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Iran, major powers reach historic nuclear deal

I can't sleep ... even when my GrandFather died , I wasn't as Sad as now ...

I feel the same. I feel that all our talks was meaningless. We are just another middle eastern country that is happy that USA pats us on the head. The revolution is dead. A bunch of old people are in power, who have no belief in their own abilities.

Dorood bar marde bahar keh tamha un bud keh baraye keshfareshbdel suz bud. Remember, when we sent an monkey into space and the west and west-wannabe Iranians made fun of it? And now, when we close everything down, they dance In the streets

They told us its give and take. We gave up out rights, we allow them inspections, we stop research, and in exchange they give up...what, exactly? They allow us to buy their airplanes? Is that suppose to be the! Giving up something?

Remember when Zarif said, never threaten an Iranian and journalists used that as headlines? We love to be proud of our words but on the ground, what exactly? Never threaten an Iranian or I will make a twitter account?

Khomeini, mossadeq, ahmadenijad, we have 1 fighter every generation, and each time, our own people try to either destroy them or all their hard work.
Israel wants to fool people and tries to keep international pressure on Iran. I am sure that zionist pigs are happy right now.
No, they are not they would like to keep Iran they it was not the way it will be next few years from now.
Well done Iran. This pact will bring major prosperity in the region. Specially resolve Pakistan energy crisis.
Be sure to tell most Turkish forumers living in Europe the same thing. Unlike you, desert dweller, I was born in the Netherlands, and will NEVER trade it for any other country. Not even if 'mo' came to me on his flying horse to pick me up. I'm DUTCH, even though I have different backgrounds. Turkey is nice to go to vacation, Iran probably is too, and NO, I wouldn't live in any of them. We're diaspora, get used to it. Or is the desert heat making you incapable of thinking?

Amen Brother, amen. Home is where the heart is :)

Iran does not need to buy anything except fighter planes. Couple hundred Pak-FA should be a must for Iran. Iran also needs to do everything it can to get as much transfer of technology as possible and buy technology related to fighter jet development. Only area we are seriously lacking at the moment is fighter jets.

Realisticly speaking Iran really needs more fighters jets from all roles considering its aging fleet and limited budget. Meaning if the Iranian Air Force wish to retain its current size it would probably need to opt for 4/4.5 generation fighter jets, as the any 5th generation fighter would be extremely costly and production rate will be far to slow. Example: Turkey will buy 100 F-35's for a nice price of nearly 16 Billion Dollar's by 2030.
Dorood bar marde bahar keh tamha un bud keh baraye keshfareshbdel suz bud. Remember, when we sent an monkey into space and the west and west-wannabe Iranians made fun of it? And now, when we close everything down, they dance In the streets
couldn't say it better
Interesting times we live in......... wait for Saudia to have a heart attack from falling crude prices.......... expect the crude to hit 37 - 43 USD, as Iran pumps more and more oil to develop it's infrastructure that has been in stagnation for the past 30 odd years........

Shit is about to hit the fan...... time to multiply money.......... :pop:
guys who would participate on a bet about the due appearance date of the famous spirit of the deal?
These are the cards:

1 week
1 month
2 months
6 months
8 months
2 years
8 years
10 years
15 years
25 years
when Iran destroyed Arak Reactor core
when Iran removed Natanz and Fordo centrifuges and infrastructure
all of them (master card)
guys who would participate on a bet about the due appearance date of the famous spirit of the deal?
These are the cards:

1 week
1 month
2 months
6 months
8 months
2 years
8 years
10 years
15 years
25 years
when Iran destroyed Arak Reactor core
when Iran removed Natanz and Fordo centrifuges and infrastructure
all of them (master card)
And Israel calls it

Why you think?
guys who would participate on a bet about the due appearance date of the famous spirit of the deal?
These are the cards:

1 week
1 month
2 months
6 months
8 months
2 years
8 years
10 years
15 years
25 years
when Iran destroyed Arak Reactor core
when Iran removed Natanz and Fordo centrifuges and infrastructure
all of them (master card)
The centrifuge removed from natanz and fordow can be installed in 1 to 2 months and honestly they are old and inefficient .

