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Iran, major powers reach historic nuclear deal

couldn't say it better
Go burn some flags to solve the internal problems, you want to keep the sanctions alive while Qatar is sucking the gas out of north dome/south pars field :lol:. Lanat bar harkasi va har andishey ahrimani ke shoma div-parastaro zede-Irani bar avorde.
Agha ... lazem nist khodeton ro jer bedid ke ay mamlekat az dast raft !!!

man az hame shoma atisham tond tare ... vali hatman ye chizi hast ke saketam !

shoma ham lazem nist negaran bashid ...
don't be too happy, nothing has happened, in Iran there are supreme leader and a parliament who constantly watch our government to make sure your joy wont last much. regarding this deal, it hasn't been confirmed yet.

I don't want to be rude with you mohsen because I respect you personally. But I meant to say that this deal (if it gets approved by the U.S Congress) could have happened at least 2 years ago. Why did the Iranian government wait so long to accept many of what used to be "red lines"? Iran has accepted inspecting its facilities, which used to be unthinkable some time ago. During these 2 years, Iran suffered huge economic damages as a result of the sanctions which could have easily exceeded $ 400 - $ 600 billion in total. Let alone the massive frustration that Iranians have to go through only return to square number 1 by accepting some "red lines".
I don't want to be rude with you mohsen because I respect you personally. But I meant to say that this deal (if it gets approved by the U.S Congress) could have happened at least 2 years ago. Why did the Iranian government wait so long to accept many of what used to be "red lines"? Iran has accepted inspecting its facilities, which used to be unthinkable some time ago. During these 2 years, Iran suffered huge economic damages as a result of the sanctions which could have easily exceeded $ 400 - $ 600 billion in total. Let alone the massive frustration that Iranians have to go through only return to square number 1 by accepting some "red lines".
Two years ago usa even could not accept 100 centrifuge in iran and wanted Arak closed not redesigned.
Congratulation to our Iranian friends. This again proved "Tough time never last but Tough people do"

I am really thinking on the policy shift of US towards Saudi. Its now very clear and confirmed. I think it will be very tough for current Saudi regime ( augmented by US and not by public support) to survive.

Further , I have one question to my Iranian friends- How you rate role of India during your tough time. Whether India played its friendly role to the extent possible under sanction regime? Or India just exploited the situation to ge benefit from Iran. I am not asking for analysis , only want to understand common perception prevails in Iran towards India.

@mohsen, @2800, @JEskandari, @Daneshmand, @, @Arminkh, @haman10, @Serpentine

Thank you my friend.

To be honest, India's position was mostly neutral. We Iranians, expected help which we didn't receive. But to be fair, I think our expectation was unrealistic and more arouse from our own culture which requires us to stay with our friends no matter what. We call it "Javanmardi". I don't know any translation in English that covers the true meaning of the word. You can see it in Iran's attitude towards Syria, Iraq and Palestine. We'd do much better now if we had given up on those countries, but we don't.

In real world politics, countries should look after their own interest first and there is nothing wrong with it.

In Iran case, many countries not only looked after their own interests but took extra measures to put pressure on Iran. Most of the European countries were in that group.

Some others, tried to only follow the US demands to the point that it wouldn't jeopardize their relation with US and the West. India, China, Turkey and to some extent Russia were among those countries. They didn't do anything to dispute US demands but also didn't introduce their own sanctions.

So I think India, was able to maintain a good balance in its foreign policy. I think we should thank India for its neutral stance which is what is expected from a world grade power.
I don't want to be rude with you mohsen because I respect you personally. But I meant to say that this deal (if it gets approved by the U.S Congress) could have happened at least 2 years ago. Why did the Iranian government wait so long to accept many of what used to be "red lines"? Iran has accepted inspecting its facilities, which used to be unthinkable some time ago. During these 2 years, Iran suffered huge economic damages as a result of the sanctions which could have easily exceeded $ 400 - $ 600 billion in total. Let alone the massive frustration that Iranians have to go through only return to square number 1 by accepting some "red lines".
what you said is partially true. but problems are still there. USA insist on inspecting military sites and we insist no. what they did was to separate PMD issue as a dill between Iran and IAEA so that both governments could reach at least a temporary dill to have some hope for their next election.
Breaking news!
Iranian supreme leader answered Rohani's boasting and lies letter in a cold response, called Americans untrustworthy and asked this deal to be carefully reviewed by authorities (Parliament).
پاسخ رهبر انقلاب به نامه رئیس‌جمهور درباره مذاکرات هسته‌ای

this is for those who were saying supreme leader has already confirmed the deal and were angry with critics!
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Thank you my friend.

