of diplomacy, everything from trade agreements to border disputes.

Diplomacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

to sum it up nicely

1. Embassies, each and every one of them is a den of spies. Espionage is an integral part of Embassy's functions. The cry of US embassy being CIA den is a pure baloney.

2. Diplomatic immunity is absolute. Even if a diplomat rape and kills an Iranian by skinning him/her alive and wear his/her skin as a pelt, he can't be prosecuted in Iran unless his parent country waves immunity. This is the extent to which ironclad immunity is provided to diplomats and i have already shown that embassy premise in inviolable.

The end to which embassy premise was being used simply does not matter. Iran is a signatory of Vienna convention and takeover of embassy was an out and out criminal act on part of Iranian regime.

You are either not very smart or simply dishonest.

Refrain from name calling especially in situation when your opponent is intellectually superior to you.
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i hope you get a better education

at least my educatoin is not based on a holywood movie like your's :D LOL
what? that was not a failure??
you can even get more info in wikipedia:

Operation Eagle Claw (or Operation Evening Light or Operation Rice Bowl)[1] was an United States Armed Forcesoperation ordered by US PresidentJimmy Carter to attempt to end the Iran hostage crisis by rescuing 52 diplomats held captive at the embassy of the United States, Tehran on 24 April 1980. Its failure, and the humiliating public debacle that ensued, damaged US prestige worldwide. Carter and many experts concluded that the failure to free the hostages played a major role in Ronald Reagan's victory in the 1980 US presidential election.[2
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It was aborted before the actually helicopter crashed.

As far as anything is concerned the Mission was scrubbed. When the order was given to abort.

The US Servicemembers who died died after the mission was aborted.

Besides, what role did Iran play in this mission being aborted? None. And here you all are brainwashed by the mullahs into thinking the Ayatollah saved you.
It was aborted before the actually helicopter crashed.

As far as anything is concerned the Mission was scrubbed. When the order was given to abort.

The US Servicemembers who died died after the mission was aborted.

Besides, what role did Iran play in this mission being aborted? None. And here you all are brainwashed by the mullahs into thinking the Ayatollah saved you.
don't make me laugh more :D don't make another hollywood story
maybe they said so i don't know just to try cover their failure
yeah the good point was that we had not to do anything about it since delta forces killed themselves with no enemy force :D
that's why i said it is a big shame for us
It was aborted before the actually helicopter crashed.

As far as anything is concerned the Mission was scrubbed. When the order was given to abort.

The US Servicemembers who died died after the mission was aborted.

Besides, what role did Iran play in this mission being aborted? None. And here you all are brainwashed by the mullahs into thinking the Ayatollah saved you.
Iranians have nothing to do with the failure of the operation it's act of god
God saved and protected iran from them and made their soldiers like kebab
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