About Arak core nothing happens to it until the replacement is designed and ready to put inside the reactor chambre .
Interesting times we live in......... wait for Saudia to have a heart attack from falling crude prices.......... expect the crude to hit 37 - 43 USD, as Iran pumps more and more oil to develop it's infrastructure that has been in stagnation for the past 30 odd years........

Shit is about to hit the fan...... time to multiply money.......... :pop:

It is said, Iran has already stored over 40 million barrels of oil and condensate which if released into market suddenly, will crash the market prices. Also over short term a million barrel more per day and over medium term over a couple of million barrel per day will be added to Iran's already 1 to 1.2 million per day barrel exports. Over long term Iran plans to eventually reach pre-revolution level of 6 million barrels per day. It will take a few years since Iran has been under sanctions by oil companies for so long since revolution but now it has become possible to reach that level.

Expect Saudi importance in oil market to substantially decline. With more oil fields from Brazil to US coming online, the Saudis will lose their only importance in geostrategic affairs.
Well West is going to release 100 billion of Iranian govt, that will bring huge boost in its economyl

The most interesting words been used for Iranian in multiple US media outlet ....A country of 80 million people very well educated and well mannered ....See so much respect of Iranian govt in US ...basically.
The centrifuge removed from natanz and fordow can be installed in 1 to 2 months and honestly they are old and inefficient .
establishment of centrifuge's infrastructure would take 3 or 4 years, that 3 or 4 month was in case of centrifuge's only removal which thanks to negotiating team and based on absolute trust on U.S this red line was ignored.

About Arak core nothing happens to it until the replacement is designed and ready to put inside the reactor chambre .
sorry, beforehand I express my deep condolence to to reveal more Rohani's lies:
page 21:
will remove the existing calandria and retain it in Iran. The calandria will be
made inoperable by filling any openings in the calandria with concrete such that the
IAEA can verify that it will not be usable for a future nuclear application
establishment of centrifuge's infrastructure would take 3 or 4 years, that 3 or 4 month was in case of centrifuge's only removal which thanks to negotiating team and based on absolute trust on U.S this red line was ignored.

sorry, beforehand I express my deep condolence to to reveal more Rohani's lies:
page 21:
will remove the existing calandria and retain it in Iran. The calandria will be
made inoperable by filling any openings in the calandria with concrete such that the
IAEA can verify that it will not be usable for a future nuclear application

I do not think it will take 3 or 4 years. Since structure remains only centrifuges will be put in storage. Additionally Iran can continue to research on Ir-8 and Ir-6, as much as it wants but will not just feed UF6 gas into it. Which is a formality.

Also the calandria is strategically unimportant. Since Iran officially does not want to build nukes as of now. The most important thing here is the knowledge that Iran has accumulated and this can not be taken away short of occupying Iran then tracking down and assassinating every single Iranian scientist, engineer and technician employed by Iran's atomic energy and research institutes/universities.

The knowledge is there. If push comes to shove, the knowledge will be put into use.
I will trust the text put on the official website of Iranian and American foreign ministries.no Raja BS!

Congratulation to our Iranian friends. This again proved "Tough time never last but Tough people do"

I am really thinking on the policy shift of US towards Saudi. Its now very clear and confirmed. I think it will be very tough for current Saudi regime ( augmented by US and not by public support) to survive.

Further , I have one question to my Iranian friends- How you rate role of India during your tough time. Whether India played its friendly role to the extent possible under sanction regime? Or India just exploited the situation to ge benefit from Iran. I am not asking for analysis , only want to understand common perception prevails in Iran towards India.

@mohsen, @2800, @JEskandari, @Daneshmand, @, @Arminkh, @haman10, @Serpentine
Interesting times we live in......... wait for Saudia to have a heart attack from falling crude prices.......... expect the crude to hit 37 - 43 USD, as Iran pumps more and more oil to develop it's infrastructure that has been in stagnation for the past 30 odd years........

Shit is about to hit the fan...... time to multiply money.......... :pop:

With their nice deficit spending. Going to be fun! Buying Arab love costs money. Bombing Yemen's world heritage sites costs money. Funding ISIS Nosra and all others, costs money. Those desert dwelling, golden toilet sh!tting 'royals' are going to get theirs soon.

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