To be honest, India's position was mostly neutral. We Iranians, expected help which we didn't receive. But to be fair, I think our expectation was unrealistic and more arouse from our own culture which requires us to stay with our friends no matter what. We call it "Javanmardi". I don't know any translation in English that covers the true meaning of the word. You can see it in Iran's attitude towards Syria, Iraq and Palestine. We'd do much better now if we had given up on those countries, but we don't.

In real world politics, countries should look after their own interest first and there is nothing wrong with it.

In Iran case, many countries not only looked after their own interests but took extra measures to put pressure on Iran. Most of the European countries were in that group.

Some others, tried to only follow the US demands to the point that it wouldn't jeopardize their relation with US and the West. India, China, Turkey and to some extent Russia were among those countries. They didn't do anything to dispute US demands but also didn't introduce their own sanctions.

So I think India, was able to maintain a good balance in its foreign policy. I think we should thank India for its neutral stance which is what is expected from a world grade power.
LOL You think we were neutral but Americans kept busting our balls for over maintaining 'favourable ties' with you. Most Indo-Iranian co-operation has been under the cover ever since the Congress government came to power here. In the previous NDA government (same as now), we very much had a budding relationship and in their last year we even signed a military-technical agreement. But the Congress government was a complete failure in foreign policy (among various other things) and let the relationship slide. Even the Chabhar (signed this year) port agreement was done with previous NDA government. Thats not to say that thats an excuse over India's lack of support. India's vote at IAEA against Iran would have unfortunately happened irrespective of the government as that was important for securing the nuclear deal with the Americans and you are right, countries after a point have to be pragmatic.
Rest assured with the removal of sanctions and with the ascendancy of a proactive government in India, Indo-Iranian ties will move up in a big way.
haven't gone thru the details of the deal but wondering will this deal make it impossible for Iran to make a Nuke Bomb in future ? And If so, why Israel is crying and warning it will take military action on possible Iranian Nuke asset as the deal is in completely favor of Iran!

And, if Iran under the deal has completely given up its Nuke aspirations then why the heck they lived under sanctions for many years just to give it up one fine day?

Can anyone enlighten the forum on key take aways for Iran and the US led countries?
The pain is in yours when you read the truth and can't bear it!
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
جناب آقای رئیس‌جمهور
با سلام و تحیت و تشکر از زحمات فراوان جنابعالی، اولاً لازم میدانم از تلاش پیگیر و پرطاقت هیئت مذاکره‌کننده‌ی هسته‌ای صمیمانه تشکر و قدردانی کنم و پاداش الهی را برای آنان مسألت نمایم، سپس، به سرانجام رسیدن این مذاکرات، گام مهمی است، با این حال لازم است متنی که فراهم آمده با دقت ملاحظه و در مسیر قانونی پیش‌بینی شده قرار گیرد و آنگاه در صورت تصویب، مراقبت از نقض عهدهای محتمل طرف مقابل صورت گرفته و راه آن بسته شود. به خوبی میدانید که برخی از شش دولت طرف مقابل به هیچ رو قابل اعتماد نیستند.
از ملت عزیز انتظار دارم که همچنان وحدت و متانت خود را حفظ کنند تا بتوان در فضای آرام و خردمندانه به منافع ملی دست یافت.
والسلام علیکم و رحمه‌الله
سید علی خامنه‌ای

mage een name nist ?

entezar chi ru dashtid ? beparan hava az khoshi ?

"This deal is not perfect for anyone" remember that

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